The Official #6 TENNESSEE (3-0) vs. #15 Oklahoma (3-0) Thread - Zone Edition - 9/21 @ 7:30 EST - from Memorial Stadium (Norman, OK) - ABC

Banks will have a HC gig after this year.
OR.....he could recognize that interning under a coach building a SEC Dynasty at a top tier school might be more advisable for awhile, as HC job is very different then OC or DC.....and it would be worth riding out for awhile first. To learn from Heupel on the HC front, and to continue to hone his skills with top talanted players now. (crossing fingers)
OR.....he could recognize that interning under a coach building a SEC Dynasty at a top tier school might be more advisable for awhile, as HC job is very different then OC or DC.....and it would be worth riding out for awhile first. To learn from Heupel on the HC front, and to continue to hone his skills with top talanted players now. (crossing fingers)
I think that's why Inge is here: to take over for Banks.

I seriously cannot believe Rich Rod is not being mentioned to take Napier's place.
IF he gets a good offer he gone.


I find this fear mongering "unnecessary", which I wanted to correct but I had to edit that a bunch of times as it kept messing up my pics, and it was close enough. But I have been saying for awhile go ahead and extend his contract now! Show Banks the Money!!!!! He deserves it.
I don't think Banks has any desire to leave right now, certainly not before a run on the NC title here. (also I was just trying to get in "Unnecessary" to prove i knew how to spell it.)
I don't think Banks has any desire to leave right now, certainly not before a run on the NC title here. (also I was just trying to get in "Unnecessary" to prove i knew how to spell it.)
Golesh probably didn't have a "desire" to leave. I'd say not many coordinators "desire" to leave. HC offers and millions in pay increase is hard to turn down.

Are we really talking about this? Lol.
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You didn't indict me. And the prosecution has failed to prove in anyway I am guilty of such a heinous crime. I have been a Tim Banks fan from day one, and I did not doubt him. You posted what you posted, and I posted what i posted...but I wasn't posting in response to your post, only my doubts in the outcome of that game. The proof of this is in the time stamp. Both Posts happened at 10:26, We posted within seconds of each other.

I submit Evidence A: The Thread
The link you screenshotted.

This should be enough, However, as I feel my character and faith in Banks has been called into question both barrels of unesceccery autism is incoming.

I submit Evidence B: Things I actually said in that thread.

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How I responded to the Tim Banks hate....
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I submit Evidence C: What I said about Tim Banks Prior and my thoughts on his ability, and as to his character.

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As a sidebar I submit Evidence D: Mojo is always wrong...just always....turrible....
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If you continue to sully my name in regards to Banks I will have to consider suing for libel.
you have always hated him! don't hide whats in your heart!
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ill say my frustrations with banks were due to being stuck in the last century. I did a lot of thinking about it last year, and realized nobody is really that great at defense anymore. There are so many different viable forms of offense these days you might see a truly dominant defense once or twice every 3-4 years in the entire division
Pump the brakes.

I kid. If I see that one more time I'm gonna lose it.
Every time someone posts a line, any line, theres always someone there to immediately respond "IT DOESNT MATTER NOTRE DAME GEORGIA BLAH BLAH BLAH FAVORED BY BLAH" as if the entire adult population of this site doesn't realize vegas isn't always right
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Every time someone posts a line, any line, theres always someone there to immediately respond "IT DOESNT MATTER NOTRE DAME GEORGIA BLAH BLAH BLAH FAVORED BY BLAH" as if the entire adult population of this site doesn't realize vegas isn't always right
Lol. Preach.
you have always hated him! don't hide whats in your heart!
I have never! I have been his fan from the start. You're projecting your own previous poor judgement. Banks is my man, and my favorite Coach since Chief, and may Chief's spirit haint you for eternity for intimating such a nasty thing.
ill say my frustrations with banks were due to being stuck in the last century. I did a lot of thinking about it last year, and realized nobody is really that great at defense anymore. There are so many different viable forms of offense these days you might see a truly dominant defense once or twice every 3-4 years in the entire division

Every time someone posts a line, any line, theres always someone there to immediately respond "IT DOESNT MATTER NOTRE DAME GEORGIA BLAH BLAH BLAH FAVORED BY BLAH" as if the entire adult population of this site doesn't realize vegas isn't always right
They’re right more than they ain’t.

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