The Red Line: Part Deux

LOL @ GOP temper tantrum.

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It’s amazing to compare Obama and Bush here.

Obama could not get UN approval for an attack...Bush did.

Obama could not get a colaition together for his attack...Bush got over 40 nations to participate.

Obama was going to fail to get a resolution to use force from Congress...Bush got that resolution, twice.

Obama could not even act on his own “red line,” threat and never even got to the point of establishing a deadline...Bush set a deadline and then acted.

Obama has tried to blame everyone and shift responsibility, even claiming the he never said there was a “red line,” when the whole world heard him announce it...Bush took full responsibility for his actions.

Bush did not have UN approval when he invaded Iraq.
BHO has been cramming for his big speech all week like a school boy on the eve of finals.

I doubt it. They're probably still writing it, which in this case isn't a good thing

Translation: Obama success once again getting under the skin of those who cannot stand him.

Success with regard to Syria? Hardly. It looks to me like the handling has gotten worse.

This outlines how:

The Syria Solution: Obama Got Played by Putin and Assad | New Republic

From a political standpoint, he should have just lobbed some tomahawks into Syria two or three weeks ago. That probably would have had less blow back than whatever will happen now.
I doubt it. They're probably still writing it, which in this case isn't a good thing

Success with regard to Syria? Hardly. It looks to me like the handling has gotten worse.

This outlines how:

The Syria Solution: Obama Got Played by Putin and Assad | New Republic

From a political standpoint, he should have just lobbed some tomahawks into Syria two or three weeks ago. That probably would have had less blow back than whatever will happen now.

I can guarantee you that LG does not realize Putin and Assad just punked the Obama administration.

What a clown show this has become...
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I can guarantee you that LG does not realize Putin and Assad just punked the Obama administration.

What a clown show this has become...

Want to take bets that they release evidence showing the rebels are the perpetrators of the CW attack?
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I doubt it. They're probably still writing it, which in this case isn't a good thing

Success with regard to Syria? Hardly. It looks to me like the handling has gotten worse.

This outlines how:

The Syria Solution: Obama Got Played by Putin and Assad | New Republic

From a political standpoint, he should have just lobbed some tomahawks into Syria two or three weeks ago. That probably would have had less blow back than whatever will happen now.

Agree on all fronts
I can guarantee you that LG does not realize Putin and Assad just punked the Obama administration.

What a clown show this has become...

Right - we have now in effect signed on to the real International community's plan; a plan that out of necessity will take an extended period of time. In a couple months when this has run it's course through all the negotiations and UN security council shennanigans Assad will still have CW and Obama will be back again claiming we have to do something "unbelivably small" to send Assad a message.
I have to say Putin & the Russians played this perfectly. Moscow comes out with a huge PR win and Putin wins the diplomacy award.
Well, its more that I would not be surprised if the idea was being floated at some level, either here internally, or perhaps at the G-20, and Kerry was implying such would be unlikely to work since its hard to see Assad agreeing to it, but lo and behold....

In either event, it all comes down to the fact that Obama's threat to attack has created this opportunity. If its fake, if its a ruse, then I would think that it would make it a little easier to get Congressional approval.

My guess is that we skeptically say okay and see what happens, and that in the meantime the resolutions are tabled pending verification.

Are you wrong or is the administration lying?

Meanwhile, back in Washington, the White House was just as surprised as anyone. Asked if this was a White House plan that Kerry had served up in London, Deputy National Security Advisor Tony Blinken was unequivocal. "No, no, no," he said. "We literally just heard about this as you did some hours ago."
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I have to say Putin & the Russians played this perfectly. Moscow comes out with a huge PR win and Putin wins the diplomacy award.

While overly simplistic, the New Republic article posted by Velo is a pretty good summary of the chain of events.
Amazing when people from the same Agency can't get on the same page

Kerry opened the door to a nonsense Russian diplomatic solution, just three days after Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said publicly it would be naive to count on Russia diplomatically.

The Power comments were explaining why diplomatic solutions were not feasible and military action was required. Oops. Of course Power is the UN Ambassdor who skipped the emergency UN Security Council meeting right afer CW was used since she was on vacation (less than 3 weeks into her new post).

Again, you have to wonder how hard we really worked to gain International support and to seek non-military options.
This is hilarious.

1) Obama is going to strike. GOP says he has to go to Congress first.

2) Obama says ok, goes to Congress. GOP says he should never have done that, he's weak.

3) Obama says he will strike even without Congress, if he thinks it is necessary. GOP says he will be impeached if he does it without their okay.

4) Obama says he will take their position into account. GOP says he should not strike, must seek diplomatic solution.

5) Diplomatic solution arises. GOP says it is despite Obama threatening to strike.

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This is hilarious.

1) Obama is going to strike. GOP says he has to go to Congress first.

2) Obama says ok, goes to Congress. GOP says he should never have done that, he's weak.

3) Obama says he will strike even without Congress, if he thinks it is necessary. GOP says he will be impeached if he does it without their okay.

4) Obama says he will take their position into account. GOP says he should not strike, must seek diplomatic solution.

5) Diplomatic solution arises. GOP says it is despite Obama threatening to strike.

You keep bringing up these same points. Really it seems Russia found a solution and Obama/Kerry are trying to take credit for that fact.

Not sure what the GOP did wrong here. You are simply trying to start a fight.

I personally don't think Obama was at fault, but he certainly knew the majority of the country and even his own household was against a strike.

The fear I have now is that Russia seems to be dictating what's is going to happen.
Simple, undeniable fact, is that had Obama not threatened military action, and stuck to his guns despite the Brits backing out, none of this would be happening.

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on this deal, i.e. some last minute ridiculous condition by Assad that shoots it down. But if it actually works out, then Obama deserves enormous credit for disarming an unstable regime of its chemical weapons.
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If an agreement is indeed in place whereby chemical weapons are taken over by the UN it will only be because Obama pressured them into doing it. And if it turns out to be a ploy, that will probably be the straw that allows Obama to strike.

Its a win-win for Obama.

first Putin, then France suggested it, didn't see where we said anything about anything otherthan a surprisingly small strike.
Simple, undeniable fact, is that had Obama not threatened military action, and stuck to his guns despite the Brits backing out, none of this would be happening.

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on this deal, i.e. some last minute ridiculous condition by Assad that shoots it down. But if it actually works out, then Obama deserves enormous credit for disarming an unstable regime of its chemical weapons.

i would love for this to be true, but unfortunately, our president has been behind on this fromthe beginning. russia has been calling the shots and we are constantly playing catch up.

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