The Patriot Party (Trump considering creating a 3rd Party)

Doubtful. Since The Turtle turned on him so quickly, I am pretty sure that things are back to the old ways. Trump made a great effort, but they are all scum. ALL of them.
I know many people myself included who will no longer vote for traditional Rs. They have took advantage of us for too long. I will vote in the primaries but not in the general if it’s a McCain or Romney type. I will sit at home
Really? And you blame Trump for that?

C'mon man. Don't be an idiot. You're smarter than this.
I blame him for being as terrible leader and allowing the narrative to get away from him. It was driven by others when he had every opportunity to lead us through it. He chose not to and it cost us all.
And Trump profiting off of his presidency would be so different from every other swinging d!ck that has high office in DC. They ALL get rich selling their snake oil.
Trump is just doing it openly so you cheer him?

Yay this guy tells me to my face I am buying snake oil from him and I am dumb enough to keep doing it!
LOL, he won against one of the worst candidates in history and then lost to one of the worst candidates in history.
Are you referring to HRC? @n_huffhines
Hillary was one of the worst candidates for democrats? Even the goobers at FOX news were stunned when the dominos fell for Trump back in 2016. Wasn't HRC predicted to win by a large margin?
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He doesn't care about anyone but himself. If this doesn't convince Trumpsters that al he did was use the Republican Party to line his own pockets, nothing will.

Guy is a con man. That's it.
Caring only about yourself and being a con man are the top two prerequisites for being in politics.
Trump doesn't get full blame for where the economy is but he has to take some. Even if the pandemic is the only negative factor (which is not even close to the truth) he had no political capital to guide us through that. Even if he had the best ideas and the leadership ability to successfully push them (which he didn't), he had spent 3 years dividing us and trolling everybody and proving that he's not reliable or smart or consistent or anything trustworthy really. So he had no chance to lead us successfully through the pandemic, but that's on him.
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Everything is the Democrats fault, even when republicans had the presidency, house, and senate.
But you don't understand that they were against Trump too. He just couldn't get anything done and nothing was his fault. He was just trying to maga for you and me
Trump is just doing it openly so you cheer him?

Yay this guy tells me to my face I am buying snake oil from him and I am dumb enough to keep doing it!
Better than being conned by Nancy and Chuck. You think they gaf about you? Or black America? Or Hispanics? Or women? If you do, then the is no help for you. They care only about their power. Chuck and Mitch probably have been saving a 50 year old scotch for this day. **** all of them.
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Although the KKK did serve the Democratic Party’s interests, Grinspan stressed that not all Democrats supported the KKK.

“A splinter of a splinter of a Democratic Party really contributed to the secession and the coming of the war,” he told USA TODAY. “It would be wrong to say the Democratic Party started the Civil War. It would be right to say some Democrats really contributed to the start of the Civil War.”

Anyone who tries to conflate today's party platform with that of those from the 1800's is a moron. Neither party shares much past the name going back 50 years, let alone 150 years.
bush 2 didnt?

by a mile. Check it Trump's fake economy he didn't improve the growth rate of jobs, even with his increases in government spending. Consider that Obama's last years of growth came with decreases in government spending.

Republicans started teh civil war and the Dems started the KKK. I know it's popular now but lets not rewrite history.

Yes, let's not rewrite history. It's funny that I cite multiple sources supporting my position and you huck feces by pretending today's parties are even remotely similar to those from the 1800's in anything but name.

I get it though, it makes for a good facebook meme talking point, even if it's historically inaccurate.
Everything is the Democrats fault, even when republicans had the presidency, house, and senate.

Oh no. The Rs are fully to blame for failing to replace the ACA and they paid the price by losing the house and some senate seats. They had 7 years to come up with a plan that should have passed on day 1 of Trumps presidency. That's 100% on the Rs.
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by a mile. Check it Trump's fake economy he didn't improve the growth rate of jobs, even with his increases in government spending. Consider that Obama's last years of growth came with decreases in government spending.

View attachment 341189
Weird. I thought some of the downturn started in 2007. That's what I get for thinking.

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