The Plot Thickens: National Archive to provide documents showing that Trump knew his claim of auto declassifying was bogus

There's nothing to show that Biden was held to any standards by the Archives for several years, so that would indicate that Trump was held to different standards.
We would need to know something about the content of the respective classified material to make such an assessment. However, it's well-established that Donald Trump was in possession of far more classified material than Joe Biden was.
Again, isn't it more serious to not know that classified materials are missing? You wouldn't even know what the risks are or who and what are compromised.
Again, that really depends on how sensitive the classified material was, and what it pertained to. We would need to know something concerning the content ... and we don't. You continue to speak of classified material in a "one size fits all" sense. That isn't reality.
We would need to know something about the content of the respective classified material to make such an assessment. However, it's well-established that Donald Trump was in possession of far more classified material than Joe Biden was.

According to the article you linked:

One president had to be hounded for government documents, including classified material that was only retrieved after the FBI executed a search warrant at his home. And more documents were found even after the president's lawyer signed an affidavit saying everything had been retrieved.

The other president voluntarily turned over documents – including classified material – after his lawyers discovered them in his non-White House office and home, and is cooperating with the Department of Justice.

That's problematic in a couple of ways. Were people at the Archives just so nonchalant and sloppy that they didn't notice the missing Biden documents, or was it just politically expedient not to care in one case but a "bombshell" when the politics aligned differently?

I absolutely agree that as you said in the next post that "one size fits all" is an incorrect stance, and that we'd have to know more about the content to know the significance. How do you suppose either we or a reporter would actually know the contents and significance ... that somebody associated with either camp just claimed it was nothing, so we should accept one case was relevant and the other was really nothing?

Remember Edgar Allan Poe “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” This is all hearsay and we are seeing nothing at all.
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Were people at the Archives just so nonchalant and sloppy that they didn't notice the missing Biden documents, or was it just politically expedient not to care in one case but a "bombshell" when the politics aligned differently?
Again, I think it gets back to what the material was? We don't know.

The fact that the National Archives weren't aware of it, could lead a reasonable person to believe that whatever it was, did not pose a threat to national security. Of course, such a person wouldn't have already assumed them to have a partisan political agenda.
Again, I think it gets back to what the material was? We don't know.

The fact that the National Archives weren't aware of it, could lead a reasonable person to believe that whatever it was, did not pose a threat to national security. Of course, such a person wouldn't have already assumed them to have a partisan political agenda.

Lol. They both had classified documents yet one was acceptable. Wtf does it matter what it was? If it’s that important it shouldn’t be available to anyone to begin with.
Lol. They both had classified documents yet one was acceptable. Wtf does it matter what it was? If it’s that important it shouldn’t be available to anyone to begin with.
Nobody has said that it was "acceptable" for Biden to be illegally handling classified material .... but not all classified material presents the same threat level. Of course, the content matters. How ridiculous.

In a nutshell, there are 16 communications showing that Trump and his advisers knew that Trump's oft-repeated claim that he automatically declassifies anything he takes with him is a load of you-know-what. Even more telling, Trump tried to block the Archive from providing those communications. That tells you that Trump realizes that he is going to be proven a bald faced liar on this.

The Mar-A-Lago thing is what may be his undoing. For the sake of the US of A and the World, let's hope so.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that Trump would lie or steal. What in his prior history would indicate this propensity from him? This really makes me wonder if, maybe, just maybe, he's not the law and order president.
This case is turning into real simple case regarding the declassification of documents.
The fact that the DOJ has narrowed it down to just 16 documents for the time being means that they have very clear documented proof of President Trump's failure to follow proper procedures. Violations include or may include the following: Chain of Custody, staff members, control procedures, knowledge of proper declassification procedures and the list goes on.
They just narrowed their focus down to 16 documents does matter about the rest. Possibly turned some staff into informants.
I don't care either way but take it with a grain of salt.
All Trump had to do was to Shut the F Up! Self inflicted Wound.
I might agree that Trump should have given documents back. But, which side is telling the truth, no one knows. The national archives had been in touch with Trump and they even told him how to store said documents. We don’t know the full story. Just like, we don’t know the full story on the Biden documents. But, we do know that they(NA) either had no idea that Biden had documents or they didn’t care till recently.

Why did they use political theater to raid Trump’s home? Why did they wait until he was gone? There is a lot of questions about how both sides handled the situation. And I’m sure we’ll never know the full story.

Thank you BB. We have no idea what Joe had. We also have no idea what Trump had. I’m glad that you are being bipartisan on this fact. Lol
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Nobody has said that it was "acceptable" for Biden to be illegally handling classified material .... but not all classified material presents the same threat level. Of course, the content matters. How ridiculous.
A crime is a crime…. A BAC of .12 gets you a DUI the same as a .25. Is one worse? Sure …. But both are a DUI.
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A crime is a crime…. A BAC of .12 gets you a DUI the same as a .25. Is one worse? Sure …. But both are a DUI.
Weak analogy. Not all classified material holds the same consequences for being improperly handled.

A better analogy would be that DUI Manslaughter has more serious ramifications than just a DUI.
I might agree that Trump should have given documents back. But, which side is telling the truth, no one knows. The national archives had been in touch with Trump and they even told him how to store said documents. We don’t know the full story. Just like, we don’t know the full story on the Biden documents. But, we do know that they(NA) either had no idea that Biden had documents or they didn’t care till recently.

Why did they use political theater to raid Trump’s home? Why did they wait until he was gone? There is a lot of questions about how both sides handled the situation. And I’m sure we’ll never know the full story.

Thank you BB. We have no idea what Joe had. We also have no idea what Trump had. I’m glad that you are being bipartisan on this fact. Lol
When it comes to who is telling the truth, it is germane to point out that a Trump attorney signed a statement saying that no further classified material was being stored on the Mar-a-Lago property. Only for more classified material to later be found.
Weak analogy. Not all classified material holds the same consequences for being improperly handled.

A better analogy would be that DUI Manslaughter has more serious ramifications than just a DUI.

Lol. You don’t have a f****** clue what any of the documents contained. Trump keeping documents secured that they knew about = manslaughter but Biden keeping documents strewn all over the place was nothing. Looney libs are the worst of the partisan hacks.
Lol. You don’t have a f****** clue what any of the documents contained. Trump keeping documents secured that they knew about = manslaughter but Biden keeping documents strewn all over the place was nothing. Looney libs are the worst of the partisan hacks.
I didn't say that I did ... but his analogy was weak. Classified material doesn't come "one size fits all." It doesn't all pose the same level of risk to national security.

... and Trump had classified material in an off-site rented storage unit - not the best place for them.

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