The shut down thread

1,209 voters. Wow. They really got the pulse of the people with that one, huh?

I'm guessing you and the banana heads that liked this post didn't fare well in statistics.

At 1,209 people polled within a population of 300M, the MoE is less than 3%.
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I'm guessing you and the banana heads that liked this post didn't fare well in statistics.

At 1,209 people polled within a population of 300M, the MoE is less than 3%.

I can't speak for the rest of the banana heads, but this one likes to do his own thinking. For example...

- Honestly, has anyone ever changed their mind about such a polarizing topic after an 8 minute speech by a polarizing President? Survey said.....(maybe you should do a poll on that).

- 89% didn't change their mind. Earth-shaking stuff there.

- Did it say whether they were for or against the wall, and I missed that part?

- 1,209 people. Yeah, I read the Quinnipiac site info. And the full survey. By the way, nice job cherry-picking the stat. There was a lot more info there you could have used, but I get why you went with that nugget.

No, stats aren't my strength. I'm much better at simpler math, like counting the number of people that were the victim of a crime committed by an illegal immigrant. Hint: it's a big number. Way above 1,209.

I wonder what the percentages would be if we polled them?
Trump continues to claim that furloughed federal workers are contacting him and telling him that they don't mind not being paid and that he should continue with the government shutdown until he gets the wall... Of course, Trump never provides the names of any of these people or even where they might work. The last thing he would ever do with such a claim is to make it possible to verify.

I didn't contact Trump (how does one do that?), but one of us is fine with it. And the 11 others that work on my team say the same thing, so there's 12 at least.

Back pay or not, I can survive three months before I have to start thinking about how to keep the house.

Tough times require tough solutions. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made. Build the wall.
I can't speak for the rest of the banana heads, but this one likes to do his own thinking. For example...

- Honestly, has anyone ever changed their mind about such a polarizing topic after an 8 minute speech by a polarizing President? Survey said.....(maybe you should do a poll on that).

- 89% didn't change their mind. Earth-shaking stuff there.

- Did it say whether they were for or against the wall, and I missed that part?

- 1,209 people. Yeah, I read the Quinnipiac site info. And the full survey. By the way, nice job cherry-picking the stat. There was a lot more info there you could have used, but I get why you went with that nugget.

No, stats aren't my strength. I'm much better at simpler math, like counting the number of people that were the victim of a crime committed by an illegal immigrant. Hint: it's a big number. Way above 1,209.

I wonder what the percentages would be if we polled them?

I won't touch your strawman argument about illegals committing crimes, but I didn't "cherry pick" anything. You implied that the number of respondents couldn't possibly be a representative sample size. I was merely informing you of the error of your belief, statistically speaking.

That is...

The Margin of Error (MOE) is calculated according to the formula: MOE = z * √p * (1 - p) / √(N - 1) * n / (N - n)

Where: z = 1.96 for a confidence level (α) of 95%, p = proportion (expressed as a decimal), N = population size, n = sample size.

z = 1.96, p = 0.5, N = 300000000, n = 1209

MOE = 1.96 * √0.5 * (1 - 0.5) / √(300000000 - 1) * 1209 / (300000000 - 1209)

MOE = 0.98 / 34.771 * 100 = 2.818%

The margin of error (with finite population correction) is ±2.818%
How the hell did this thread go nerd that fast?

Would you like to hear my thoughts about why I think American's are too stupid to convert to the metric system?

That may get the divisiveness of the thread back on track.
I didn't contact Trump (how does one do that?), but one of us is fine with it. And the 11 others that work on my team say the same thing, so there's 12 at least.

Back pay or not, I can survive three months before I have to start thinking about how to keep the house.

Tough times require tough solutions. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made. Build the wall.
The last sentence is stupid.... How are these "tough times" ? Not having a wall at the southern border is making your life "tough" ? Bull $hit. I'm sure you are aware that even if funded, construction on this steel barrier would not begin for another year, anyway.... and $5.6 billion does not complete more than 150 or so miles of it.
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Would you like to hear my thoughts about why I think American's are too stupid to convert to the metric system?

That may get the divisiveness of the thread back on track.

Because we're 'Muricans and don't want to use that weirdo stuff?

I mean, who the hell wants to hear a woman is 91.44-60.96-91.44? Or that it's a pleasant 23.88 degrees outside?

Would you like to hear my thoughts about why I think American's are too stupid to convert to the metric system?

That may get the divisiveness of the thread back on track.

I will add as a personal note, when looking at apartments when I was in Germany, I had the Digital Dutch Unit Converter ready to go for square meters to square feet.
Well if nothing else comes from this shutdown, it showed that Senator Menendez from New Jersey is just as corrupt as I thought he was. Oh wait he was found not guilty and him on the beach with the hooker was just an accident.
I won't touch your strawman argument about illegals committing crimes, but I didn't "cherry pick" anything. You implied that the number of respondents couldn't possibly be a representative sample size. I was merely informing you of the error of your belief, statistically speaking.

