The Red Line: Part Deux

What the heck kind of world are we living in when the President of the United States sounds incoherent and the President of Russia says things like this?

My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.

Vladimir V. Putin is the president of Russia.

I am president Barry Obozo, and I approve this message.

Putin is taking a shot at those who believe America is exceptional. Do you agree with him?

The great irony here is that early in his Presidency this was the theme of Obama's world tour. He down played AE. In effect Putin is using his own words against him.

Putin is wrong about AE of course; both he and Obama either purposefully or incompetently butchered the concept of AE.
“That’s all irrelevant,” the White House official said in response [to Putin's op-ed]. “He put this proposal forward and he’s now invested in it. That’s good. That’s the best possible reaction. He’s fully invested in Syria’s CW disarmament and that’s potentially better than a military strike – which would deter and degrade but wouldn’t get rid of all the chemical weapons. He now owns this. He has fully asserted ownership of it and he needs to deliver.”

I thought Kerry put this proposal forward. How can this be the US proposal if Putin completely owns it?
The Putin op-ed is such a non-issue. He didn't write it, he's made comments very similar to the one by Obama that he criticizes, and his opinion on the point is hardly relevant, anyway.

Really, who gives a crap about his op-ed? Dumb to even pay it any attention.
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The Putin op-ed is such a non-issue. He didn't write it, he's made comments very similar to the one by Obama that he criticizes, and his opinion on the point is hardly relevant, anyway.

Really, who gives a crap about his op-ed? Dumb to even pay it any attention.

Utterly shocked that you feel this way. Shocked!
Who cares? And why?

Because it's a damn mockery that an ex-KGB officer is trying to tell the USA what to do and what not to do morally. He mocks President Obama and lectures him about exceptionalism and pretty much does everything but directly threaten Obama in regards to a military strike of Syria. This whole situation is a mess and President Obama is clearly way over his head and unprepared and this NYT Op-Ed by Putin further confirms it.
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The Putin op-ed is such a non-issue. He didn't write it, he's made comments very similar to the one by Obama that he criticizes, and his opinion on the point is hardly relevant, anyway.

Really, who gives a crap about his op-ed? Dumb to even pay it any attention.

I presume the same is true anytime Obama weighs in on actions of another country?
The Obama op-ed is such a non-issue. He didn't write it, he's made comments exactly opposite of the one's that he used to criticize, and his opinion on the point is hardly relevant, anyway.

Really, who gives a crap about his op-ed? Dumb to even pay it any attention.

I presume the same is true anytime Obama weighs in on actions of another country?

So if I read you correctly, we could fix LG's post like the above?

Edit: Can't quite get the comments part to read right. Any help would be appreciated.
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All I know is I see a bunch of Republicans and their minions at conservative blogs and Fox -- who usually seem to bash Putin and say he cannot be trusted -- suddenly parading around Putin's op-ed criticizing Obama as though it were a just discovered new testament.

Could it be that you are suddenly doing an about face on Putin just because it gives you a chance to bash Obama over something so trivial as an op-ed piece? Nah ....
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All I know is I see a bunch of Republicans and their minions at conservative blogs and Fox -- who usually seem to bash Putin and say he cannot be trusted -- suddenly parading around Putin's op-ed criticizing Obama as though it were a just discovered new testament.

Could it be that you are suddenly doing an about face on Putin just because it gives you a chance to bash Obama over something so trivial as an op-ed piece? Nah ....

This is absurd. There is nobody in the GOP that isn't skeptical of Putin. To act otherwise is to be willfully ignorant but that's your MO.
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All I know is I see a bunch of Republicans and their minions at conservative blogs and Fox -- who usually seem to bash Putin and say he cannot be trusted -- suddenly parading around Putin's op-ed criticizing Obama as though it were a just discovered new testament.

Could it be that you are suddenly doing an about face on Putin just because it gives you a chance to bash Obama over something so trivial as an op-ed piece? Nah ....

you are conflating issues - one doesn't have to think well of Putin to comment on the effect of his op-ed.

I think Putin is dangerous, a liar, and a serial human rights violator. That doesn't mean his word on the world stage is meaningless or that it should be ignored. It also doesn't mean he isn't showing stronger leadership on the issue.

Sounds like you have a reflexive urge to defend Obama regardless of any situation.
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Oh snap - that uber Republican minion Joe Klein is jumping on the hater wagon

Obama and Syria: Stumbling Toward Damascus |

The President knows this, which makes his words and gestures during the weeks leading up to his Syria speech all the more perplexing. He willingly jumped into a bear trap of his own creation. In the process, he has damaged his presidency and weakened the nation’s standing in the world. It has been one of the more stunning and inexplicable displays of presidential incompetence that I’ve ever witnessed.
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And I thought we had finally reached the limit of GOP feigned outrage.

Guess I was wrong.

Which is worse, feigned outrage or feigned nonchalance?

In the eyes of the world, the Russians are taking the high moral ground, while we are drowning in a choppy sea of indecision. I just want the President to exert some leadership and quit reacting to situations. That isn't from a partisan stance, that is an American viewpoint.
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