The shut down thread

If Trump lived up to his promise of Mexico .asking a one time payment for it, I think it just might pass.

He lied about that? No way.

They agreed to that 6 months ago.

Trump agreed.

The next day Trump un-agreed.

A majority in both houses has to promise to do the exact same thing, otherwise it's not a meaningful promise.

Obviously neither of you remembers amnesty under Reagan in 1986. We did it once, and no one followed through to correct the root causes. Never again.
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The wall is permanent. A 3 year extension of DACA would expire before 10 percent of it was built.

And people are surprised the Dems said no?

The only way a deal along these lines would work is a permanent DACA fix, plus some other pathway programs, but the far right won't let Trump do it. They made him back out of such a deal once already.
Your arguing like a kid. Yours is permanent and mine isn't.

I call BS on your only 10 percent of it would be built. In two years the 5B wall would cost 7.5B.

You gotta link showing this? And don't bring wapo or cnn as one.
Every damn year my friend every friggin damn year. And I’m about to donate again 🤬

But to that specific fund no. Remember I am married to a Latina socialist. We have a mutually assured destruction clause on political donations. We give to several charities. Zero political causes.
Pics or gtfo.

Kidding 😁
Your arguing like a kid. Yours is permanent and mine isn't.

I call BS on your only 10 percent of it would be built. In two years the 5B wall would cost 7.5B.

You gotta link showing this? And don't bring wapo or cnn as one.

Permitting, environmental clearances, eminent domain lawsuits and appeals, and on and on.

You're dreaming if you think it would be finished before the next President's second term was over.

Well, you libs have built your empire on the backs on first the African-Americans, then Asians, and now Hispanics. Sooner or later, enough of them will figure it out to narrow your base, and then you'll just toss them on the trash heap like the rest and go looking for another demographic to put your saddle on. Maybe the Muslims?

That's gonna be fun to watch. You know how receptive they are to your core issues like Women's rights, LGBTQ acceptance, gender-neutrality, and what not.
Well, you libs have built your empire on the backs on first the African-Americans, then Asians, and now Hispanics. Sooner or later, enough of them will figure it out to narrow your base, and then you'll just toss them on the trash heap like the rest and go looking for another demographic to put your saddle on. Maybe the Muslims?

That's gonna be fun to watch. You know how receptive they are to your core issues like Women's rights, LGBTQ acceptance, gender-neutrality, and what not

This is already happening. The funny thing is the Muslims hate everything the Republicans and Democrats stand for.
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This is already happening. The funny thing is the Muslims hate everything the Republicans and Democrats stand for.

I think another funny thing is the thought about wiping out the Muslim terror group of the day ... ISIS or whoever that might be. The truth is that as long as there's a Muslim standing, the Islamic terror threat exists. And by the way I believe we should leave the middle east to rot. Let their socialist European neighbors absorb that problem, and we'll take care of home.
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Very reminiscent of "you have to pass it to see what's in it."

However, work attempt at a trick ever.

Trump talked about border security before and agreed to keep the government open, but the dims cheated every time (the "agreement" on border security wasn't in it). Maybe Trump figured out he was Charlie Brown and the dims were basically Lucy holding for the kick. At least he got wise, and said enough.

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