The Official Tennessee @ Arkansas Series Thread (4/14 8PM EST SEC NETWORK) (4/15 7PM EST SEC NET+) (4/16 3PM EST SEC NET+)

This season has been frustrating to say the least. I’ve seen some people claim vitellos coaching ability has been covered up the past 3 years with all the talent they’ve had. Not sure I buy it
How many regulars in our lineup had significant, or any, SEC experience before this year? Three?

This was always going to be a major rebuilding year after all the hitting talent lost from last year--practically everybody.

This is 90% of the issue, a very young team as it relates to SEC experience, throw in the “pressing too much” and your get sloppy play. Just make it to the post season is my new motto for this team
Our best lineup armchair fan...
1. Dickey LF
2. Scott 2B
3. Burke 1B
4. Merrit RF
5. Denton 3B
6. Dreiling DH
7. Ahuna/Jaslove SS
8. Ensley CF
9. Taylor C
I think you meant Christian Moore at 2B. Also CTV matches lineup depending on starter being lefty or righty. Merritt will likely be in his more natural position of LF when not at DH.
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Vanderbilt and Ole Miss went 14-16 in the conference and made the tournament last year. The conference is even better this season so I wouldn’t be shocked to see a 12 or 13 win team make it.
Nobody has ever gotten in with 12, I doubt the committee would change that for us. And we have no quality wins OOC that would help us, so we’d really be sweating it with 13. I think we have to get to 14.
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TV someone needs to flip the magic switch. It's all there pitching is really close just a few too many home runs. Our middle infield has to start clicking. You think Maui has let it get in his head?
As a former middle infielder, I can tell you first hand how important is for the SS and 2B to be very comfortable with each other. This means lots of game reps and exchanges at 2B to have a feel for timing for double plays and even force outs at 2B. I think Ahuna missing first 2 weeks hurt as I’m seeing lots of clumsy exchanges at 2B both to/from SS position. Granted, this should be resolved at this point in the season. Some of the angles on the throws have almost blind sided the fielder receiving the throw at 2B.
TV seems to have no faith in DD in the outfield. He even chooses to DH him over Tears, who was reputedly a concern in the OF.

Personally, I’d like to see a youth movement to shake things up. Get Kendro, Tears, Dreiling, and Chapman in the lineup. See what they can do. All of those guys have shown the ability to hit, which we need. Hell, we’re not playing good defense anyway and we’re sacrificing hitting for defense in the outfield, which is not a premium defensive area anyway.
Tears has had more time to develop his craft as a redshirt Freshman. DD will get there defensively with time and more reps. Plus Tears has a cannon for an arm which suits RF very well.
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How many regulars in our lineup had significant, or any, SEC experience before this year? Three?

This was always going to be a major rebuilding year after all the hitting talent lost from last year--practically everybody.
Really only Denton and that was at Alabama. Dickey, Moore, and Burke were spot starters at DH with only Dickey receiving any meaningful innings in the field and that was very limited. Total rebuild in the field and at the plate.
I know we lost the Austin Peay transfer this year but in all of CTV’s tenure, we really haven’t had a stud catcher with a consistent bat. With Elander being a former catcher and a catching coach as well as recruiting coordinator, it really surprises me that we’ve never had a gem behind the plate
Just seems so foreign to an OG like me to see a battery just give up secomd with little to no resistance. Kinda saw the logic when our pitchers were having so much success and the defense was decent enough, but with this bunch, a weapon like that behind the plate would really help. Against LSU, I was praying our guys just stood on the bag at first and not test that LSU catchers arm. It's a weakness I hope gets addressed sooner than later.
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As a former middle infielder, I can tell you first hand how important is for the SS and 2B to be very comfortable with each other. This means lots of game reps and exchanges at 2B to have a feel for timing for double plays and even force outs at 2B. I think Ahuna missing first 2 weeks hurt as I’m seeing lots of clumsy exchanges at 2B both to/from SS position. Granted, this should be resolved at this point in the season. Some of the angles on the throws have almost blind sided the fielder receiving the throw at 2B.
I'll add that while ahuna hasn't been what I'd term a big disappointment, he's not matched the hype. My biggest gripe is that he's a bit nonchalant at times. Really expected his defense to be consistently great. Just goes to show that there are no sure things.
If I'm being honest, they just aren't very likeable or exciting. I don't mean this to be nasty about it, but they just have no energy. Kinda bland and frustrating at the same time if that's possible.
If you met half these guys, I think you’d change your opinion. Great young men who represent UT with class. Now, they aren’t the fiery personalities of a Gilbert, Russell, or even Lipsius but they also are‘t chiseled veterans like those guys playing in their 5th or 6th year at UT. Moore has plenty of fire in his belly as well as Dickey. This team is young due to MLB draft and graduation.
This season has been frustrating to say the least. I’ve seen some people claim vitellos coaching ability has been covered up the past 3 years with all the talent they’ve had. Not sure I buy it
I don't buy it whatsoever. Extremely grateful to have him. I had given up before he got here. Didn't hardly even darken the door of the stadium except for something to do on a quiet day. His move of going with Lindsey should have worked. He pitched well enough to win. I'm as far from an insider as someone could be I assume the players let the polls set their expectations the same as we do. Hard not too. We looked extremely crisp until the first mistake and then they started to snowball. That sure seems like pressure taking a toll. That's way harder for a coach to deal with than telling someone how to set their feet when in the box. I wish I had the answers. I know I've dealt with internal pressure when things are breaking against me. It's not fun and it's damn hard to break out of.

