The Problems with Trans-ideology

Yeah, we're spineless for being considerate. Lol.

Bet your ma and pa are real proud of the gracious boy you've grown to be.
The best part is you actually believe that.

We're not talking about some three-year old boy "Terrorizing" the house as a T-Rex and then you have fun with it and say, oh what a scary T-Rex. We're talking about grown men. Even the ridiculous people who buy into this stuff know that they're dudes even if they don't admit it. Grown men who tell you that you need to call them ma'am or whatever and you bend over for them and say absolutely, I'll play along with your psychosis. That makes you a spineless coward.

Facts > Your Feelings

Dickturd > Spineless Coward
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You both placate to the delusional psychotics and leave your spines at the door. No doubt you play along with schizophrenics as well. So brave! You've earned rainbow points!!

Time is not racist. Math is not racist. 2+2=4. Men aren't women. Too bad so sad. lmao
It requires zero work on my part. Impacts my life zero. It's no different than someone whose birth name is Ted saying hey I go by X. Ok I'll call you X. Doesn't mean I think it's not a mental issue. But I have the ability to choose to be respectful. Sorry you can't do that
It requires zero work on my part. Impacts my life zero. It's no different than someone whose birth name is Ted saying hey I go by X. Ok I'll call you X. Doesn't mean I think it's not a mental issue. But I have the ability to choose to be respectful. Sorry you can't do that
It’s literally no skin off my back to refer to Lia Thomas by her chosen name, or to use her chosen pronouns.

Not because I feel compelled to do so, or because I must - but simply because I choose to do so, out of common decency.

That choice in no way informs my opinion of her swimming in a pool against biological females.
It’s literally no skin off my back to refer to Lia Thomas by her chosen name, or to use her chosen pronouns.

Not because I feel compelled to do so, or because I must - but simply because I choose to do so, out of common decency.

That choice in no way informs my opinion of her swimming in a pool against biological females.
100% agree
Is that the Hulu show? I might know their parents, LOL.

My wife and I of course felt compelled to check out that show. Neither of us could finish the pilot. They're terrible people and probably just cultural Mormons, not actually religious.

I am not Mormon at all anymore, but still think Mormons deserve fair representation, even if I'm at odds with the organization (not the members).
I lived there for a number of years. Overall, they are hypocrites. There are nice people, but they will choose 'church' over anything, and if you ain't a member, you are excluded.
It requires zero work on my part. Impacts my life zero. It's no different than someone whose birth name is Ted saying hey I go by X. Ok I'll call you X. Doesn't mean I think it's not a mental issue. But I have the ability to choose to be respectful. Sorry you can't do that

It’s literally no skin off my back to refer to Lia Thomas by her chosen name, or to use her chosen pronouns.

Not because I feel compelled to do so, or because I must - but simply because I choose to do so, out of common decency.

That choice in no way informs my opinion of her swimming in a pool against biological females.

There is absolutely nothing respectful or decent about adhering to the whims of psychotic freaks. You do look pathetic though, so you do have that going for you guys. lmao

Facts > Feelings

Reality > Psychotic Freak Psychosis

EXCLUSIVE: Biden-Harris Admin Paves Way For Bureaucrats To Take Gender-Confused Kids From ‘Non-Affirming’ Parents​

“Transphobia is child abuse,” Alex Roque, who runs the Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBTQ youth in New York City, asserted on a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) webinar last fall.

In less than three minutes, he cast a vision for completely transforming child protective systems nationwide. Family rejection of a child’s gender identity cannot be dismissed as a personal view, he argued. Non-affirmation must be treated as abuse. “If they were denying them food or denying them access to school or denying other things, there would be headlines,” Roque continued. “There would be prosecution.”

While crafting its foster care rule finalized in April, HHS officials took inspiration from social workers in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, who spent years pioneering a program that strong-arms parents into affirming whatever confused beliefs children express about their gender. Parents who decline risk losing a voice in their child’s life.

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There is, but there's equal sensationalism about people who opposed trans advocacy.

You don't mess with people's kids. And unfortunately we have a few teachers, administrators etc that seem to get their warm fuzzies and in some cases take their disdain for parents traditional views out on their kids. That should never happen, and those who do should never be trusted with children ever again.

Now does it happen a lot, depends on how you view it.... But once is too much, leave the kids out of it.

On the other hand you have fools targeting trans people for violence or harassment. That too is wrong and shouldn't happen.

Both sides of the equation have been sensationalized and used as wedges.
Get rid of NEA and a lot of this solves itself.
It’s literally no skin off my back to refer to Lia Thomas by her chosen name, or to use her chosen pronouns.

Not because I feel compelled to do so, or because I must - but simply because I choose to do so, out of common decency.

That choice in no way informs my opinion of her swimming in a pool against biological females.
So those that choose to call him by the proper pronouns vs the ones that he assigned to himself due to mental illness is not common decency? You choose what you choose to do but don't come back and qualify it like it's fact. You don't get to do that for others.

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