The Problems with Trans-ideology


The International Boxing Association is holding a press conference in Paris to address the issues surrounding Algerian boxer Imane Khelif and Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-Ting.

Dr. Ioannis Filippatos, the former Chair of IBA Medical Committee and an OB/GYN with three decades of experience, has spoken.

He has confirmed that neither Lin nor Khelif are biological females, and has slammed the IOC for using passports as a system for determining gender.

"Medicine is knowledge, it is not opinion ... One passport can give to us the opportunity to be men, and, tomorrow when I go back to Athens, I can go to my government and change my name from Ioannis to Ionnia. That means I am a woman tomorrow? Please. The nature and the biological world do not change."

Hmm.. I saw people on Facebook saying that she was just an ugly woman and we should all be ashamed.. I’m so confused lol
The Algerian fighter is intersex, and I understand that situation.

What is the story with the other fighter?


The International Boxing Association is holding a press conference in Paris to address the issues surrounding Algerian boxer Imane Khelif and Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-Ting.

Dr. Ioannis Filippatos, the former Chair of IBA Medical Committee and an OB/GYN with three decades of experience, has spoken.

He has confirmed that neither Lin nor Khelif are biological females, and has slammed the IOC for using passports as a system for determining gender.

"Medicine is knowledge, it is not opinion ... One passport can give to us the opportunity to be men, and, tomorrow when I go back to Athens, I can go to my government and change my name from Ioannis to Ionnia. That means I am a woman tomorrow? Please. The nature and the biological world do not change."

You would think that the people in charge of an event that occurs every 4 years would do a better job vetting athletes beyond just a passport. Maybe they could implement decoder rings for an additional level of scrutiny in 2028.
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You would think that the people in charge of an event that occurs every 4 years would do a better job vetting athletes beyond just a passport. Maybe they could implement decoder rings for an additional level of scrutiny in 2028.
Those videos tell us nothing. Sound quality is horrible. We need more than this as evidence. What tests were done? Where's the written statement?
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I think that if they were born with the equipment they should get to play with others with the same equipment. Genetic oddities happen and people shouldn't be penalized because of them.

I disagree. These are biological men who were underdeveloped in utero. Giving them a massive physical advantage over women.
I disagree. These are biological men who were underdeveloped in utero. Giving them a massive physical advantage over women.
I find facts lacking here. What do you know about these folks? XY chromosomes? OK. Uterus? Prostate? Testes? Syndrome?
I find facts lacking here. What do you know about these folks? XY chromosomes? OK. Uterus? Prostate? Testes? Syndrome?

What other than Y chromosome do you need to know?

That is the fundamental element that makes someone a man.
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I disagree. These are biological men who were underdeveloped in utero. Giving them a massive physical advantage over women.

I get what you're saying but where does it stop? I'm for using the KISS method and if you were born with a penis you are a male and visa versa if you are born with a vagina.
I get what you're saying but where does it stop? I'm for using the KISS method and if you were born with a penis you are a male and visa versa if you are born with a vagina.

I think Y chromosome is more simplistic and more importantly, less invasive. No one has to check your junk, just your dna
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I think Y chromosome is more simplistic and more importantly, less invasive. No one has to check your junk, just your dna

But where does it end?

Hey, I know less than nothing about genetics but are we going to start genetic testing all athletes to see if they have a genetic advantage? IMO its just getting too invasive.
I find facts lacking here. What do you know about these folks? XY chromosomes? OK. Uterus? Prostate? Testes? Syndrome?
Pretty simple. If you have a Y chromosome you compete with other males and if you don't you compete with other females.
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I get what you're saying but where does it stop? I'm for using the KISS method and if you were born with a penis you are a male and visa versa if you are born with a vagina.
I agree. Though I'd prefer intersex people and those with genetic anomalies related to XY are simply banned from Olympic competition.

Fair? For most people, yes. For those people, no. Life can never be 100% fair to everyone and this affects a very, very small percentage of athletes.

My main concern is who are young middle school kids going to shower with in gym class?

I'm just not okay with the questions arising from them seeing Betty, who goes through life as a girl but is XY and male on his birth certificate, having to shower with the boys because the law is: you use the bathroom your birth certificate says.

These boxers are probably this way, though I've no "inside info" (pun intended,) and have probably been raised female because as my great grandma who helped deliver babies supposedly would say, "It's a split! Isn't she beautiful?"

For the kids who count these messy genetic situations as just Betty, KISS is the way to go.
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The problem is the last 4 years it has been shoved down our throats. The general public gave them freedom, didn’t really care what that community did, but the last several years it has been “how dare you this” “how dare you that”

The community has gotten a little too big for their britches. I’m all for letting someone do whatever they want/whatever makes them happy, but don’t come shove it in my face
What other than Y chromosome do you need to know?

That is the fundamental element that makes someone a man.
I want to know as much information as possible. There are really rare conditions such as Swyer Syndrome where XY can still be a female
Since we are all about equality, why don't we just get rid of men and women's separation and just have the best athlete of either sex start? Wouldn't that solve the problem? Feminist keep pushing for this equality.

I mean outside of maybe Simone Biles and gymnastics, we wouldn't have any women in the Olympics then.

(I hope people realize I am not serious with this post).
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But where does it end?

Hey, I know less than nothing about genetics but are we going to start genetic testing all athletes to see if they have a genetic advantage? IMO its just getting too invasive.

I think it ends at the end Y chromosome. I don’t see a need for any additional testing. And outside of the Olympics and pro sports I would say just follow your standard.
I want to know as much information as possible. There are really rare conditions such as Swyer Syndrome where XY can still be a female
You don't have a right to as much info as possible about other people. Just HOW MUCH of my genetics or my child's genetics do you have a right to know?

Should a freaking insurance company get to do a genetic workup on my family to see if they want to insure us? Maybe the wife is BRCA.

Maybe I should demand the test from any potential woman my son might marry.

C'mon. Stay out of my shorts and stay out of my blood until there's a question like this in Olympic competition. Keep it as simple as possible.
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