The official "I was wrong" thread.

I was wrong about Volnation being something I would get bored with after a month or two. Love this place.
I was wrong thinking hart knew how to perform a coaching search.. I was wrong to believe that we would one day be so bad in football vol fans would think a 6 n 6 season with a win over vandy was a great year.....

Go vols....
An opportunity to man up, and even laugh at yourself a little. With so much change in the last few years, there should be many opportunities. Ex: I was wrong; Tyler Bray never had a chance at the Heisman, even with Son of a Dooley at the helm.

I was a Bray fan. Very disappointed he wasn't drafted. I must admit after watching the Gruden interview and analysis, my take on Bray has been modified. I think he played less to win than for the stats. The constant throws down field when his RBs and TEs were often open. failure to check down they said, not sure he wanted to. Of course it might be on Chaney who wanted an air raid type offense. But I do think it was mainly Bray. Then you had statements about Bray being so laid back, DD statements about Bray not caring and that he'd go for it if was 4th and 50 or something like that.

Despite all this, I still think if Bray gets a decent coach who knows how to work with QBs, he will become a terror in the NFL. I think Andy Reid is that coach and we will see Bray become a Brady-A.Rodgers hybrid. he's not brainy enough to be a Peyton but with the right coach, i honestly believe he will become a feared QB. He must, must, must set aside his Brett Favre persona and listen to his coaches. That was the other thing I saw with the Gruden talk, he doesn't truly listen to his coaches. That game where he stared down his coaches (USCe?) and he has probably done it before but not caught on camera. DD should have benched him then and there though the Vol faithful would have vilified him for that. Sit him and leave him there for the rest of the season. But unfortunately, DD needed TB to keep his job so TB got away with a lot. I can't help but think the quirky relationship began its nosedive when Da'Rick was dismissed. This took away a sure tool for Bray to pad his stats big time. Once again, my hope is TB proves coachable and become the terror of the NFL he is capable of being.
I was wrong for spending time bantering back and forth with the bama idiots (tuskaloosa times and bama writer) trying to get them to leave or just shut-up...they are genetically the same...Go Vols
Everyone on VN was wrong about Gruden. Not me I was the only one right.

False. I and several others poohed poohed the idea that Gruden was UT's man. Indeed I and some didn't and don't want him here. We just don't think he's all you folks make him out to be. His coaching record isn't all that great and the one team he did win with was other people's players. After that he flopped like a flounder. Plus, UT in no way could afford what he'd demand.
If everyone started a thread about what they were wrong about, VN's servers would explode
I think I predicted a 6 win season last year. If so, I was wrong. I thought Tennessee was at least a .500 team. Too much confidence, apparently.
I don't have to worry about tracking each time I am wrong. My wife keeps track on a spreadsheet.
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i was wrong in once thinking that the Gators, dawgturds, and bamaturds that hang around here are not really trolls but simply looking for the intelligent, reasoned discourse that is impossible to find on their own team forums.
I love group therapy; I feel such a sense of peace after reading all these posts.

Just don't invite any of our defense to Anger Management sessions; I prefer them to be nasty.

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