That is...

The Margin of Error (MOE) is calculated according to the formula: MOE = z * √p * (1 - p) / √(N - 1) * n / (N - n)

Where: z = 1.96 for a confidence level (α) of 95%, p = proportion (expressed as a decimal), N = population size, n = sample size.

z = 1.96, p = 0.5, N = 300000000, n = 1209

MOE = 1.96 * √0.5 * (1 - 0.5) / √(300000000 - 1) * 1209 / (300000000 - 1209)

MOE = 0.98 / 34.771 * 100 = 2.818%

The margin of error (with finite population correction) is ±2.818%

Okay, I got dizzy just reading that.

You do income tax returns? Cheap?
The last sentence is stupid.... How are these "tough times" ? Not having a wall at the southern border is making your life "tough" ? Bull $hit. I'm sure you are aware that even if funded, construction on this steel barrier would not begin for another year, anyway.... and $5.6 billion does not complete more than 150 or so miles of it.

Never said it was making my life tough. I said "Tough times require tough solutions". These are tough times. The Nation and Congress are divided over the wall. Government is (partially) shut down. Yeah, I'd say tough times.

Construction in a year is better than construction never, and 150 miles is 150 miles. Building Rome, and all that.

We disagree. Go figure.
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Would you like to hear my thoughts about why I think American's are too stupid to convert to the metric system?

That may get the divisiveness of the thread back on track.

I did a quick poll. I voted "no"; the wife said "are you still on that stupid website?"; the cats just looked at me; and the dog farted. I'll take that as a "no".

So, no. I have no idea what the MoE is. Please don't do the math for me. I'm still dizzy from the last one.
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I did a quick poll. I voted "no"; the wife said "are you still on that stupid website?"; the cats just looked at me; and the dog farted. I'll take that as a "no".

So, no. I have no idea what the MoE is. Please don't do the math for me. I'm still dizzy from the last one.

Just tell the wife I'm spending more of your money. She'll be okay with you visiting.
Just tell the wife I'm spending more of your money. She'll be okay with you visiting.

I think she actually likes you. She thought the gift box was "sweet" (her words, not mine), and she commented on how I finally settled down and went in one direction on my "gun stuff".

Then again, you may be the Anti-Christ.....
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I think she actually likes you. She thought the gift box was "sweet" (her words, not mine), and she commented on how I finally settled down and went in one direction on my "gun stuff".

Then again, you may be the Anti-Christ.....

If you'd listen to me, I'd wean you off of a bunch of antiquated stuff and bring you into the 21st century...
I won't touch your strawman argument about illegals committing crimes, but I didn't "cherry pick" anything. You implied that the number of respondents couldn't possibly be a representative sample size. I was merely informing you of the error of your belief, statistically speaking.

That is...

The Margin of Error (MOE) is calculated according to the formula: MOE = z * √p * (1 - p) / √(N - 1) * n / (N - n)

Where: z = 1.96 for a confidence level (α) of 95%, p = proportion (expressed as a decimal), N = population size, n = sample size.

z = 1.96, p = 0.5, N = 300000000, n = 1209

MOE = 1.96 * √0.5 * (1 - 0.5) / √(300000000 - 1) * 1209 / (300000000 - 1209)

MOE = 0.98 / 34.771 * 100 = 2.818%

The margin of error (with finite population correction) is ±2.818%

Still depends on the survey audience. Statistics don't matter if the input was flawed by carefully selecting the respondents ... not that polls would ever do such a thing. However, in this case I'd probably agree that minds on both sides were loaded and locked (like a bear trap), and the poll indicated that no amount of pleading was going to change anything much on either side - kinda like the partisanship at a UT-Bama football game. There are supporters for the wall and against illegal border crossing, and then there are the Dim lemmings and nothing's going to change their course unless the party line veers off.
When the Dems are done with us, flintlocks will be the hot toy to have.

Slingshots and blowguns might be the hot items them ... and spears. Of course there'd probably be some limit on spear length (metric, of course), and the bands in the slingshots would disintegrate in a couple of years to be "environmentally friendly". And god only knows what else libs would be doing with the blowguns.
Slingshots and blowguns might be the hot items them ... and spears. Of course there'd probably be some limit on spear length (metric, of course), and the bands in the slingshots would disintegrate in a couple of years to be "environmentally friendly". And god only knows what else libs would be doing with the blowguns.

Spears are racist. The first time someone throws one and are called a spear chunker all heck will break loose. And before you say “wait a cotton picking minute” know that is racist too.
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Not sure if anyone let you guys know....

But the government was shut down today.not just like 8% of it. Almost all of it.

Hope everyone has been grinding through today.
It was close but we barely survived today.
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