The shut down thread

Should she be waiting in her office, for the unlikely event that someone in the White House might call this week?

why is it the WH's responsibility? Balance of power says Exec and Legislative have key roles here. Seems if you were serious about coming to a deal you'd not leave the country but instead offer to meet as much as needed to work something out.
why is it the WH's responsibility? Balance of power says Exec and Legislative have key roles here. Seems if you were serious about coming to a deal you'd not leave the country but instead offer to meet as much as needed to work something out.

The House has passed several bills to reopen the government. They're sitting in the senate. Maybe someone should check on McConnell's travel?

Anyway, it doesn't make much difference whether Trump has scheduled meetings or not. They're generally a waste of time, even when they're with his own people.

The House has passed several bills to reopen the government. They're sitting in the senate. Maybe someone should check on McConnell's travel?

Anyway, it doesn't make much difference whether Trump has scheduled meetings or not. They're generally a waste of time, even when they're with his own people.

The D Senators will not allow a longstanding bill to reopen the government that would have stopped this weeks ago.

You're the one who posted the "nothing schedule" tweet - just pointing out that the other side of the negotiation planned to bail via overseas travel.

This isn't a problem made by one side and it won't be solved by one side beating the other into submission.
You're the one who posted the "nothing schedule" tweet - just pointing out that the other side of the negotiation planned to bail via overseas travel.
There aren't any.
We'll know more tomorrow, after Brian Kilmeade, Judge Jeanine, and Laura Ingraham tell Trump what he thinks.
I don't expect much movement in this stalemate until someone on Fox abandons his/her role as fluffer and starts giving real talk about what's happening in the country.
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He's right.

Trump thinks his position is politically popular because anyone around him who would dare tell him the truth he fires.

He has no principles. He has no position of his own. He's doing what he thinks will earn him respect and accolades, because that is all that motivates him.
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He's right.

Trump thinks his position is politically popular because anyone around him who would dare tell him the truth he fires.

He has no principles. He has no position of his own. He's doing what he thinks will earn him respect and accolades, because that is all that motivates him.
No he’s not right
He's right.

Trump thinks his position is politically popular because anyone around him who would dare tell him the truth he fires.

He has no principles. He has no position of his own. He's doing what he thinks will earn him respect and accolades, because that is all that motivates him.

Don't ever change man.
He's right.

Trump thinks his position is politically popular because anyone around him who would dare tell him the truth he fires.

He has no principles. He has no position of his own. He's doing what he thinks will earn him respect and accolades, because that is all that motivates him.

You realize this isn't specific to Trump? Nancy and Chuck are just as guilty...
While this massive, concerning, and worrisome shutdown is occurring. Stocks are doing great. DOW is up >10% from its low in December.
Yes, they also believe that their position is politically popular

The difference is, they are correct. Trump is demonstrably incorrect.

lol @ their "position."

Automatically opposed to anything Trump related. What a really good position to have in such matters.
lol @ their "position."

Automatically opposed to anything Trump related. What a really good position to have in such matters.

Their motive is, at best, mixed. Real experts (not Fox sycophants) say a wall is not the most efficient way to deal with this. The money could be better spent on more personnel and technology. Not to mention the delays and enormous cost overruns which doom it, even if he got it.

Plus, they get to constantly point out that Trump said Mexico would pay for it with a single, one time payment. Not some calculation of trade benefits over years.

So they are right on policy, and they are unquestionably right on Trump failing, and the polls show their approach is working.

And the longer it goes on, with Trump making a fool of himself, the benefits grow.

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