The shut down thread

Anti illegal immigrant sentiment. Stop trying to conflate illegal with legal immigration. Its childish and intellectually dishonest.
Lol it is not just illegal immigrants. From the Muslim ban to the shithole countries comment to “very fine people on both sides,” it’s clear who he’s trying to keep happy.
Lol it is not just illegal immigrants. From the Muslim ban to the shithole countries comment to “very fine people on both sides,” it’s clear who he’s trying to keep happy.
I love the sh!thole countries comment because its 100% correct. Muslim ban? No problem with that here. You can look at the recent rape and videotaped beheadings of two females in Morocco to get an idea of what he was talking about.
Day 31 guys...I'm running out of things to do on my free vacation! Replaced all my kitchen appliances with new fancy stainless steel ones (no fingerprint finishes are awesome with little kids running around!). Re-plumbed my kitchen sink to add a 1 hp garbage disposal because for some reason the previous owners thought not having one was a good idea.. Replaced all of the toilets with modern water saving types (save the earf!). New sink hardware here just waiting on the granite counter tops for my 3 bathrooms to get cut and installed. I even replaced all of the light switches and outlets throughout my new house. I'd like to do some yard work but its too damn cold right now...and I can only play so much Xbox and BF5 before the massive amount of beer I am drinking catches up.

I just want to go back to work!!
I love the sh!thole countries comment because its 100% correct. Muslim ban? No problem with that here. You can look at the recent rape and videotaped beheadings of two females in Morocco to get an idea of what he was talking about.
Congrats! You’re the target audience!
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Day 31 guys...I'm running out of things to do on my free vacation! Replaced all my kitchen appliances with new fancy stainless steel ones (no fingerprint finishes are awesome with little kids running around!). Re-plumbed my kitchen sink to add a 1 hp garbage disposal because for some reason the previous owners thought not having one was a good idea.. Replaced all of the toilets with modern water saving types (save the earf!). New sink hardware here just waiting on the granite counter tops for my 3 bathrooms to get cut and installed. I even replaced all of the light switches and outlets throughout my new house. I'd like to do some yard work but its too damn cold right now...and I can only play so much Xbox and BF5 before the massive amount of beer I am drinking catches up.

I just want to go back to work!!

Sounds like you’re barely making it. Better go get in line at the soup kitchen.
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I'm flying today. Is the .gov still shutdown? Will I run into another airplane?

So you're fine with the rape and murder of those two girls by muslims in a sh!thole country? Typical anti American democrat mentality.
No, I’m saying a delusional halfwit is trying to trick simpletons into thinking he is making them safer.
Not quite like the rest of it.
Yeah, that’s why I felt obligated to make that comment.

I do, however, disagree with the notion that taking in immigrants means we take all the problems of where they came from. They’re usually trying to get away for a reason. The problem, as you often see in Europe, is a poor job of assimilation. That’s something we have been good at.
Yeah, that’s why I felt obligated to make that comment.

I do, however, disagree with the notion that taking in immigrants means we take all the problems of where they came from. They’re usually trying to get away for a reason. The problem, as you often see in Europe, is a poor job of assimilation. That’s something we have been good at.
Detroit says Allah Akbar.
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