As I've said, if you're intersex you're out of the Olympics, IMO.
Yes, it's not fair, but it's about something like 1 in 5000 folks born with SOME kind of genetics issue and many of those cause people to be in the Special Olympics, which shouldn't have this issue.
Basically, VERY VERY few elite Olympic athletes have this issue. It's not like a trans athlete, at all; it's a genetic, totally unchosen by the athlete, very rare situation. I'm sorry for them, but we live as a group and do things for group.
My concern is kids I've actually known who are born "sexually ambiguous" and choices have to be made.
But what ARE they? XY= male, XX = female. That's all well and good until one of these boxers, as a young kid, is showering with my grandson but looks like my granddaughter.
We need to keep it as simple as possible at that level WITHOUT letting some freak try to turn their young, normal boy into a girl. I have no answer there.