The Patriot Party (Trump considering creating a 3rd Party)

They typically have stances on issues that most in the party support. What's the Q-Patriot party position on minimum wage? Healthcare reform? Social security? Marijuana? And on and on.
You know they say hell yeah to 3 of those. Not sure on healthcare
They typically have stances on issues that most in the party support. What's the Q-Patriot party position on minimum wage? Healthcare reform? Social security? Marijuana? And on and on.
A party formed by Trump would only serve as a marketing, promotional, and consumer tool for DJT Enterprises. Issues and stances would be whatever needed to further that purpose.


You get yours from a news site, I'll get mine from the Congress website:

No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability

Each House of Congress meaning the House and Senate. Regardless, this has nothing to do with the impeachment procedure and is a separate issue.

I'll give your homework assignment later.
He hastened the demise by standing for next to nothing. They sold out to beat Hillary and it likely cost decades of Dem rule

None of his opponents in the primary were going to beat Hillary. So if there was one thing we all should be grateful to him for is that he kept her out of the White House.

Since 1992 until Trump the Rs have ran a succession of milquetoast establishment candidates that didn't have the backbone to stand up to the Democrats and the core of the party was tired of it. What the Rs need is an eloquent, charismatic version of Trump that actually believes in responsible fiscal policy. One that can spar with the press in a good natured way while sticking to the facts all the while holding his party members feet to the fire on spending and tax policy. I feel that the current leadership would do everything possible to keep that type of person from ever running.

You get yours from a news site, I'll get mine from the Congress website:

Each House of Congress meaning the House and Senate. Regardless, this has nothing to do with the impeachment procedure and is a separate issue.

I'll give your homework assignment later.

To remove such disability... to hold office.

As in overturn disqualification.
A party formed by Trump would only serve as a marketing, promotional, and consumer tool for DJT Enterprises. Issues and stances would be whatever needed to further that purpose.
Assuming Trump is retired from office-seeking, can you even imagine him campaigning for someone else? I can't.
What the Rs need is an eloquent, charismatic version of Trump that actually believes in responsible fiscal policy. One that can spar with the press in a good natured way while sticking to the facts all the while holding his party members feet to the fire on spending and tax policy.

I agree. It seems like a winning play to me, too.
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He doesn't care about anyone but himself. If this doesn't convince Trumpsters that al he did was use the Republican Party to line his own pockets, nothing will.

Guy is a con man. That's it.

The Bannon pardon was deliciously ironic in that he gives a pass to the guy who fleeced his base out of millions.
None of his opponents in the primary were going to beat Hillary. So if there was one thing we all should be grateful to him for is that he kept her out of the White House.

Since 1992 until Trump the Rs have ran a succession of milquetoast establishment candidates that didn't have the backbone to stand up to the Democrats and the core of the party was tired of it. What the Rs need is an eloquent, charismatic version of Trump that actually believes in responsible fiscal policy. One that can spar with the press in a good natured way while sticking to the facts all the while holding his party members feet to the fire on spending and tax policy. I feel that the current leadership would do everything possible to keep that type of person from ever running.
But at what cost? Was beating her worth the backlash that is coming?

You didn't really describe anything like Trump. Maybe someone with the marketing ability but is strong on policy and a decent human being that isn't detached from reality.
Assuming Trump is retired from office-seeking, can you even imagine him campaigning for someone else? I can't.
I can. He has an established history as a promoter. His personal ethos, "there's no such thing as bad publicity" is also very strong. If campaigning for another candidate assisted his 'brand', he will do it. Here's the shocker...he would do it for a D just as quickly as for an R (assuming he got the opportunity).
Have all the NG changed to their Trump supplied "Patriot" hats and started shooting up the capital yet?
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A party formed by Trump would only serve as a marketing, promotional, and consumer tool for DJT Enterprises. Issues and stances would be whatever needed to further that purpose.
And Trump profiting off of his presidency would be so different from every other swinging d!ck that has high office in DC. They ALL get rich selling their snake oil.
But at what cost? Was beating her worth the backlash that is coming?

You didn't really describe anything like Trump. Maybe someone with the marketing ability but is strong on policy and a decent human being that isn't detached from reality.

Trump broke the mold of the losing R candidate. What they were churning out wasn't working, hopefully they have learned the lesson.
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And Trump profiting off of his presidency would be so different from every other swinging d!ck that has high office in DC. They ALL get rich selling their snake oil.
They do.

I anticipate DJT doing it the best of anyone before or after. He was an accomplished promoter long before sitting as president.
Trump broke the mold of the losing R candidate. What they were churning out wasn't working, hopefully they have learned the lesson.
Doubtful. Since The Turtle turned on him so quickly, I am pretty sure that things are back to the old ways. Trump made a great effort, but they are all scum. ALL of them.
From crazy, lying Trump and his crazy, lying followers, the word "patriot" means traitor. Whatever it is they put first, it is not America.
Trump broke the mold of the losing R candidate. What they were churning out wasn't working, hopefully they have learned the lesson.
They learned that Trumpism got fewer votes in 2 presidential elections and led to the loss of both the house and senate.
Many are fleeing back to pre-Trump normalcy.

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