The other pandemic

From the ICU bubble....
Dosages for pain relief are in micrograms, we give 100 mcg at a time, some of these people are doing much more than that. It leads to respiratory depression and altered mental status. It’s really easy to become completely obtunded with fentanyl with just 2-3 times the feel good dose. Now if someone is truly in pain 100 mcg will only take the edge off the pain and slow them to relax.
Certain medium sedation protocols have come from using fentanyl. The reason a protocol was necessary and includes narcan is because the drug wasn’t being taken seriously years ago in the medical community and people were becoming obtunded from just a couple of doses. It’s nothing to play with.

Yep. Also, as im sure you know. These days jn addition to flooding the US with powdered fentanyl made from China supplies, the Mexican cartels are pressing fake pills by the millions. Fake pain pills, sedatives etc...will look identical but they are fentanyl instead....when a batch hits a new county etc there are dozens of ODs and several deaths immediately. As in day 1 waves of unresponsive people in the ER....deadly. They also lace other drugs such as cocaine with fentanyl and they kill also.
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There's been a drug issue in this country for decades but a guy who has been in office 8 months is to blame? Dumb

He’s been in politics since 1970 and was VP for 8 years. I’m pretty sure he can bear some responsibility for it. That also goes for every other politician that’s been in Congress for decades. Regardless, of party affiliation.
Not at all. I’ve worked in law enforcement and healthcare directly with these people on a personal level for years. I know what works an what doesn’t.

As someone who defends the US prison system more than anyone else on here, I think it's safe to say you 100% absolutely do not know what works.
Because the people cutting it into IV drugs are neither scientists nor professionals 90% of the time.

So you cut it like cocaine?

I know almost absolutely nothing about it but here about it in the news all the time.
I think legalization would help reduce crime in two ways. First by taking market out of the hands of organized crime, it would put a dent those profits and reduce violence associated with the drug wars. For the users by operation of the free market one would expect the price to fall, thus reducing the necessity of crime to support a habit.
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I think legalization would help reduce crime in two ways. First by taking market out of the hands of organized crime, it would put a dent those profits and reduce violence associated with the drug wars. For the users by operation of the free market one would expect the price to fall, thus reducing the necessity of crime to support a habit.
Unfortunately, in some of the states that have legalized, the prices are still relatively high because of the high state taxes applied.
Last week, $800,000 of fentanyl was found during a routine traffic stop on I-40 here in Tennesssee. It was enough to kill thousands of people. The driver of the truck was from El Paso, Tx. Little wonder where it came from, right? Who knows how much makes it in without getting caught?

Today’s drug pandemic is killing hundreds of young people every day but we don’t seem to care about it. It’s shocking how many under 40 obituaries there are today. Many are drug overdoses, suicides, other drug related causes.

This is a war America must fight and do everything it can to secure our country against this invasion. We know it’s not easy, but we’re not fighting at all now.
This doesnt quite meet the dem's criteria.
You don’t cut lsd, meth, or weed.

Well I mean you do cut the plant from the base but I mean with something else.

It's 2021. No one who avoids tucking their t shirts into cargo shorts considers weed a drug. Yes, meth is absolutely cut. There would be absolutely no point in "cutting" LSD, nor is it chemically possible.

Pills, ecstasy/sass, coke, heroin, ketamine, and the other psychoactives that make up the hard and party drugs are almost always cut.

"I know almost absolutely nothing about this"
-NEO, just before attempting to contest the facts of someone who does, in fact, know something about this
It's 2021. No one who avoids tucking their t shirts into cargo shorts considers weed a drug. Yes, meth is absolutely cut. There would be absolutely no point in "cutting" LSD, nor is it chemically possible.

Pills, ecstasy/sass, coke, heroin, ketamine, and the other psychoactives that make up the hard and party drugs are almost always cut.

"I know almost absolutely nothing about this"
-NEO, just before attempting to contest the facts of someone who does, in, fact know something about this

Well, weed is a drug.

Tylenol is too.

Just because we don’t think it should be illegal doesn’t change the fact it will always fall under some level of drug on the scheduled list. I just believe it should be same schedule as Advil.

By the way, you don’t always have to be moody.
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Well, weed is a drug.

Tylenol is too.

Just because we don’t think it should be illegal doesn’t change the fact it will always fall under some level of drug on the scheduled list. I just believe it should be same schedule as Advil.

By the way, you don’t always have to be moody.
People who are pro narcotics are usually those who have a lot of druggie friends or make excuses to why drug addiction isn’t “that bad”
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It's 2021. No one who avoids tucking their t shirts into cargo shorts considers weed a drug. Yes, meth is absolutely cut. There would be absolutely no point in "cutting" LSD, nor is it chemically possible.

Pills, ecstasy/sass, coke, heroin, ketamine, and the other psychoactives that make up the hard and party drugs are almost always cut.

"I know almost absolutely nothing about this"
-NEO, just before attempting to contest the facts of someone who does, in fact, know something about this

I think we should legalize all the drugs. That way the illegal immigrant kids will not to carry as much across the border. We can make it here or just have china ship it over.
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It's 2021. No one who avoids tucking their t shirts into cargo shorts considers weed a drug. Yes, meth is absolutely cut. There would be absolutely no point in "cutting" LSD, nor is it chemically possible.

Pills, ecstasy/sass, coke, heroin, ketamine, and the other psychoactives that make up the hard and party drugs are almost always cut.

"I know almost absolutely nothing about this"
-NEO, just before attempting to contest the facts of someone who does, in fact, know something about this
Marijuana is not as harmful as harder drugs but it IS a drug and to say it’s not is anti science lunacy
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Yep. Also, as im sure you know. These days jn addition to flooding the US with powdered fentanyl made from China supplies, the Mexican cartels are pressing fake pills by the millions. Fake pain pills, sedatives etc...will look identical but they are fentanyl instead....when a batch hits a new county etc there are dozens of ODs and several deaths immediately. As in day 1 waves of unresponsive people in the ER....deadly. They also lace other drugs such as cocaine with fentanyl and they kill also.
They definitely get more than they expected.
Because the state prices for drugs are higher than the prices on the streets. They did nothing to disincentive black market sales.

This is true in almost every state but Cali.

You can get a gram cartridge for about 65 which is worth it to me to make sure I am getting something safe.

Illinois is a straight joke and lowered the THC levels.

I like Ohio law. It’s still illegal but it’s just a 50 dollar fine. None of the cops even seem to care either.
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Because the state prices for drugs are higher than the prices on the streets. They did nothing to disincentive black market sales.

You don't have to pay 30% tax when you buy your dime bag in the White Castle parking lot, either.
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Ooh, I forgot... Maryland is a Medical Marijuana state. Time to get my card again.

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