The Official Tennessee vs Charlotte Regional Game Thread Friday 6PM EST ESPNU

I’m confident Andrew Lindsey is going to shut down Charlotte. Just need the bats to show up and we’ll be fine.

I was listening to the Volquest Mailbag podcast and EC said that Charlotte will probably start a left hander tomorrow night because Tennessee has trouble hitting lefties.
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They are not starting their Friday guy because he pitched 2 games last weekend to win conference. Crazy number of pitches. Left second game holding arm in dugout. But they are pitching the wrong lefty. They are pitching the higher velo guy instead of the nasty one.
Shhhhhhh. Don’t give them any ideas!
Also, if you’ll be in Greenville and in the mood for a good chilli/slaw dog all the way, try out Skins. They’re the best. I miss me a good chilli dog 😢
One of my best friends is one of Skin’s grandchildren.
The original Skins is in the town where I live. They still serve beer there (limit 2).
Small world!!
Well…. I’m a UNCC grad but I ain’t pulling for them tomorrow! I played rugby there and we didn’t mesh well with the baseball team…. Actually, now that I think about it we didn’t really mesh well with any other groups either😂😂😂

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