The shut down thread

Their motive is, at best, mixed. Real experts (not Fox sycophants) say a wall is not the most efficient way to deal with this. The money could be better spent on more personnel and technology. Not to mention the delays and enormous cost overruns which doom it, even if he got it.

Plus, they get to constantly point out that Trump said Mexico would pay for it with a single, one time payment. Not some calculation of trade benefits over years.

So they are right on policy, and they are unquestionably right on Trump failing, and the polls show their approach is working.

And the longer it goes on, with Trump making a fool of himself, the benefits grow.

Uh huh.

You know, if Democrats believed what you just posted they'd fund the wall just to make Trump look bad in the end.
Uh huh.

You know, if Democrats believed what you just posted they'd fund the wall just to make Trump look bad in the end.

They have expressed willingness to fund the wall for Daca fix and Trump agreed... for about 6 hours, when the loons got ahold of him and explained it kills their mo. So he backed out.

They are still willing to increase funds for border security in ways the experts say are more effective and can be employed much sooner.

If Trump wants his wall, he's going to have to kick Miller and some others to the curb. My guess is that he does, because his loyalty is to his own ego, nothing else.
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They have expressed willingness to fund the wall for Daca fix and Trump agreed... for about 6 hours, when the loons got ahold of him and explained it kills their mo. So he backed out.

They are still willing to increase funds for border security in ways the experts say are more effective and can be employed much sooner.

If Trump wants his wall, he's going to have to kick Miller and some others to the curb. My guess is that he does, because his loyalty is to his own ego, nothing else.


How much have you had to drink tonight?
You realize this isn't specific to Trump? Nancy and Chuck are just as guilty...

I'd say they are more guilty. The Dims acted in bad faith after the last continuances. Trump called them out this time, and Chuck and Nancy are still playing their cheating game.
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Ugh... again with the pansy-ass kindergarten "Dims" ********. I thought this was a mostly adult forum?
Funny, if you would have read the link you would've known it's talking about getting rid of the extra weight of federal workers after 30 days.

Oh, shafting hard working Americans fair pay for a hard day's work is RIGHT down Trump's alley.

I can't believe any rational person could possibly think this would be a better look.
Oh, shafting hard working Americans fair pay for a hard day's work is RIGHT down Trump's alley.

I can't believe any rational person could possibly think this would be a better look.
A high-ranking Trump administration official wrote four days ago in the Daily Caller that the shutdown enables Trump to get rid of people like this. As members of the Senior Executive Service, many of them can't be fired unless they're convicted of a felony, or of committing some flagrant misconduct.

This is indeed Trump's chance to "smoke out the Resistance," but he must do it carefully. Thomas Lifson has published two columns in the American Thinker, here and here, explaining that SES employees cannot be furloughed (laid off) under normal circumstances, but they can be removed during a Reduction in Force (RIF) when their positions are found to be unnecessary.

In the D.C. article, our unnamed administration official explains that roughly 80% of the federal work force in many departments, including his own, simply don't do anything. They plan shopping trips and vacations. They send out résumés for better-paying positions, perhaps without realizing that any new employer might expect them to actually get some work done.
You realize this isn't specific to Trump? Nancy and Chuck are just as guilty...

Mr. Art of the Deal isn't negotiating from a position of power. His 35% approval is hardly a place where demands can be levied. He knew it, still knows it and yet still lets his bases pundits at fox push his buttons. He'd have abandon this long ago if he wasn't so terrified of losing Hannity, Limbaugh and Coulter. He knows they are the glue that keeps this whole thing from imploding.
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A high-ranking Trump administration official wrote four days ago in the Daily Caller that the shutdown enables Trump to get rid of people like this. As members of the Senior Executive Service, many of them can't be fired unless they're convicted of a felony, or of committing some flagrant misconduct.

This is indeed Trump's chance to "smoke out the Resistance," but he must do it carefully. Thomas Lifson has published two columns in the American Thinker, here and here, explaining that SES employees cannot be furloughed (laid off) under normal circumstances, but they can be removed during a Reduction in Force (RIF) when their positions are found to be unnecessary.

In the D.C. article, our unnamed administration official explains that roughly 80% of the federal work force in many departments, including his own, simply don't do anything. They plan shopping trips and vacations. They send out résumés for better-paying positions, perhaps without realizing that any new employer might expect them to actually get some work done.

Hahahaha. Anonymous source is suddenly acceptable? Can't be Rif'd during a lack of appropriations emergency shutdown. Maybe you senior administration official should RTFM.
Mr. Art of the Deal isn't negotiating from a position of power. His 35% approval is hardly a place where demands can levied. He knew it, knows it and yet still let's his bases pundits at fox push his buttons. He'd have abandon this long ago if he wasn't so terrified of losing Hannity, Limbaugh and Coulter. He knows they are the glue that keeps this whole thing from imploding.


Still underestimating him.
A high-ranking Trump administration official wrote four days ago in the Daily Caller that the shutdown enables Trump to get rid of people like this. As members of the Senior Executive Service, many of them can't be fired unless they're convicted of a felony, or of committing some flagrant misconduct.

This is indeed Trump's chance to "smoke out the Resistance," but he must do it carefully. Thomas Lifson has published two columns in the American Thinker, here and here, explaining that SES employees cannot be furloughed (laid off) under normal circumstances, but they can be removed during a Reduction in Force (RIF) when their positions are found to be unnecessary.

In the D.C. article, our unnamed administration official explains that roughly 80% of the federal work force in many departments, including his own, simply don't do anything. They plan shopping trips and vacations. They send out résumés for better-paying positions, perhaps without realizing that any new employer might expect them to actually get some work done.
So when he doesn’t do any of that will you admit he isn’t the tactician you think he is? Will you admit that he’s not draining the swamp?

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