Yeah, Ondrusek was so much better last night. Should have run him back out there. At some point, people are going to join reality and accept the fact this team is simply no damn good.Dusty single handedly allowed this game to go to shat. He needs to be fired immediately. Take Jacoby with him.
I do not want to see a fire sell. I think this team would look a lot better record and production wise if they had a manager with a brain making better decisons. Leaving Masset in there to destroy morale in this game is a prime example.
I'm thinking Dave Martinez or Joey Cora is just what the doctor ordered for this team. They've got to finally get rid of the country club culture that has lingered since the Griffey/Dunn years.The worst part is, Dusty decided to pull the same bull**** he does most every night and leave a starter in for too long and compounded it by using Masset or we would still be in this.
Yeah, Ondrusek was so much better last night. Should have run him back out there. At some point, people are going to join reality and accept the fact this team is simply no damn good.
espnBut an official of one other club believes "the team [the Rockies] really want to do this deal with is Cincinnati, because they've got the young starting pitching to give back. So I think that's where this is going."
So for the Yankees, that would mean Ivan Nova -- plus two or three jewels from their system. For the Reds, it would mean Homer Bailey or Travis Wood -- plus the cream of that prospect pool (though one source adamantly denied reports that either Aroldis Chapman or catching stud Devin Mesoraco would be part of this package).
All the guys we are in on would still be here next year. We aren't targeting rentals.