The Plot Thickens: National Archive to provide documents showing that Trump knew his claim of auto declassifying was bogus

Why does it matter? An act of collusion does not necessarily involve a crime.
I assume you read my post. I clearly stated I’m not asking him to make a legal case.

I’m simply asking him if he, LG, believes there was collusion.

Being a clown-show asshat is not a crime. Do you believe Donald Trump is a clown-show asshat?
You are focusing on the periphery. Why didn't Trump simply comply with The Presidential Records Act and hand the damn things over to The National Archives? The FBI gave him months to avoid the raid of his home.
I don't have a problem with the "raid." To charge him would be stupid
You are focusing on the periphery. Why didn't Trump simply comply with The Presidential Records Act and hand the damn things over to The National Archives? The FBI gave him months to avoid the raid of his home.

Political theater

I don’t believe anything the current doj, fbi or national archives says. It’s been proven They have used their station for political persecution.
I don't have a problem with the "raid." To charge him would be stupid
With all of the requested items returned, I don't see the point of charging him either, but he is certainly no victim here. So much of this is directly attributable to Trump's combative nature. It seems like he would do anything to avoid the perception that (Heaven, forbid!) he had cooperated with a government oversight body.

Donald Trump is like a child. It's not cleaning up his room that he hates ... He hates being told to clean up his room, and then feeling like he responded to a command. I doubt there was anything among that junk that he really wanted to keep. He just resented being asked for it by pencil-neck bureaucrats.
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Political theater

I don’t believe anything the current doj, fbi or national archives says. It’s been proven They have used their station for political persecution.
Who has The National Archives persecuted for political purposes? Do you consider enforcing The Presidential Records Act of 1978 ... "political persecution?"

If so ... then you are proof enough that Trump's embrace of victimhood has an audience. Poor Donny, always being picked on.
^^^^ Says he doesn't care about Trump. ^^^^

^^^^ .... but then he shares in Trump's embrace of victimhood. ^^^^

Why didn't Trump comply with The Presidential Records Act of 1978, and simply hand over the documents that were being requested by The National Archives? There is no reason to believe that this would have become such an issue, if he had cooperated with them. By every account, even from his own lawyers, The National Archives were patient with his non-compliance.
You care much more about Trump than I do.
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Who has The National Archives persecuted for political purposes? Do you consider enforcing The Presidential Records Act of 1978 ... "political persecution?"

If so ... then you are proof enough that Trump's embrace of victimhood has an audience. Poor Donny, always being picked on.

The same bureaucrats just a different name.

Let go of that hate.

In a nutshell, there are 16 communications showing that Trump and his advisers knew that Trump's oft-repeated claim that he automatically declassifies anything he takes with him is a load of you-know-what. Even more telling, Trump tried to block the Archive from providing those communications. That tells you that Trump realizes that he is going to be proven a bald faced liar on this.

The Mar-A-Lago thing is what may be his undoing. For the sake of the US of A and the World, let's hope so.

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The same bureaucrats just a different name.

Let go of that hate.
So, they shouldn't do their jobs? You haven't shown how Trump has been singled out for enforcement of The Presidential Records Act. All of the references in this thread to what was found in Biden's garage, does just the opposite, in fact.
^^^^ Says he doesn't care about Trump. ^^^^

^^^^ .... but then he shares in Trump's embrace of victimhood. ^^^^

Why didn't Trump comply with The Presidential Records Act of 1978, and simply hand over the documents that were being requested by The National Archives? There is no reason to believe that this would have become such an issue, if he had cooperated with them. By every account, even from his own lawyers, The National Archives were patient with his non-compliance.
Here's the deal, when anyone points out the inconsistencies in how Trump has been dealt with compared to other politicians, specifically Democrats, you automatically label them "Trumpers" If someone doesn't share your viewpoint that he's the worst person to ever walk the Earth, they're a "Trumper".

Trump = POS human being. You will get no argument from me on that.

Biden also = POS human being, with his own drawbacks, which you never really seem to want to address. Sure, you say you don't like Biden, yet you constantly call things like Hunter's laptop, or his daughter's alleged diary, fiction. You make excuses for Biden like actual Trumpers do for Trump.
So, they shouldn't do their jobs? You haven't shown how Trump has been singled out for enforcement of The Presidential Records Act. All of the references in this thread to what was found in Biden's garage, does just the opposite, in fact.

And how many years did he have those records??
Who is surprised that the National Archives have suddenly resorted to political motives?
Who is surprised that the National Archives have suddenly resorted to political motives?
LOL. Where do you get that from?

The Trump Playbook : Play the victim card and assign every oversight and investigative body with malice from a political agenda. It makes for an easy sell to the conspiratorial-minded base.
Well BB?

Why does it matter? An act of collusion does not necessarily involve a crime.
I assume you read my post. I clearly stated I’m not asking him to make a legal case.

I’m simply asking him if he, LG, believes there was collusion.

