The Plot Thickens: National Archive to provide documents showing that Trump knew his claim of auto declassifying was bogus


In a nutshell, there are 16 communications showing that Trump and his advisers knew that Trump's oft-repeated claim that he automatically declassifies anything he takes with him is a load of you-know-what. Even more telling, Trump tried to block the Archive from providing those communications. That tells you that Trump realizes that he is going to be proven a bald faced liar on this.

The Mar-A-Lago thing is what may be his undoing. For the sake of the US of A and the World, let's hope so.
Now do Biden. If not yout a hypocrite l.
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In a nutshell, there are 16 communications showing that Trump and his advisers knew that Trump's oft-repeated claim that he automatically declassifies anything he takes with him is a load of you-know-what. Even more telling, Trump tried to block the Archive from providing those communications. That tells you that Trump realizes that he is going to be proven a bald faced liar on this.

The Mar-A-Lago thing is what may be his undoing. For the sake of the US of A and the World, let's hope so.
Absolutely zero comment on the fake Russiagate story but now this. Trying to deflect counselor?
The President has the broad authority to declassify almost anything at any time without any process.


2009 was the last time the rule changed and Obama was the president.
Was there collusion?

I’ve asked 4 times now. Simple yes or no will do. You’re starting to make me think you don’t like me.
Just to be clear ....

From Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony before Congress :

"The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed. We did not address 'collusion,' which is not a legal term. Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not."

Throughout the probe, the media was too focused on the word "collusion," which does not by itself indicate illegal activity.
Just to be clear ....

From Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony before Congress :

"The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed. We did not address 'collusion,' which is not a legal term. Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not."

Throughout the probe, the media was too focused on the word "collusion," which does not by itself indicate illegal activity.
No. That’s not what I’m asking about.

He, LG, used the word “collusion” in one of those threads about the recent report on the FBI investigation.

I’m just trying to find out where he stands now.
No. That’s not what I’m asking about.

He, LG, used the word “collusion” in one of those threads about the recent report on the FBI investigation.

I’m just trying to find out where he stands now.
Here @BowlBrother85

The Trump army reaction to this is pathetic and entirely predictable. Attack the investigation on the collusion issue -- and use that to COMPLETELY IGNORE the history of Trump kowtowing to Putin at every turn. Ignore his comments on Ukraine. Ignore his constantly taking Putin's side in every dispute.

Mentions “collusion” and then defaults back to the Trump-Putin love affair.

I just want to know if he believes there was collusion.
No. That’s not what I’m asking about.

He, LG, used the word “collusion” in one of those threads about the recent report on the FBI investigation.

I’m just trying to find out where he stands now.
Well, that says a lot about the extent of LG's legal expertise .... as Robert Mueller pointed out during his testimony before Congress, you can't charge someone with "collusion."
How did the National Archives know exactly what Trump had when they had no idea that Joe Biden had classified materials in his garage for years? What materials do the other surviving Presidents and Vice Presidents have sitting in their garages, or basements, or attics? I mean, considering they've found things with Biden, Trump, and Pence, it makes you wonder why they haven't thoroughly checked with the others. Especially if it's as big a deal as they're attempting to paint it with Trump. Seems like the response should be across the board, and not solely on Trump.
How did the National Archives know exactly what Trump had when they had no idea that Joe Biden had classified materials in his garage for years?
Not all classified documents are equally sensitive?
Especially if it's as big a deal as they're attempting to paint it with Trump. Seems like the response should be across the board, and not solely on Trump.
I can't help but get the feeling that it's Trump's combative nature that has made this a bigger issue than it ever needed to be, or ever becomes with other Presidents. I can easily believe that The National Archives had to summon classified documents from the Clinton's, GWB and Obama as well. The public didn't hear about that, because those former Presidents more than likely complied with the requests made by The National Archives. Trump was uncooperative ... and The National Archives wouldn't back down, so they got the FBI involved and it became a brouhaha.
Or, we never heard about it because they weren’t out to get the prior president..?? I would like to believe it isn’t that way but we have seen the non stop badgering of Donald Trump. Hate him or not, he doesn’t deserve to be hounded like this.
After how many years? Keep trusting these douchers.

Could care less about Trump.
^^^^ Says he doesn't care about Trump. ^^^^

Or, we never heard about it because they weren’t out to get the prior president..?? I would like to believe it isn’t that way but we have seen the non stop badgering of Donald Trump. Hate him or not, he doesn’t deserve to be hounded like this.
^^^^ .... but then he shares in Trump's embrace of victimhood. ^^^^

Why didn't Trump comply with The Presidential Records Act of 1978, and simply hand over the documents that were being requested by The National Archives? There is no reason to believe that this would have become such an issue, if he had cooperated with them. By every account, even from his own lawyers, The National Archives were patient with his non-compliance.
Well, that says a lot about the extent of LG's legal expertise .... as Robert Mueller pointed out during his testimony before Congress, you can't charge someone with "collusion."
I’m not asking him to make a legal case for collusion. I’m asking him if he believes there was collusion.
Let it go LG. Your obsession with Trump is as unhealthy as Ras’s obsession with Putin.
They were there at mar logo and they knew Trump had what he had. Why make political theater out of it by sending armed agents with a warrant while Trump wasn’t home??

In a nutshell, there are 16 communications showing that Trump and his advisers knew that Trump's oft-repeated claim that he automatically declassifies anything he takes with him is a load of you-know-what. Even more telling, Trump tried to block the Archive from providing those communications. That tells you that Trump realizes that he is going to be proven a bald faced liar on this.

The Mar-A-Lago thing is what may be his undoing. For the sake of the US of A and the World, let's hope so.
Damn... LG starts another thread and can't help but to throw Trump's name in it.

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They were there at mar logo and they knew Trump had what he had. Why make political theater out of it by sending armed agents with a warrant while Trump wasn’t home??
You are focusing on the periphery. Why didn't Trump simply comply with The Presidential Records Act and hand the damn things over to The National Archives? The FBI gave him months to avoid the raid of his home.

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