The shut down thread

No, I’m saying a delusional halfwit is trying to trick simpletons into thinking he is making them safer.
Keeping sh#thole countries and their inhabitants out of my country keeps everyone safer. It also frees up more resources for LEO to concentrate on the democrats poor socioeconomically disenfranchised hard working urban peoples and the massive crime they commit on a daily basis.
I have been. It was fine.

Okay, it was Dubai.
Try some of the ones I've been to: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (I saw them cut someones head off there...). We can even visit Africa..Egypt, Djibouti, Sierre Leone, Morocco.

Closer to home? Haiti, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, Brazil, all of Central America, Mexico...
Before that it was the great Irish Catholic wave that was going to have us all saying Hail Mary's and denouncing protestantism.
Arent democrats up in arms about people being Catholic right now? Could have sworn I saw something on CNN........hmm..
Try some of the ones I've been to: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (I saw them cut someones head off there...). We can even visit Africa..Egypt, Djibouti, Sierre Leone, Morocco.

Closer to home? Haiti, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, Brazil, all of Central America, Mexico...
Okay, now I have been been to some of those places and met people from several more and I have no fear of their people.
Okay, now I have been been to some of those places and met people from several more and I have no fear of their people.
You dont have to "fear" something to not want it nor to know that its not a good thing. I never feared any of them. In fact in some of my African trips we were treated like gods. However I still don't think I want people in my neighborhood who think glow sticks are magic and that those who wield them are mighty sorcerers who can grant a good harvest of albino children hair and body parts for the local fishermen..Nor do I want people from places were its ok to behead people for "crimes", chop hands off for stealing, stone women to death for being raped, or throwing people off buildings because they are gay.

BUT..if someone from those places is able to take the time to go through the process of becoming a legal citizen the tells me they might not be total stone age psychopaths.

Immigration Lawyer: Majority of Clients Would Be Helped by Latest Trump Offer in Shutdown Talks

An immigration attorney said Tuesday on Fox & Friends that she believes President Trump's latest offer to Democrats on his long-promised border wall will greatly benefit her clients.

The Senate Appropriations Committee unveiled a bill on Monday that would provide the $5.7 billion Trump is seeking for the construction of the wall, and would also fully fund the government through Sept. 30.

The legislation is in line with Trump's offer, which also includes a three-year protections extension for 700,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.

Attorney Linda Vega said that the majority of her clients would benefit from what Trump has proposed, adding that his offer to DACA recipients would let them adjust their status to allow them opportunity to work or study in America.

"It's a great offer for a starting point," she said.
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The FBI has lost several informants that had penetrated groups at the center of terrorism investigations.
A task force targeting interstate meth and heroin traffickers has run out of funds to pay for controlled purchases.
Agents working a multi-year MS-13 investigation have resorted to conference calls to communicate with Spanish-speaking sources.
"The shutdown has eliminated any ability to operate," an agent working undercover counterintelligence cases said in the report. "The fear is our enemies know they can run freely."
In the meantime, FBI leadership has had to spread out a dwindling operational budget to agents across the globe, at times tying the hands of investigators who said in the report that they were unable to pay for grand jury subpoenas and informants who deliver critical information.
"We have lost several sources who have worked for months, and years, to penetrate groups and target subjects," said one joint terrorism task force coordinator.
"Not being able to pay Confidential Human Sources risks losing them and the information they provide FOREVER. It is not a switch that we can turn on and off," another official said.

The FBI has lost several informants that had penetrated groups at the center of terrorism investigations.
A task force targeting interstate meth and heroin traffickers has run out of funds to pay for controlled purchases.
Agents working a multi-year MS-13 investigation have resorted to conference calls to communicate with Spanish-speaking sources.
"The shutdown has eliminated any ability to operate," an agent working undercover counterintelligence cases said in the report. "The fear is our enemies know they can run freely."
In the meantime, FBI leadership has had to spread out a dwindling operational budget to agents across the globe, at times tying the hands of investigators who said in the report that they were unable to pay for grand jury subpoenas and informants who deliver critical information.
"We have lost several sources who have worked for months, and years, to penetrate groups and target subjects," said one joint terrorism task force coordinator.
"Not being able to pay Confidential Human Sources risks losing them and the information they provide FOREVER. It is not a switch that we can turn on and off," another official said.
Thanks, Nancy and Chucky.

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