The "Orange Swarm"

Bruce will have a challenger with the no shirt/orange chest look.

Holy :rock2:..if that story is true and Coach "O" does come Bruce just found himself one heck of a drinking buddy. I'm not sure if I would want to be in the same town when those two went out. Hot D#mm....
Man, I love what's going down in Knoxville. I might hate it a year from now, but right now I'm loving it. I love crazy coaches. They are the best. I welcome O.
Damn, I have never heard this story before. It ranks right up there with The Iliad and The Odyssey. ROFLMAO!

Can you imagine Coach O telling those hard gangster earrings out of their ears, and challenging them to come fight him???

I bet the pucker factor of those kids was off the charts!

Please, P-L-E-A-S-E get Yaw Yaw Yaw to Knoxville.
OMFG!!!! Our D line will destroy somebody! That would be freaking perfect to. With the Tampa 2 being a none blitz system our D line would need to be the ones putting the hurt on the QB
The smirk that CLK gave when his dad's name was mentioned was truly priceless.

Pic from inside the Ole Miss locker room
Bring Coach O on, our D line has been coddled to long by Vicky and Phil. No offense to the Fulmers their probably good hearted people but this is football its rough, I want pit bulls on defense not cocker spaniels.
So is the "Orange Swarm" the nickname Orgeron is giving to the Vols now? I will be ecstatic if he joins the staff. I cannot wait for football season. Possibly the most anticipated season ever?
It looks like we are going to have a fantastic staff. That Coach O story is awesome. The guy is crazy, and is exactly what our Dline needs.
That is frickin hilarious. I bet Gerald Williams is going to be scary with these coaches.
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