The Red Line: Part Deux

Ann Coulter strikes again on the Hannity Show.

She suggests that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated the chemical weapons attacks in Syria to "make Obama look like a monkey."

Yeah, Hannity called her out on that name & she kind of backtracked a little bit afterwards saying making him look like...........I don't remember what word she used. She turned a little red also realizing what was said.
Simple, undeniable fact, is that had Obama not threatened military action, and stuck to his guns despite the Brits backing out, none of this would be happening.

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on this deal, i.e. some last minute ridiculous condition by Assad that shoots it down. But if it actually works out, then Obama deserves enormous credit for disarming an unstable regime of its chemical weapons.

:eek:lol: There's like only 4 Dems that agree w/Obozo. You & Harry Reid are the one's leading the circus. Kerry & Pelosi are the others that are preaching to their zoo.
Has anyone given thought to this being something Putin and Obama acted on in unison? Obama threatening a strike that will most likely never happen while Putin uses the fact that "the US may strike" as a reason to talk their ally into handing their chemical weapons over to the UN.

I mean, Presidents haven't really had to go to congress since Truman and Korea ( a whole other topic about abuse of power, I know) so why go to Congress if he is so dead set on striking? He's not up for reelection so poll numbers don't matter. Most of his own party are against strikes so it won't hurt dems much if any at midterms. I believe he knows Congress will debate this forever and not approve but this will buy enough tone for Putin to talk Assad into handing the weapons over. All the while not using any troops or missiles.

IF this in fact the case, that's pretty good diplomacy. I guess we'll see if that is the case or not.
Three of four panelists on Fox using the phrase "square the circle." Shockingly, they are all critical of Obama. But as none of them remotely cares that they are mixing metaphors, whatever.
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Three of four panelists on Fox using the phrase "square the circle." Shockingly, they are all critical of Obama. But as none of them remotely cares that they are mixing metaphors, whatever.

Why do u watch Fox News so often? Also, would you agree you are just as biased as those you flame?
Well CNN has a current political advisor and Elijah Cummings on their panel.

I might add that Elijah thought the point that if we don't do something now that someday our troops could face gas attacks and that would be unfair. Tomahawks however are not asymmetrical warfare.
That was the most pathetic public display of Presidential leadership I can remember.

He sounded and looked like a little boy who's favorite toy has been taken away and none of his friends want to play his game.
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Why do u watch Fox News so often? Also, would you agree you are just as biased as those you flame?

Plenty of the commentators on the liberal MSNBC are against strikes and have said so. At least they are intellectually honest. These tools on Fox are just the latest round of Obama bashers on that channel. They are saying what they are saying just to harangue him. Has nothing to do with the right course of action.

It's pretty pathetic.
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All that speech did was push me full on into Libertarian world. It was 100% "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Hardcore salesmanship and telling those who question the wisdom that they are morons. He called out both left and right that don't agree with them and tried to shame them.

If we don't do something unbelievably small then a chain of events will occur resulting in the total destruction of life as we know it and to dog/cat fornication.
Plenty of the commentators on the liberal MSNBC are against strikes and have said so. At least they are intellectually honest. These tools on Fox are just the latest round of Obama bashers on that channel. They are saying what they are saying just to harangue him. Has nothing to do with the right course of action.

It's pretty pathetic.

And what's the "right course of action"?
All that speech did was push me full on into Libertarian world. It was 100% "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Hardcore salesmanship and telling those who question the wisdom that they are morons. He called out both left and right that don't agree with them and tried to shame them.

If we don't do something unbelievably small then a chain of events will occur resulting in the total destruction of life as we know it and to dog/cat fornication.

Well now that's a legitimate argument and complaint. I tend to agree with you.
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Plenty of the commentators on the liberal MSNBC are against strikes and have said so. At least they are intellectually honest. These tools on Fox are just the latest round of Obama bashers on that channel. They are saying what they are saying just to harangue him. Has nothing to do with the right course of action.

It's pretty pathetic.


the entire cable news universe is full of shills. CNN had the 30 year old speech writer for Obama as an "analyst". The frightening part was that a immature douche such as himself has such a national stage.
Be clear. I'm opposed to strikes.

But not because Obama is president, which seems to be the primary reason so many on the right oppose it.
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Good speech. Contents as expected.

The speech was laughable and predictable. He has no support in this foolish endeavor short of the snobby French.He claims international crimes have been committed yet lacks support of the said community.What is this idiot trying to accomplish?
Well CNN has a current political advisor and Elijah Cummings on their panel.

I might add that Elijah thought the point that if we don't do something now that someday our troops could face gas attacks and that would be unfair. Tomahawks however are not asymmetrical warfare.

To be fair Elijah was not on their panel. Wolfe interviewed him. He is against a strike and said he tought Obama did a good job tonight he is still not sold on a strike. Newt gave Elijah praise for his comments.

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