The shut down thread

There's already 1300 miles of "monument " on the 2000 mile border that Schumer and pelosi voted for.

You saying he would weasel out of it is fake news. He's the only POTUS to push this hard on immigration reform. It's a great offer for the ones here illegally wanting to be citizens.
He is not the only POTUS to push hard on immigration. And all the offer does is mean he can deport people in three years when the grace period ends. It includes nothing about citizenship. Can kicking so he can claim a win, nothing more.
That's his prerogative. It will open a can of worms and a sensible president probably wouldn't go there. It will allow future Presidents to just declare an emergency for anything they want.
So Obama wasn't a sensible President? Isn't that how Obamacare was passed? Didn't he already open the can of worms up and it allows Trump to declare it over the wall?
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He is not the only POTUS to push hard on immigration. And all the offer does is mean he can deport people in three years when the grace period ends. It includes nothing about citizenship. Can kicking so he can claim a win, nothing more.
So you fully expect Trump to be president in 3 years, nice.

The 5B only builds 169 miles. That leaves around 150 miles left. Giving them citizenship could be the next bargaining chip for the money for the rest of the wall.
If Trump lived up to his promise of Mexico .asking a one time payment for it, I think it just might pass.

He lied about that? No way.
Remember when we did amnesty, and in exchange congress was going to fix the leaky border issue so we wouldn't have a new crop of illegal aliens to contend with? Don't worry; neither does congress. Congressional promises to do something mean absolutely nothing, but they sure know how to spend money for nothing.

They agreed to that 6 months ago.

Trump agreed.

The next day Trump un-agreed.
Why? If their state needs it so bad let them figure out a way to pay for it. Raise property, sales or state income tax if they need it so bad.
So immigration protection is a state issue? I’m all for it! Let’s keep the illegals from Mexico out of Texas, most of the Okies, and every damn one of the Californians and New Yorkers!

Let’s do this!!
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