The Official #6 [2] Tennessee vs. #3 [1] Purdue Game Thread, 2:20 PM ET, ESPN

There will be some. I don't think they know we got beat by a better team and a higher seed.
Personally, I thought Barnes had a good game plan and the game went down to the wire. Unfortunately, Knecht was our only offense with the exception of JJJ in the first half. He should’ve had more looks in the second half, imo.
Defensively, we dared Edey to beat us and he did.
He's probably still camped out in the lane too!
Why leave if the refs aren’t gonna call it, right? I mean do what you can and can’t get away with and go with it. And thats what he did. Not his fault, but the refs for allowing it.
That’s not choking. That’s just missing some shots. We played our hearts out and lost. We didn’t choke today man. We just got beat by a 7’ 4” guy that shot a bunch of free and got every call. He had one friggin foul against him. We didn’t choke. We watched two different games.
I think someone said - not sure if true - that the foul on Edey late was his first in the tournament? That can’t be right?? ZZ was 3-12 and 2-5 from the FT line . . . He and Aidoo picked a bad time to both play poorly.
One thing - this makes my life MUCH easier. I now absolutely don't give a damn who wins the NCAA. I despise all five of the remaining teams. Although I may watch Doook vs Edey just to watch Edey foul out in the 1st half. The refs will ALWAYS favor Doook.
I would normally agree but it feels predetermined this year to be UCONN-Purdue. And while that game should be a UCONN steamrolling, even there the officials will say, “Not so fast, my friend!”
Why leave if the refs aren’t gonna call it, right? I mean do what you can and can’t get away with and go with it. And thats what he did. Not his fault, but the refs for allowing it.
That is exactly the point, they let him get away with anything he want's to do. Just cause he is a big Shrek doesn't mean they should allow it.
You’re digging for stuff that isn’t there man. We lost because of the bias officiating and it’s frustrating. Oh yeah. 1st person with 40 points and 15 rebounds in the tourney since 1990. So a non skilled person to do something that’s hasn’t been done in 34 years. I’m not an Edey fan and we all knew how this was gonna be called. Was just hoping it wasn’t gonna be as bad as it was.
I’m not the one digging, just calling it like I see it.
Well maybe we needed more of that suck and we would’ve won.
We needed him to be called fairly as well as the game, if so he likely fouls out and has at least three turnovers which were walks he wasn't called for. One resulted in him going to the line and making his FTs. We needed ZZ and JJJ to show up which didn't happen much outside of the first half and we needed anybody in the paint. I thought Estrella did well all things considering. It was absolutely atrocious officiating coupled with our typical droughts that did us in.
Appears he is a jerk off the court too.
His mongoloid no athletic having self will be struggling to learn the native language of whatever **** hole he is playing in next year while getting abused by actual ball players without his protection from the ncaa zebras. I'm not sure he's smart enough to figure babel out.

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