The Official Tennessee @ #8 Alabama Game Thread, 3:30pm ET, CBS

That is 100% Hurd making up for coward coaching.

WOW you must be a fan and not a coach!!!! No coach in America with a brain would have done anything different than Butch Jones did in that situation. He has made some bone head decisions in earlier games no doubt. But that was a good decision to run the clock out. Hurd made a great play to give us chance for a field goal or td. But Coach Jones played it right!
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He is right, you dont kill two min clock and go to half. Possessions and points will be a premium!

If we dont make it Alabama gets the ball back with timeouts in their pocket. If we get a big play then we might get a chance for points. Coach Jones did the right thing. imho.
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Cuonzo is that you?

Black and white morality strikes again. There's a happy medium between ultra passivity and hyperaggression. Arguments should have a basis in fact; it's counterproductive to argue merely because you're upset and want to find a scapegoat.
People wanting to run a fake? There is no play to call in that situation. Mid 30's, no time left on the clock, thats either chuck it to the endzone or kick, those are your only plays.
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Bama's depth and experience will begin to show up as the game goes on. Vols will need some breaks to steal this one.

I hear ya. Bama D changed a little more after our TD.
Brought more pressure. We need to hit a couple short passes, 3rd and 10...screens...don't let Dobbs run into the middle of the Bama D...:eek:lol:...get Kamara out on some screens out of the backfield...Dobbs, loosen up dude, and see the field...:)

PS 7-7 at half ain't bad either...:whistling::salute:

Refs sucking bigtime today - I can see why Henry has all those yards ever week now -- the Bama OL holds on almost every play -- ask Barnett after the game

To be honest, the Vols have gotten away with several holds also. They aren't calling them close for both teams. I'm more upset about the blown pass interference calls.
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It's really frustrating watching us squander these opportunities we've had so far in this game.

What opportunities. The Vols were backed up deep in their territory for most of the half. Only missed opportunities have been two missed FGs.

Vols battling their rear ends off and the play calling has been as good as it can be vs this defense. Proud of the Vols' effort for the first half.

Depth and experience will be a high hill to overcome in the second half. But, a break or two would sure help.
I have no clue what this post means.

See PJ there are 4 quarters to football and the team with the most points after 4 quarters wins.

Are you with me so far?

Now here is where it might get tough....

When there are roughly only 2 Minutes left in a half and it's tied...that means roughly 120 seconds or of you hold all the fingers on your hands up 12 times...and you have 3 time outs don't run the ball 3 straight times.

You try to score.

The only reason we got in FG range is because Hurd broke about 5 tackles.

It is called playing scared and why we have lost a lot more games this year than we should have.

Does this help you understand any better?
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I'm sorry but We should be up 10 points right now and I'm putting directly on Dobbs. His reads are sluggish. He is over analyzing everything. He is a very tough leader, but a rocket scientist. I can only hope it's enough.
Defense is playing lights out right now.

I think we should try to feature Hurd in the second half and see if he can carry us to the win.
We're being set up for another huge disappointment! Butch will be happy to just keep it close. He proved that with almost two minutes and three to's. We've been moving the ball and he just sat on it there till huts broke that run

If they would have been aggressive and thrown a pick six you would say "why go for it on that part of the field .that is just stupid. he is in way over his head and doesn't know how to coach."I swear ,I think we could win by 20 and some of you would still *****.
Guys, Alabama typically does most of its damage in the first quarter, and we weathered that. We just need to hang in there. Get two or three stops in the third quarter, and we'll be in a reasonable position to pull an upset.
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