Being a clown-show asshat is not a crime. Do you believe Donald Trump is a clown-show asshat?
I'm waiting for dems to claim that Trump knew what he was doing - therefore criminal, and Joe was simply unaware. At this point what else do they have to work with?
Hasn't it been established that Biden's own staff voluntarily handed over the classified material uncovered at his home to The National Archives, while Trump stonewalled their requests for months? If that's not your understanding, please speak up. I haven't seen anyone dispute the argument that Biden was clearly more cooperative with The National Archives than Trump.
You are focusing on the periphery. Why didn't Trump simply comply with The Presidential Records Act and hand the damn things over to The National Archives? The FBI gave him months to avoid the raid of his home.

Maybe because he's been impeached a couple of times, the witch hunts have never stopped, and it looks like once he gives up any documents showing proper intent on something anyone considers questionable, he's screwed? Documents can prove multiple things like correct intent, proper action, correct situational analysis, and (especially in DC) what facts were provided as the basis for a decision. Who is to say that once turned over Trump could retrieve the documents if needed for his defense? If you are saying that Trump shouldn't have the records to document his administration (and I won't completely disagree), then all the presidential libraries should be closed and presidential memoirs zapped (footnotes, etc). In other words, thanks for your service, out the door, you are nobody special from this day forward ... and you really think a narcissist (and all politicians are) can accept that?

If you can show the classified documents were classified by an intelligence agency or the military to protect real secrets rather than inconvenient political actions, then we could probably find some common ground ... but those things are more commonly leaked by an E3 Nobody who shouldn't have had access in the first place.
Hasn't it been established that Biden's own staff voluntarily handed over the classified material uncovered at his home to The National Archives, while Trump stonewalled their requests for months? If that's not your understanding, please speak up. I haven't seen anyone dispute the argument that Biden was clearly more cooperative with The National Archives than Trump.

How long did Biden have classified records and in how many locations? When did Archives know, and what action did they take? Is it worse to know or not be aware that records are missing? Do the Archives only know records are missing when the holder is someone they don't like or it's politically advantageous for them to "discover" that documents are missing? Do we know that all joe's stolen documents have been located and recovered?
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Maybe because he's been impeached a couple of times, the witch hunts have never stopped, and it looks like once he gives up any documents showing proper intent on something anyone considers questionable, he's screwed? Documents can prove multiple things like correct intent, proper action, correct situational analysis, and (especially in DC) what facts were provided as the basis for a decision. Who is to say that once turned over Trump could retrieve the documents if needed for his defense? If you are saying that Trump shouldn't have the records to document his administration (and I won't completely disagree), then all the presidential libraries should be closed and presidential memoirs zapped (footnotes, etc). In other words, thanks for your service, out the door, you are nobody special from this day forward ... and you really think a narcissist (and all politicians are) can accept that?

If you can show the classified documents were classified by an intelligence agency or the military to protect real secrets rather than inconvenient political actions, then we could probably find some common ground ... but those things are more commonly leaked by an E3 Nobody who shouldn't have had access in the first place.
There is nothing to indicate that Trump was held to a different set of standards by The National Archives than every other President who has left office since The Presidential Records Act was signed into law in 1978. He was different in his refusal to comply with their requests for materials related to his presidency ... which did not become his personal property when he left office.
How long did Biden have classified records and in how many locations?
Two locations : The Penn Biden Center and Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware. There is no way to know how long he had the items, without knowing what the items were ... and we don't.

When did Archives know, and what action did they take?
The Archives were apparently not in search of them. The classified material at the Penn Biden Center was discovered by members of Biden's legal staff, and the materials discovered at his home were found by FBI agents. In both cases, the materials were handed over to The National Archives without the need for a subpoena.

Is it worse to know or not be aware that records are missing? Do the Archives only know records are missing when the holder is someone they don't like or it's politically advantageous for them to "discover" that documents are missing?
It likely depends heavily on the risk assessment of the classified material itself. Not all classified items are equally sensitive in nature. You seem eager to assign malice based on political partisanship. The reality is likely to be more complicated than that. Trump embraces victimhood ... and his supporters are quick to believe that investigative and oversight bodies are biased against him.
There is nothing to indicate that Trump was held to a different set of standards by The National Archives than every other President who has left office since The Presidential Records Act was signed into law in 1978. He was different in his refusal to comply with their requests for materials related to his presidency ... which did not become his personal property when he left office.

There's nothing to show that Biden was held to any standards by the Archives for several years, so that would indicate that Trump was held to different standards.
Two locations : The Penn Biden Center and Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware. There is no way to know how long he had the items, without knowing what the items were ... and we don't.

The Archives were apparently not in search of them. The classified material at the Penn Biden Center was discovered by members of Biden's legal staff, and the materials discovered at his home were found by FBI agents. In both cases, the materials were handed over to The National Archives without the need for a subpoena.

It likely depends heavily on the risk assessment of the classified material itself. Not all classified items are equally sensitive in nature. You seem eager to assign malice based on political partisanship. The reality is likely to be more complicated than that. Trump embraces victimhood ... and his supporters are quick to believe that investigative and oversight bodies are biased against him.

Reportedly the stuff at Penn was accessible by any number or people for a long time, and nobody was aware it was there to keep it secure.

Again, isn't it more serious to not know that classified materials are missing? You wouldn't even know what the risks are or who and what are compromised.

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