The Red Line: Part Deux


Just days ago the right was saying that we couldn't act because Putin did not agree to it. Now that he is brokering the Kerry proposal, you are complaining that he's involved !!!

You people have NO credibility. It's all just anti Obama.

We have good reason to be anti-Obama. The guy is a disaster. Second, no one is complaining about Putin being involved. Of course the Russians are going to be involved. We're just pointing out the weakness of this administration and how Putin provides an out for Mr. Big Mouth in the White House.

It's not the big deal you're making it to be. Everyone with half a brain can see what's going on with the Russians. It just shows how smart Putin is and how dumb Obumbles is.
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I'm shocked that people are treating the Russia proposal so seriously. It's a sham. The whole idea that the threat of force created this solution are nuts because it's not a real solution. It's a troll job.

For months the Russians have been the reason the UN couldn't come up with a diplomatic solution, and now they are going to come riding in with a diplomatic solution? Right.

I'll be happy to be wrong, but until I see Russia supporting an international resolution that has teeth, I'm viewing this entire thing as a ploy to delay a military strike against Syria and undermine U.S. foreign policy.
For months the Russians have been the reason the UN couldn't come up with a diplomatic solution, and now they are going to come riding in with a diplomatic solution? Right.

I'll be happy to be wrong, but until I see Russia supporting an international resolution that has teeth, I'm viewing this entire thing as a ploy to delay a military strike against Syria and undermine U.S. foreign policy.

That's exactly what's happening. It's no secret that Russia wants to be the power broker in the Middle East, and Putin accomplished that goal by using patience and waiting for Obama to slip up -- which is exactly what he did with his "red line" comment.

This is what happens when you're a professional politician dealing with Mr. Training Wheels. Russia learned their lesson in Afghanistan and they knew Americans would never go for another military excursion in the Middle East. Kudos to Putin. This episode is a far cry from Reagan and Gorbachev in Reykjavik.

Just days ago the right was saying that we couldn't act because Putin did not agree to it. Now that he is brokering the Kerry proposal, you are complaining that he's involved !!!

You people have NO credibility. It's all just anti Obama.

who on here was saying we couldn't act because Putin didn't agree to it?

why do you just make up crap then express outrage against it? speaking of NO credibility.
I worry that you are right, but I can see why the Kerry proposal might be supported by the Russians. They promise to help Assad, he stays in power and avoids ouster by the US, Russia keeps an ally.

The Kerry Proposal - LMAO. I thought the official party line was that Obama proposed this at G20 - shouldn't it be the Obama proposal? Oh wait, he's claiming his resolve led the Russians to propose this. He's attributing the proposal to the Russians but wait it's really the Kerry proposal since the State Dept called Kerry's comments off the cuff and completely hypothetical.

That was the most pathetic public display of Presidential leadership I can remember.

He sounded and looked like a little boy who's favorite toy has been taken away and none of his friends want to play his game.

I agree. Incoherent in every sense of the word.

This has been the worse display of leadership I have ever saw from a POTUS.

Maybe a bad analogy but he reminds me of Dooley facing the press when he knew he had failed and it was over. I call it that lost puppy look.
y'all are getting trolled. Kerry's proposal? :lol:

Obama picked a moron to be his spokesman for foreign policy and it ended up costing him what little credibility he had left in this matter. Only thing this prevented/delayed was a vote that would have embarrassed the Potus and cemented a loss for anyone in Congress who hitched their wagon to him. Dem senators and reps are thanking Putin for the reprieve
For months the Russians have been the reason the UN couldn't come up with a diplomatic solution, and now they are going to come riding in with a diplomatic solution? Right.

I'll be happy to be wrong, but until I see Russia supporting an international resolution that has teeth, I'm viewing this entire thing as a ploy to delay a military strike against Syria and undermine U.S. foreign policy.

No sh!t, what was your first clue?

Of course this is a ploy to undermine US Foreign policy, that is their job. The sad part is we have a POTUS that opened the door for them to do so.

Just days ago the right was saying that we couldn't act because Putin did not agree to it. Now that he is brokering the Kerry proposal, you are complaining that he's involved !!!

You people have NO credibility. It's all just anti Obama.

We can't even verify if Russia is destroying their own weapons so now we are leaving them up to destroying Syrias? Yea Right

Kerry should resign and all those who stuck their neck out in support now look foolish and will never back the POTUS again
Posted via VolNation Mobile
y'all are getting trolled. Kerry's proposal? :lol:

Obama picked a moron to be his spokesman for foreign policy and it ended up costing him what little credibility he had left in this matter. Only thing this prevented/delayed was a vote that would have embarrassed the Potus and cemented a loss for anyone in Congress who hitched their wagon to him. Dem senators and reps are thanking Putin for the reprieve

I like the article in The Onion. Kerry lost to Bush, now we're asking him to solve these problems?
All that speech did was push me full on into Libertarian world. It was 100% "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Hardcore salesmanship and telling those who question the wisdom that they are morons. He called out both left and right that don't agree with them and tried to shame them.

If we don't do something unbelievably small then a chain of events will occur resulting in the total destruction of life as we know it and to cat/dog fornication.

Dude, that was one f'd up cartoon......
Be clear. I'm opposed to strikes.

But not because Obama is president, which seems to be the primary reason so many on the right oppose it.

I agree:

I am opposed as follows:
1) I am becoming ME numb. Everyday we hear about another car bomb, massacre, beheading, etc. I am getting to the point I don't give a shiite (sunni for that matter) anymore.
2) I am opposed to doing anything in a vacuum. That is how this presidency has run it's entire foreign policy.
3) I am opposed to taking military action to save face, that is what this president is doing.

I don't care who the president is or what color he is or what local dialect he is affecting at the time.

See LG, I didn't even mention his name.
The Kerry Proposal - LMAO. I thought the official party line was that Obama proposed this at G20 - shouldn't it be the Obama proposal? Oh wait, he's claiming his resolve led the Russians to propose this. He's attributing the proposal to the Russians but wait it's really the Kerry proposal since the State Dept called Kerry's comments off the cuff and completely hypothetical.


I phrased it that way just to get your goat.
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No sh!t, what was your first clue?

Of course this is a ploy to undermine US Foreign policy, that is their job. The sad part is we have a POTUS that opened the door for them to do so.

Though it may be unlikely, you've got to allow an opportunity for it to play out. It shouldn't take that long to flush out, though. Set up immediate deadlines for international observers to begin securing weapons.
There really does not seem that much more to say on it at this point. The next few weeks will tell us whether the proposal is real or just designed to delay.
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There really does not seem that much more to say on it at this point. The next few weeks will tell us whether the proposal is real or just designed to delay.

There is more to say, at least the administration has or should have a lot more to say to save face.

How about offering 1 shread of proof Assad did this, other than Kerry or Obama "have no doubt"? Obama just might be able to rally some public support for strikes with a little hard evidence. His word just dosn't cut it anymore.
Though it may be unlikely, you've got to allow an opportunity for it to play out. It shouldn't take that long to flush out, though. Set up immediate deadlines for international observers to begin securing weapons.

This will not be quick, months IMO.

Why would Putin bail Obama out quickly? Until Obama can show some proof of who actually perpetrated the attack and gain some internal and international support, Putin can twist the knife.

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