Not how it works. Don't how they do it but coastal is the visiting team today.
Step 1: The team has been the home team fewer times during the tournament becomes the home team.
Step 2: If both teams were the home team the same number of times, count the number of times each team was the visiting team during the tournament. The team that was the visiting team more often during the tournament becomes the home team.
Step 3: If both teams were the home team and visiting team the same number of times and the teams met previously during the tournament, the visitor in the immediately preceding game between the two teams becomes the home team.
Step 4: If both teams were the home team and visiting team the same number of times and the teams did not previously meet during the tournament, the team that was the visitor in its most recent, preceding game becomes the home team.
Step 5: If both teams were the home team and visiting team the same number of times, the teams did not previously meet during the tournament, and both teams were the visitor (or home team) in their most recent, preceding game, then the home team is decided by a coin flip.
How College World Series determines home team for each game of the 2022 CWS - DraftKings Nation
It’s the same question those around the game will get from more casual fans every postseason: “Why isn’t TEAM NAME GOES HERE the home team in today’s tournament game??”
Because college baseball has made this process as fair as it can be, however the method is a bit arcane. The rule of thumb is the team in any tournament that’s had the least amount of chances to be the home team compared to their opponent will bat last when those two teams play each other.
But how we get there is a whole other kettle of fish. Here’s the bullet points:
- The better-seeded team will be the home team during the first game each team plays in Omaha
- If both teams that were the road team (or home team) in their first game face each other in their first winners bracket/losers bracket game, a tournament director or umpire will flip a coin with both teams present to determine who is the home team as soon as the matchup is finalized.