New gun or is this just a new development? If it's literally malfuctioning after nearly ever round sounds like there's something wrong with the gun. Or maybe it has a stiff spring and the ammo isn't hot enough.
My Sig P229 won't shoot WWB without stovepiping after every round. But it'll chew right through any other ammo.
Well, it's never successfully shot cheaper ammo. The only thing I could get it to shoot was Winchester white box. Yesterday, it wouldn't even shoot that. Now, you can blame it on a poor cleaning, limp wrist, ammo, or whatever, BUT....the Bersa Thunder didn't have any problems at all, and I cleaned it the same, held it the same, and shot the same ammo. I think I'm going to sell the PPK and wait a couple of years for the new one to come out through Umarex.
The last time I sent a gun to Walther, they had it for 3 months. Pretty sure I'm going to trade it for a Bersa BP9cc or a Glock 43. Thoughts?
The last time I sent a gun to Walther, they had it for 3 months. Pretty sure I'm going to trade it for a Bersa BP9cc or a Glock 43. Thoughts?