The Official Texas A&M @ #1 Tennessee National Championship Game 3 Thread (Mon. June 24 7PM EST) (ESPN)

A day later and I’m still amazed that ball Tears hit in the 7th wasn’t a homer…that was about as close as you can get

Yeah I agree. Off the bat, I thought Dreiling’s was going to get to stay in, and it carried. Thought Tears’ drive was going to make the spectators, and it stayed in.
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McElroy’s take on Vitello could be the worst I’ve ever heard. I understand why people don’t like Vitello, because he is a fiery coach, and he will yell at umpires during games when he disagrees with them. He lets his players have fun, maybe a little too much for some people‘s taste, and he doesn’t publicly rebuke them for getting “too“ fired up or emotional during games (bat flips, bat slams, helmet slams, etc). His players are obviously an extension of him, and he allows them to express their emotions, for better or worse. This is a large part of why his players and Tennessee fans love him and his teams so much. And it’s also why opposing teams and fans often hate him so much.

But to call him “classless” for celebrating the way he did last night (I assume McElroy is talking about his reaction after getting ice water dumped on him), is just stupid. He compares it to professional wrestling, and then to go next-level stupid, he asks, “Would Nick Saban do that?” and ”Would Bruce Pearl do that?”.

First…yes, ABSOLUTELY Bruce Pearl would do something like that. Has he forgotten when Pearl painted his chest, flexed his dad bod muscles, and cheered with the students at a Lady Vols game? That‘s kinda profesional wrestling-like, if you ask me. I hadn’t really thought about before, but in many ways Vitello and Pearl are cut from the same cloth. You’ll often see Tony V very publicly cheering on other Tenneesse sports teams.

As for Saban….have mercy. THAT guy is McElroy’s model of class? Seriously? He loudly and very publicly berated his players, his staff, and frankly anyone who (heaven forbid) made a mistake. I‘m talking red-faced, forehead-vein-popping, neck-straining, mouth-wide-open screaming right in the face of players. That is his definition of class? Saban definitely cared about winning, but it wasn’t clear if he truly cared about his players.

To me, how you handle yourself when things don’t go your way speaks to your character. Vitello will definitely express his emotions. He’ll yell at or even bump umpires. He’ll storm out of the dugout or pace back and forth in it. He might grab some dirt and throw it down. What you rarely, if ever, see is him do is take his frustrations out on his players, even if they make a mistake. So yes, he could probably handle himself a little better with questionable umpiring, but he ALWAYS has his team’s back. And the players know it. And love it.

For Saban, when the chips were down and stress levels were high, he might go off on anyone at any time. Sorry, but that’s not real classy, Mr. McElroy.
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Is this known to be fact or are we making this leap from a few pieces of circumstantial evidence?
Frank came out and questioned the umpire and asked him to check their player. They went over and questioned him and he said he did not have it. I understand (from a reliable source not named Kirby) that after the game he supposedly found it in his clothing and returned it but for the rest of that game we could not use ours because we assumed they had it. How do you have a pitchcom in your clothing and not know it is there? That is also why Our coaches did not shake hands after the game and only Vitello and Schloss did. I would have loved to have known what was said.
McElroy’s take on Vitello could be the worst I’ve ever heard. I understand why people don’t like Vitello, because he is a fiery coach, and he will yell at umpires during games when he disagrees with them. He lets his players have fun, maybe a little too much for some people‘s taste, and he doesn’t publicly rebuke them for getting “too“ fired up or emotional during games (bat flips, bat slams, helmet slams, etc). His players are obviously an extension of him, and he allows them to express their emotions, for better or worse. This is a large part of why his players and Tennessee fans love him and his teams so much. And it’s also why opposing teams and fans often hate him so much.

But to call him “classless” for celebrating the way he did last night (I assume McElroy is talking about his reaction after getting ice water dumped on him), is just stupid. He compares it to professional wrestling, and then to go next-level stupid, he asks, “Would Nick Saban do that?” and ”Would Bruce Pearl do that?”.

First…yes, ABSOLUTELY Bruce Pearl would do something like that. Has he forgotten when Pearl painted his chest, flexed his dad bod muscles, and cheered with the students at a Lady Vols game? That‘s kinda profesional wrestling-like, if you ask me. I hadn’t really thought about before, but in many ways Vitello and Pearl are cut from the same cloth. You’ll often see Tony V very publicly cheering on other Tenneesse sports teams.

As for Saban….have mercy. THAT guy is McElroy’s model of class? Seriously? He loudly and very publicly berated his players, his staff, and frankly anyone who (heaven forbid) made a mistake. I‘m talking red-faced, forehead-vein-popping, neck-straining, mouth-wide-open screaming right in the face of players. That is his definition of class? Saban definitely cared about winning, but it wasn’t clear if he truly cared about his players.

