The perpetual "Oh no, the Govt gonna Shutdown!" Thread, bought to you by the Wingnut LG

Touchy today. You haven't noticed people in this thread who want this guy prosecuted bring you the riots?
Calling Bull **** where I see it.

Let’s play a game.
You ask me what I believe….and when I tell you, you see if you can identify anyone from any party that represents me.
To be clear….not what they say they believe, but how they voted as proof they represent that belief.

Then you’ll start to understand my “touchy today”
I haven’t noticed anyone in here who wants this guy prosecuted defending the Antfia rioters who attacked federal buildings. Or do you pick and choose who are rioters also based on your party? You do
Calling Bull **** where I see it.

Let’s play a game.
You ask me what I believe….and when I tell you, you see if you can identify anyone from any party that represents me.
To be clear….not what they say they believe, but how they voted as proof they represent that belief.

Then you’ll start to understand my “touchy today”
I haven’t noticed anyone in here who wants this guy prosecuted defending the Antfia rioters who attacked federal buildings. Or do you pick and choose who are rioters also based on your party? You do
Now I don't know what you're ranting about.
Sure it is.
It’s wrong in any case.
So the only reason you would bring it up is if you are on a side

The irony of you trying to shoehorn hypocrisy 'call outs" into this after turning a blind eye to the goons all over this thread making the same correlation to J6 isn't lost.

I was asked to get back with him when the far right pulled shenanigans to stop a vote. A nonsensical ask given what just occurred. You missed the context of my reply and inserted yourself unwittingly, you know and I know it.

Not only did I not "whatabout", you're trying to call out actions you yourself are guilty of.
The irony of you trying to shoehorn hypocrisy 'call outs" into this after turning a blind eye to the goons all over this thread making the same correlation to J6 isn't lost.

I was asked to get back with him when the far right pulled shenanigans to stop a vote. A nonsensical ask given what just occurred. You missed the context of my reply and inserted yourself unwittingly, you know and I know it.

Not only did I not "whatabout", you're trying to call out actions you yourself are guilty of.
I don’t care what you were asked. I’m sick of your inability to answer a question without the whatabotisms. You personally get on my nevrves because of the time you spent calling others out on it and now you can’t have a conversation with it.

There’s the actual irony here including the post you just made. You actually went “whatabout” in the beginning. Awesome
I don’t care what you were asked. I’m sick of your inability to answer a question without the whatabotisms. You personally get on my nevrves nerves because of the time you spent calling others out on it and now you can’t have a conversation with it.

There’s the actual irony here
That and the whataboutism in your ironic comment

Well, maybe you should care what was asked - then you'd have been tipped off to the fact that it wasn't a whataboutism. My response was directly related to remind the poster of the "far rights actions to stop a vote" and how THAT would be valid argument. He literally begged me to point it out.

Maybe you didn't see my post, maybe you did but didn't put two and two together - what's bewildering is how you keep digging after it being pointed out to you.

“I was in a rush to vote, and I pulled a fire alarm thinking it would open a door”
The man is literally too dumb to keep his job if this is the actual truth of the situation.

Furthermore, if a Republican rep would have done this, the media would label that rep a threat to our democracy and this would be America’s #2 story!

#2 because whatever they are accusing Trump of at that moment in time is always #1.
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And the people "furloughed" will be paid at the end for all that time they DIDN'T work.

Congrats, Republicans, by this gimmick you have not actually saved one red cent. All you've done is pay people NOT to work!!

View attachment 583143

I agree that the end result is paying people not to work. I disagree with your reason. You are making an argument similar to the one about Ukraine making peace with Russia. The Russians could just go home, and dems could just quit spending to solve the problem. However, there are always the people who argue that Ukraine and in this case republicans are just being stubbornly unreasonable.
I agree that the end result is paying people not to work. I disagree with your reason. You are making an argument similar to the one about Ukraine making peace with Russia. The Russians could just go home, and dems could just quit spending to solve the problem. However, there are always the people who argue that Ukraine and in this case republicans are just being stubbornly unreasonable.

I expect Ukraine to be both, under the circumstances, don't you?
I expect Ukraine to be both, under the circumstances, don't you?

I'd agree that Ukraine not budge an inch as long as Russia has a foot on Ukrainian soil. I'd argue that republicans not budge an inch as long as dems refuse to bargain. When you or I are looking at hard times, I would assume that you, like I, would decide that spending only goes toward essentials and you have to figure out what is essential. Probably neither political side has really ever done that, but dems are far worse when it comes to unnecessary spending. One first step is that legislation has to be put under control - one thing per piece of legislation and no adders of any kind; then congress votes on the one specific piece of legislation and not on poison pills or sweeteners. Nothing good is happening until that's done ... and that isn't happening, so this same mess will happen again and again.
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We can read the bill after it is signed.

It's only fair. Apparently legislators only read a bill after it's signed ... except by that time it's OBE so no need to read. Just know that anything signed by congress is going to cost ... A LOT ... and we are going to pay for it.
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The current issue is NOT the budget. It's funding operations. It's a false equivalency to believe this actually fixes the budget.

Especially when, again, no money is actually going to be saved.

If the money isn't there or isn't going to be there, then you reduce the spending in the budget ... at least that's what fiscally sane people do. We don't have the option of matching income to expenses; we match expenses to income.
What are your thoughts about posters who didn't think the Capitol rioters should have been prosecuted, but now think this guy should be?

Those people are mindless, partisan hacks who have people like Charlie Kirk, Catturd, and Alex Jones do their thinking for them...

1/6 rioters and Bowman both broke the law trying to delay a Congressional action. Both should be prosecuted in accordance with the law...
Those people are partisan hacks who have people like Charlie Kirk, Catturd, and Alex Jones do their thinking for them...

1/6 rioters and Bowman both broke the law trying to delay a Congressional action. Both should be prosecuted in accordance with the law...
It wouldn't bother me to see Bowman taken off all committee assignments, lose his office, or expelled either.
They do. That is one area the Dems have an advantage, they are lemmings and always fall in line.

Biggest damn diff. Dems will lock step together and sacrifice almost anything including election losses to move their agenda forward because they know eventually you just can’t turn things back enough. Rebs are weak and only care about staying in office, never the agenda.
They do. That is one area the Dems have an advantage, they are lemmings and always fall in line.

Biggest damn diff. Dems will lock step together and sacrifice almost anything including election losses to move their agenda forward because they know eventually you just can’t turn things back enough. Rebs are weak and only care about staying in office, never the agenda.
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