The Problems with Trans-ideology

They keep saying that this person has identified as female since birth. I find it hard to believe a newborn infant could identify as anything. I can see that if there were certain birth defects that a choice made by others could be made.
Well the doctors identified her with a vagina. So she probably just ran with the whole I got a vadge so I'm probably a girl. Crazy I know
Great Wolf Lodge worth it?

Yeah because the kids love it (6 and 3). Not sure we'll be feeling it's worth it a few years from now.

On the day you check in, you can use the swimming resort the full day, so you can stay one night and get two full days there, which is honestly enough. We left at 4 on day 2 because the kids were pretty spent.
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Was watching aome Olympic coverage tonight and a very well put together "HeGetsUs" commercial caught my eye. A very obvious trans person was a prominent piece.

If you call yourself Christian I call upon you to think about your words and actions. Remember, Jesus himself purposefully surrounded himself with those on the fringes of society in his time. Some of the most unworthy fulfilled prophecy and were the most trusted with his early church.

Quit building barriers and invite to come as you are. We'll work anything else out later. It's up to us as believers to welcome and love. Not admonish and judge. I'm guilty, I sin......... Am I any better?

Be the standard of love and light!
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Was watching aome Olympic coverage tonight and a very well put together "HeGetsUs" commercial caught my eye. A very obvious trans person was a prominent piece.

If you call yourself Christian I call upon you to think about your words and actions. Remember, Jesus himself purposefully surrounded himself with those on the fringes of society in his time. Some of the most unworthy fulfilled prophecy and were the most trusted with his early church.

Quit building barriers and invite to come as you are. We'll work anything else out later. It's up to us as believers to welcome and love. Not admonish and judge. I'm guilty, I' sin......... Am I any better?

Be the standard of love and light!

You can be a Christian and not celebrate this. Nobody hates them. They need to seek the mental healthcare they need while having a bit of self awareness.
You can be a Christian and not celebrate this. Nobody hates them. They need to seek the mental healthcare they need while having a bit of self awareness.
Who said anything about celebrating it?

You are completely missing the point.........
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Who said anything about celebrating it?

You are completely missing the point.........
No you are. People care about protecting the integrity of women’s sports. There’s a reason men and women don’t compete together. The vast majority should not have to pander to the extreme minority. That’s not hate that’s common sense. If these people can’t realize they have no business competing then people need to let them know. I mean they think it’s normal to pretend to be something they’re not.
No you are. People care about protecting the integrity of women’s sports. There’s a reason men and women don’t compete together. The vast majority should not have to pander to the extreme minority. That’s not hate that’s common sense. If these people can’t realize they have no business competing then people need to let them know. I mean they think it’s normal to pretend to be something they’re not.
I don't think he was talking in relation to sports, unless I am misunderstanding. I think he is just talking in everyday general life.
No you are. People care about protecting the integrity of women’s sports. There’s a reason men and women don’t compete together. The vast majority should not have to pander to the extreme minority. That’s not hate that’s common sense. If these people can’t realize they have no business competing then people need to let them know. I mean they think it’s normal to pretend to be something they’re not.
Good Lord you are just missing the mark all over the place. Where in my post does it say we should let men compete against women?
Without wading too far into this, given "bathroom laws" which demand that a person use facilities which match a person's birth certificate, this boxer might be required in the US to box as a man but use the female locker room.

Or a DsD person assigned male at birth might be going to the boys gym locker with my kids while having female external genitalia.

I'm not taking sides here but it's messy when kids are genetically male but look female and vice versa.

Young male kids showering with a person who looks all the world like a girl or young girls showering with a kid who looks like a boy is exactly what I don't want.
I was wrong about the conception part, Marcus. But they can bear and deliver children if they have a uterus. My whole point is this is complex. It doesn't mean I necessarily believe they should compete with women. But calling them men is not entirely accurate, imo.

I'm learning about this as I go. It's fascinating from an academic perspective.

Thanks for your thoughtful response. I am sure at times you get frustrated with ignorance here (and everywhere lol) because most folks simply don't understand things which are different from their norms. You have always been patient and classy in the PF. Seems like you have been "1 of the guys" for as long as I have been on VN. I appreciate you being so classy, and love your sense of humor lmao. Glad youve been posting more since you retired, and appreciate you answering my questions. Nothing but love here man...but i think you know that.
Thanks for your thoughtful response. I am sure at times you get frustrated with ignorance here (and everywhere lol) because most folks simply don't understand things which are different from their norms. You have always been patient and classy in the PF. Seems like you have been "1 of the guys" for as long as I have been on VN. I appreciate you being so classy, and love your sense of humor lmao. Glad youve been posting more since you retired, and appreciate you answering my questions. Nothing but love here man...but i think you know that.
I do, and right back at ya.
Something else to add (of which I was not previously aware) is some intersex folks with female anatomy (uterus) and a Y chromosome can conceive, bear, and deliver children. Would these folks be considered men?
Are you being binary? SHAME!!!!!!!

Yes I'm messing with you.
Women should absolutely be allowed to compete with men, especially in boxing. A heavyweight fight would be hilaaaaarious.
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The International Boxing Association is holding a press conference in Paris to address the issues surrounding Algerian boxer Imane Khelif and Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-Ting.

Dr. Ioannis Filippatos, the former Chair of IBA Medical Committee and an OB/GYN with three decades of experience, has spoken.

He has confirmed that neither Lin nor Khelif are biological females, and has slammed the IOC for using passports as a system for determining gender.

"Medicine is knowledge, it is not opinion ... One passport can give to us the opportunity to be men, and, tomorrow when I go back to Athens, I can go to my government and change my name from Ioannis to Ionnia. That means I am a woman tomorrow? Please. The nature and the biological world do not change."
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