I guess I'm rambling and off topic, but I look forward to sitting in the new stadium Tony's leadership is getting us built and watching his top ranked 24 and 25 recruiting classes play in the future. He's put us on even footing with the big boys and I'm not going to forget it no matter how irritated I am at last night's ballgame.
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DownTheFiled, unlike other forums here, we try and be a little more diplomatic……

Instead of what you said, lets rephrase it and say something like “I wish CTV would give Jaslove a shot today”
Being diplomatic myself, I almost phrased it that way but then thought better. I think Ahuna needs the tough love. So, yeah, give me Jaslove today
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Some of you have asked about the timing ball called on Kirby last night. There is a part to the timing rule that I did not realize until talking after the game. When a pitcher goes to throw to a base, the fielder has to be in the vicinity of the base or making a concerted effort to get there. Both were called pick offs. When Kirby spun on the first, he did not think Maui was close enough to the base so he did not throw it in fear that he would get called for a balk by throwing to a fielder not at the base. When they called it again and he spun he knew he would be called for the ball if he did not throw it, so he just lobbed it there but they ruled that Maui was still not close enough to the base and he was called for the ball. No big fault on anyone. Just a part of the rule that everyone will have to get used to. The filters are going to have to realize once the pitcher begins to step off they have to break to the bag.
All this analysis seems to overlook the fact that the Vols were playing a damned good team last night.
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In no way am i bashing Dickey, but I dont like him catching over Stark and I’d rather see Double D in the outfield. Dickey may be a true DH. Evidently CTV see’s Dickey stronger in the outfield than DD, he’s at all the practices so I’m assuming Dickey is a better outfielder defensively than DD Based on all the reps they get during the week

I have a tad bit of info on that. Dickey's parents truly want him to spend a full four years as a Vol and graduate with a real degree.

However, as part of that arrangement, CTV is trying to develop him into a position player.

With that said, he will DH some. However, doubt that it is over one game per week.

Obviously, he does not have great hands, so trying to find something that works. He caught in high school.

Knowing the background, early year, I suggested they might get him some reps at first. Got roasted. But the blunt truth. Blake is meh defensively... Oddly enough, with Luc's glove at first, our 2B, 3B, SS play would look improved.
I was told Kentucky are frauds. LSU appears to be the frauds.

How do you figure LSU are frauds? They’ve lost 6 games. It’s baseball. You don’t win them all. This is the 5th SEC series of the season, and they haven’t lost one yet. And every team so far has been ranked in the top 12 at the time they played. Two in the top 6.

Their pitching staff is depleted right now. 3 relievers and 1 starter are out at the moment. That would hurt any team. Are they the #1 team in the country? Right now, I’d say no, but that doesn’t mean they are frauds by any stretch. And although it’s nice to see the #1 next to your name, it doesn’t mean anything right now. It only matters if you finish #1 in Omaha!

In regards to Tenn, your pitching staff is unreal. Get the offense rolling consistently, and I think you’ll be a dangerous team in the post season. I know it’s frustrating as a fan to see the struggles they’re going through, but I still believe they’ll pull it together and finish the season strong. The SEC is just an unbelievable conference, and there really are no gimmes. Gotta bring your A game every weekend. Tenn has the talent to compete with anyone in the league. Hang in there Vol fans, and keep the faith!

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