The Red Line: Part Deux

That wasn't funny, but I like the fact you are willing to be so mean spirited.

Have a good labor day Hog.

I'm not the one defending a POTUS who wants to kill people that have done nothing to us.

You too.
I'm not the one defending a POTUS who wants to kill people that have done nothing to us.

You too.

Who is defending Obama? Am I the one accused of defending Obama?

Simply thinking you are a dick doesn't mean I agree with Obama.

The only thing I agree with Obama on is probably gay marriage. However, I was never against it to begin with.
Who cares. They are killing themselves..isn't that the whole idea? I mean they fight amongst themselves, and we sit back and pound brewskies and eat terrible food while watching 12+ hours of college football. Win - Win for America.

Lol go vols...
Who is defending Obama? Am I the one accused of defending Obama?

Simply thinking you are a dick doesn't mean I agree with Obama.

The only thing I agree with Obama on is probably gay marriage. However, I was never against it to begin with.

Oh wow, now I'm offended. A person of your caliber thinks I'm a dick, how will I ever move on?
Kerry says 1,429 people died in the recent Syrian government chemical attack, 426 of them children. Other reports say that this is actually around the 10th or 11th use of chemical weapons by Syria, and that this one is basically a test of the rest of the world and whether it will do anything about it.

While I don't really know much or see a direct US interest in the outcome of the civil war there, it is getting to the point where it is pretty compelling justification for the US to act. Frankly, if we know Assad okayed it, I think a case can be made that an attack by us should in fact target him.

Anyone that would launch an attack of a chemical weapon on a civilian population and kills 400 kids gives up his right to govern, and only means to get him out of power at this point .....
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Oh wow, now I'm offended. A person of your caliber thinks I'm a dick, how will I ever move on?

How would you be able to tell what 'caliber' of person I am?

You accused me of defending Obama which means to me you are either lazy or stupid. So not sure your judgment should be trusted.

Either way I don't care.
Kerry says 1,429 people died in the recent Syrian government chemical attack, 426 of them children. Other reports say that this is actually around the 10th or 11th use of chemical weapons by Syria, and that this one is basically a test of the rest of the world and whether it will do anything about it.

While I don't really know much or see a direct US interest in the outcome of the civil war there, it is getting to the point where it is pretty compelling justification for the US to act. Frankly, if we know Assad okayed it, I think a case can be made that an attack by us should in fact target him.

Anyone that would launch an attack of a chemical weapon on a civilian population and kills 400 kids gives up his right to govern, and only means to get him out of power at this point .....

So you were all for us attacking Iraq to remove Sadam?
How would you be able to tell what 'caliber' of person I am?

You accused me of defending Obama which means to me you are either lazy or stupid. So not sure your judgment should be trusted.

Either way I don't care.

Don't be so sensitive.

Shouldn't you be taking peoples orders instead of being online?
Kerry says 1,429 people died in the recent Syrian government chemical attack, 426 of them children. Other reports say that this is actually around the 10th or 11th use of chemical weapons by Syria, and that this one is basically a test of the rest of the world and whether it will do anything about it.

While I don't really know much or see a direct US interest in the outcome of the civil war there, it is getting to the point where it is pretty compelling justification for the US to act. Frankly, if we know Assad okayed it, I think a case can be made that an attack by us should in fact target him.

Anyone that would launch an attack of a chemical weapon on a civilian population and kills 400 kids gives up his right to govern, and only means to get him out of power at this point .....

Let someone else do it than, just not the US.

Also can anyone recap Kerry's speech? I missed it.
Kerry says 1,429 people died in the recent Syrian government chemical attack, 426 of them children. Other reports say that this is actually around the 10th or 11th use of chemical weapons by Syria, and that this one is basically a test of the rest of the world and whether it will do anything about it.

While I don't really know much or see a direct US interest in the outcome of the civil war there, it is getting to the point where it is pretty compelling justification for the US to act. Frankly, if we know Assad okayed it, I think a case can be made that an attack by us should in fact target him.

Anyone that would launch an attack of a chemical weapon on a civilian population and kills 400 kids gives up his right to govern, and only means to get him out of power at this point .....
Congrats, you just justified Iraq
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Let someone else do it than, just not the US.

Also can anyone recap Kerry's speech? I missed it.

We are going to strike Syria in some form or fashion.

We KNOW Assad is responsible for multiple CW attacks.

Obama doesn't need Congressional or UN approval to act.
If we had evidence that he authorized killing civilians with chemical weapons, we should have targeted him. Invading the whole country probably not necessary.

And just how would you suggest that happen without invasion or mass bombing which will lead to more civilian deaths than Assad's supposed CWs have.
Anyone that would launch an attack of a chemical weapon on a civilian population and kills 400 kids gives up his right to govern, and only means to get him out of power at this point .....

How many children have died in drone strikes under Obama? Would you say that he has given up his right to govern, or is that only if he uses chemical weapons?

Here are some interesting graphs on the drone strikes (Obama loves to kill people more than you think).

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