The Red Line: Part Deux

Simple, undeniable fact, is that had Obama not threatened military action, and stuck to his guns despite the Brits backing out, none of this would be happening.

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on this deal, i.e. some last minute ridiculous condition by Assad that shoots it down. But if it actually works out, then Obama deserves enormous credit for disarming an unstable regime of its chemical weapons.

Only the most delusional of partisans would say that Obama deserves enormous credit for his handling of Syria.

Oh wait a minute...
i would love for this to be true, but unfortunately, our president has been behind on this fromthe beginning. russia has been calling the shots and we are constantly playing catch up.

No. You are dead wrong.

The only reason Syria is agreeing to disarm chem weapons is because of Obama.

Hopefully, they mean it. I am skeptical, in which case the justification to strike is stronger. But if its real, then its because of Obama.
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Simple, undeniable fact, is that had Obama not threatened military action, and stuck to his guns despite the Brits backing out, none of this would be happening.

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on this deal, i.e. some last minute ridiculous condition by Assad that shoots it down. But if it actually works out, then Obama deserves enormous credit for disarming an unstable regime of its chemical weapons.

Simple is, Obama should have kept his mouth shut or at least been non-committal from the start. Then if they do have irrefutable evidence Assad used CWs he should have launched immediately, put his evidence on public display and said that's what happens when you use WMDs.
No. You are dead wrong.

The only reason Syria is agreeing to disarm chem weapons is because of Obama.

Hopefully, they mean it. I am skeptical, in which case the justification to strike is stronger. But if its real, then its because of Obama.

i wish i was wrong, but have seen this all first hand too many times. bottom line is the threat of strikes isn't a real or even dangerous threat from assads point of view. he is simply playing to his bigger benefactor, putin. they'll give up their weapns for a time and magically get them back when they need them. mean while obama will wait to see what putin does next and react poorly and slowly as usual.
No. You are dead wrong.

The only reason Syria is agreeing to disarm chem weapons is because of Obama.

Hopefully, they mean it. I am skeptical, in which case the justification to strike is stronger. But if its real, then its because of Obama.

:eek:lol: still delusional & head up Barry's ass.
No. You are dead wrong.

The only reason Syria is agreeing to disarm chem weapons is because of Obama.

Hopefully, they mean it. I am skeptical, in which case the justification to strike is stronger. But if its real, then its because of Obama.

Yea because Putin stepping in had nothing to do with that at all.
first Putin, then France suggested it, didn't see where we said anything about anything otherthan a surprisingly small strike.

I posted the below in this thread on 9/06.
This is the only suggestion I have heard out of DC other than an attack until the Putin proposl was released. Obama has been the big loser on Syria, to this point

Originally Posted by*Gramps:Finally a sensible proposal for the Syrian situation.Sen Manchin, Heitkamp propose giving Syria 45 days to sign the chemical weapons convention . This would start the process of securing and dismantling their chemical weapons.This would put a diplomatic action and test before Obama would be giving the resloution to strike.I think the 45 days is too long. Some version of a plan like this could work.
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Obama succeeding. US succeeding.

Just can't stand it, can you?

Even the NYT is saying Obama was saved by Putin. So it seems you aren't really correct.

"Russian Proposal Could offer Obama escape from bind"

President Obama woke up Monday facing a Congressional defeat that many in both parties believed could hobble his presidency. And by the end of the day, he found himself in the odd position of relying on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir V. Putin, of all people, to bail him out.

No. You are dead wrong.

The only reason Syria is agreeing to disarm chem weapons is because of Obama.

Hopefully, they mean it. I am skeptical, in which case the justification to strike is stronger. But if its real, then its because of Obama.

Is this for real?
Even the NYT is saying Obama was saved by Putin. So it seems you aren't really correct.

"Russian Proposal Could offer Obama escape from bind"

President Obama woke up Monday facing a Congressional defeat that many in both parties believed could hobble his presidency. And by the end of the day, he found himself in the odd position of relying on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir V. Putin, of all people, to bail him out.


Would not be happening w/o Obama as president. Pretty simple.
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Wait, what happened to the part about sitting down with everyone and treating them as equals and have a love in and they would like us and they would be our buddies?
This is hilarious.

1) Obama is going to strike. GOP says he has to go to Congress first.

No, actually a number of them (especially from former administrations) have said he didn't need to ask Congress. And in hindsight it looks like a bad move. He hasn't been able to sway Congress, despite having much of the leadership of both parties on board.

Seems apparent this was a reaction to what happened in England.

Live and learn.
I have some questions that may or may not have been addressed as of yet:

1) Has there been conclusive proof that Assad authorized and his forces used the CW?
2) If the Rebels have/had the CW, how is an agreement with Assad going to get them turned in?
3) If Assad didn't authorize the CW use and his forces used them anyway, how is an agreement with Assad going to get them turned in?
4) How is an agreement with Assad going to get them turned in?
A serious foreign-policy intellectual said recently that Putin’s problem is that he’s a Russian leader in search of a Nixon, a U.S. president he can really negotiate with, a stone player who can talk grand strategy and the needs of his nation, someone with whom he can thrash it through and work it out. Instead he has Obama, a self-besotted charismatic who can’t tell the difference between showbiz and strategy, and who enjoys unburdening himself of moral insights to his peers.
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Ann Coulter strikes again on the Hannity Show.

She suggests that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated the chemical weapons attacks in Syria to "make Obama look like a monkey."

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