The Official Tennessee @ #8 Alabama Game Thread, 3:30pm ET, CBS

See PJ there are 4 quarters to football and the team with the most points after 4 quarters wins.

Are you with me so far?

Now here is where it might get tough....

When there are roughly only 2 Minutes left in a half and it's tied...that means roughly 120 seconds or of you hold all the fingers on your hands up 12 times...and you have 3 time outs don't run the ball 3 straight times.

You try to score.

The only reason we got in FG range is because Hurd broke about 5 tackles.

It is called playing scared and why we have lost a lot more games this year than we should have.

Does this help you understand any better?
We all know what the plan was, run out the clock and go in tied!
Kinda lucked into a scoring op, that we blew,
Some blame on Dobbs for missing a wide open WR that gets us close, a lot of blame on medley, missed both even though Saben gave him 2 tries
7-7? Damn. No one should complain about anything but Medley. Just play hard the second half and don't get hurt. That's all I'm asking. Whatever happens happens.
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Just caught up. Sure we should be up, but overall, we won the first half. Glad we're still in it at all. Wish I could watch the rest of the game, but I'll be cheering in spirit!
I do hope you realize every coach out there would have called the same thing Butch did there.

Except Miles. But he's feast or famine anyway. He either scores on a 4 and 14 fake punt from his own 20 or tries to clock the ball with one second left while eating grass.

I'll take the consistency
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Tons of coaches run two minute drills!

When you in a game you are not supposed to win and outmatched on depth and talent you go for every opportunity you get. This is why we don't beat top 25 and teams that are better than us!

Our field position was terrible. We dont want our defense back on the field. It was the right call.
Ummm..... Worley:thud:

O.K. I'm going no where near busting on worley... that kid is a UT saint as far as I'm concerned...and I bet you he would have spun gold out of straw with the talent we are bringing in now... I mean, we have freshman all over the place...against alasalami...that is still a shocker.
Most of you guys are posting as if we're playing Vandy...... much as I hate those garbage eating inbreds.... They're a very good football team
>> The Vols and Crimson Tide are playing for the 98th time with Ala- bama holding a 52-38-7 series lead.

>> Tennessee has lost eight con- secutive games in the series, last winning, 16-13, on Oct. 21, 2006 (3,290 days ago).

>> Tennessee is 4-7 all-time in Tus- caloosa, last winning at Alabama on Oct. 25, 2003, an epic 5 OT win, 51-43, led by Casey Clausen & his five touchdowns (4,382 days ago).

>> The Vols are seeking their first win over a Top 10 team since beat- ing #10 Georgia, 51-33, in Athens on Oct. 7, 2006 (3,304 days ago).

>> The Vols have lost 23 consecu- tive games vs. Top 10 teams, dat- ing to that win at Georgia.

>> Tennessee is looking for its first win over a ranked team on the road since that 2006 Georgia game with the Vols losing 22 con- secutive games vs. ranked teams on the road.

>> UT is seeking its first win over an SEC West opponent since beat- ing Ole Miss on Nov. 13, 2010, los- ing the last 10 in a row.

Its too bad we have to play them in Alabama on the 100th, that will make the win that much sweeter.....Go Vols!
So far so good! Take some chances with an explosive play or two and who knows? Offense gotta keep the D fresh for the 4th quarter. Go get em Butch!

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