To me, how you handle yourself when things don’t go your way speaks to your character. Vitello will definitely express his emotions. He’ll yell at or even bump umpires. He’ll storm out of the dugout or pace back and forth in it. He might pick up a little dirt and throw it down. What you rarely, if ever, see is him take his frustrations out on his players, even if they make a mistake. So yes, he could probably handle himself a little better with questionable umpiring, but he ALWAYS has his team’s back. And the players know it. And love it.

For Saban, when the chips were down and stress levels were high, he might go off on anyone at any time. Sorry, but that’s not real classy, Mr. McElroy.
I don't think Vitello or his players care what McElroy as to say. He is getting clicks and listeners by showing hate to UT. But I can guarantee that Vitello will never be Saban. He respects him but will never be like him.
Not only that…back in the day when it was an all male school, they obviously didn’t have cheerleaders. So, they would choose the sissiest dudes there and force them to be the yell leaders. It’s a deep rooted tradition, but very strange.
Somehow, even though I'm an Ag and my father was too (Class of 1947), I've never heard that.
I don’t care what your reason or excuse is.. It is and will always be the gayest **** ever seen in college sports and I’m speaking for a lot of people with that statement.

Pure abomination and you all should be embarrassed
You're certainly entitled to your opinion.
Frank came out and questioned the umpire and asked him to check their player. They went over and questioned him and he said he did not have it. I understand (from a reliable source not named Kirby) that after the game he supposedly found it in his clothing and returned it but for the rest of that game we could not use ours because we assumed they had it. How do you have a pitchcom in your clothing and not know it is there? That is also why Our coaches did not shake hands after the game and only Vitello and Schloss did. I would have loved to have known what was said.
I must have missed the story. How were they in a position to steal our pitchcom?
Frank came out and questioned the umpire and asked him to check their player. They went over and questioned him and he said he did not have it. I understand (from a reliable source not named Kirby) that after the game he supposedly found it in his clothing and returned it but for the rest of that game we could not use ours because we assumed they had it. How do you have a pitchcom in your clothing and not know it is there? That is also why Our coaches did not shake hands after the game and only Vitello and Schloss did. I would have loved to have known what was said.

Very interesting. Thank you for the context here.
McElroy’s take on Vitello could be the worst I’ve ever heard. I understand why people don’t like Vitello, because he is a fiery coach, and he will yell at umpires during games when he disagrees with them. He lets his players have fun, maybe a little too much for some people‘s taste, and he doesn’t publicly rebuke them for getting “too“ fired up or emotional during games (bat flips, bat slams, helmet slams, etc). His players are obviously an extension of him, and he allows them to express their emotions, for better or worse. This is a large part of why his players and Tennessee fans love him and his teams so much. And it’s also why opposing teams and fans often hate him so much.

But to call him “classless” for celebrating the way he did last night (I assume McElroy is talking about his reaction after getting ice water dumped on him), is just stupid. He compares it to professional wrestling, and then to go next-level stupid, he asks, “Would Nick Saban do that?” and ”Would Bruce Pearl do that?”.

First…yes, ABSOLUTELY Bruce Pearl would do something like that. Has he forgotten when Pearl painted his chest, flexed his dad bod muscles, and cheered with the students at a Lady Vols game? That‘s kinda profesional wrestling-like, if you ask me. I hadn’t really thought about before, but in many ways Vitello and Pearl are cut from the same cloth. You’ll often see Tony V very publicly cheering on other Tenneesse sports teams.

As for Saban….have mercy. THAT guy is McElroy’s model of class? Seriously? He loudly and very publicly berated his players, his staff, and frankly anyone who (heaven forbid) made a mistake. I‘m talking red-faced, forehead-vein-popping, neck-straining, mouth-wide-open screaming right in the face of players. That is his definition of class? Saban definitely cared about winning, but it wasn’t clear if he truly cared about his players.

To me, how you handle yourself when things don’t go your way speaks to your character. Vitello will definitely express his emotions. He’ll yell at or even bump umpires. He’ll storm out of the dugout or pace back and forth in it. He might pick up a little dirt and throw it down. What you rarely, if ever, see is him take his frustrations out on his players, even if they make a mistake. So yes, he could probably handle himself a little better with questionable umpiring, but he ALWAYS has his team’s back. And the players know it. And love it.

For Saban, when the chips were down and stress levels were high, he might go off on anyone at any time. Sorry, but that’s not real classy, Mr. McElroy.
I wouldn’t change him one bit. The last thing Tennessee athletics needs is apathy dressed up as “class”.
I actually think Vitello wasn't classless enough. After having to watch everyone deal with how sh*tty A&M fans were in Omaha, to them stealing our pitch com and lying about it, I think Tony should have straight knocked Schloss on his ass and bareball teabagged him on national TV.

But maybe that's just me.

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