The Official Tennessee vs. #2 Oregon Game Thread, 3:30pm ET(09/14/13), ABC

Oregon just made the whole team look like pee wee vs NFL in the first half. We knew this was coming, but I didn't think it would be this bad at halftime. Players are out of position getting beat all over the field, and look completely clueless. I guess this is what happens when they are stocked with fast, talented players and we have depth issues everywhere. Add to the fact that we've have 3 defensive coordinators and numerous offensive coordinators in 3 years and this is what you get. Second half they should just come out and play old man 2 TE 2 RB football line it up and smash it straight at them for 3 plays and play for some pride.
Well, the game's off here to talk about the flooding. Probably good. I've already dealt with one flood this weekend, I might as well skip the second.
no wonder Worley doesn't throw more than 5 yd passes , he is weak...BJ better get him off the field. that is on him

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