The Official Tennessee vs LSU College World Series Game 1 Thread (Sat. June 17 7PM EST) ESPN

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True, but let's not change the question mid stream please. There are hundreds of colleges. A fairly small number of sports and a very, very small number of national championships relative the the total number of people competing for a championship.

Shaming UGA and Alabama definitely isn't the way to go. The only reason the SEC is who it is, is because of the presence of UGA and Alabama.

Look at what UGA did to the Horned Frogs in the Football championship. They were completely dominated and if Kirby wanted to tack on another 14 in that game, he could have. He chose not to. THAT'S your conference and that's a good thing. TCU probably thought they had a chance a week before that game and realize by the end of the first quarter that they were in for a long night at the mercy of the other team and coach.

You ... personally should be glad that you go up against the best because it's the only way UT can be the best.
It’s a tough conference. Also says a lot when everybody but you and two others overcame all that plus the other schools to get a natty trophy too. I’m thrilled we’re starting to be the athletics program we should be but I’m also not going to forget the 2010-2020 period and that UT had the worst decade of any SEC program relative to where they should be.
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How can you tell what crosses the plate and what doesn’t from your TV if they both end up in the same spot?
Obviously you can’t tell for sure if it does but if a righty throws and it ends up just off the left side, like 2-3”, it looks like the ball crosses the plate whether it did or not. If a left throws and it’s starts way outside and ends up 2-3 inches off the plate it looks different. That’s what I’m talking about. I can’t tell if it actually crossed of course. But a right to left crosses the plate path.
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