The Official SC @ #1 Tennessee Series Thread (Thurs. May 16 6:30PM EST SECNET+) (Fri. May 17 6:30PM EST SECNET+) (Sat. May 18 1PM EST SECNET+)

I know 3-4 guys on GT and attendance is so low they asked me to please attend some with my friends because THAT's how thinly attended the games are. Every game I attended, they either lost, or it rained or it was cold, rainy and they lost haha. I went to Kennesaw. I watched AT UGA etc. A game was cancelled....

It's soooo hard to support them.

I like the guys, but my gosh, I can't remember going to a game and seeing them actually win.
They finished 31-21 (15-15) so it’s not all bad. Could be much worse.
Yeah, I get ya. At least you can go see em, walk up ticket, that doesn’t suck. But yeah, I understand.
My student ID is the ticket. They'll let any student in and still, no one goes. It's kind of a shame tbh. They're good guys. I had a bday party for my roommate, several of them showed up. We have lunch together once in a while. Workout, shoot hoops etc in the fall. GT has a tiny campus and athletic facilities for students are barely and rarely used.
My student ID is the ticket. They'll let any student in and still, no one goes. It's kind of a shame tbh. They're good guys. I had a bday party for my roommate, several of them showed up. We have lunch together once in a while. Workout, shoot hoops etc in the fall. GT has a tiny campus and athletic facilities for students are barely and rarely used.

I didn’t realize you went to school there, don’t ding me, I’m 97 and senile.

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