The shut down thread

Yes. He wants to make the country safer and wants to save the billions we spend on non US citizens. It's the same thing he said in 2014. He hasn't changed on it. But the dems sure have changed now that he is the POTUS.

How adorable.

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Only an idiot would argue that this is all on one side or the other.

I rest my case.

I mostly agree with you, but Trump has agreed to a few temporary spending bills to keep things rolling; he did so with assurances that congress would work toward meaningful border security; they didn't. I think like any good parent would do, you then turn everything off until the kids listen. It would be nice if the president in these cases could suspend congress, turn off all their income, and lock them away while keeping everything else rolling, but it just doesn't work that way.
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Why don’t both sides work together and pass something that is veto proof? Instead they cry and wail that Trump is destroying our country and killing even more people. They are lucky so many in this country have no idea how our government works.

I'm guessing that if a couple of big construction firms lobbied congress and offered enough in kickbacks (excuse me, "campaign funding"), the problem would go away overnight and the wall would be set to go from sea to sea for a paltry few hundred billion. The politics of this country work on greased palms. No graft = no work.
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If he wanted all the money he should be asking for $25 billion to finish the whole damn thing. The Dems, who for once have become fiscally conservative about the border (but not about anything else, except the military), won't give him squat, even though they could probably get many things that they desire like DACA, infrastructure, etc. They are doing this for political reasons as much as Trump is.

And you refuse to see that. One might ask why but one already knows and one doesn't care what the reason.
Yep. The funniest thing about this argument about the wall as it relates to the shutdown is when the Dems argue against it from a fiscally conservative position. They can't even plausibly do it, so I'm not sure why that's even in their rhetorical bag.
Yes, ~six, who cares and not relevant.

There's money to be made in shaky ventures and corporate bankruptcy that shields the guilty individual, but the point is that congress wrote the bankruptcy laws. Don't forget that when property speculation went flat, the bubble burst, and speculative paper fortunes dived, that NY couldn't wait to bail out Trump. Trump is just one of many who make money on bubbles and pops - investing and honest work are too hard without fraudulent bubbles, and the laws that tame markets are easy come and easy go with governments that giveth and taketh away.
I remember the Dems, after the Bohner fiasco, pushing for clean CR's. Nothing has changed on that stance. Trump waited til the last minute to make demands and try to use the shutdown as a bargaining chip.

BS. How many times were we at the same place, and Trump signed on to keep things going while congress was supposed to address the problem?
For years I rarely even took an aspirin.

And then rheumatoid arthritis came along . . .

Tell me how you feel when you have to take a biologic and each and every shot is $5k or more. It puts health care in a different perspective.
That is a very unkind affliction. You have my empathy about that one.

Yeah, rheumatoid arthritis is a terrible thing for someone. Rheumatoid arthritis was something Eagles co-founder Glenn Frey suffered from. The medication prescription that he took for the ailment eventually led to colitis and pneumonia. On Jan. 18, 2016 at 67 he died from complications of rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis and pneumonia, while recovering from gastrointestinal tract surgery.
Lol......These Polls show just how stupid Americans are in believing the Democrat's side of lies & dumbassery.
Rasmussen is a rightward leaning poll. That is the one poll which Donald Trump likes to cite and it usually has him with much higher approval than in any other poll. On the day the government shutdown began, Friday December 21st, Trump's approval rating was at 49% on Rasmussen. Today they have his approval rating at 43%. That is a 6 point drop in just 24 days in a poll which hasn't had much fluctuation in the last two years. That much of a dip in that poll didn't happen because of Democrats (they didn't like him on December 21st either). It happened because Trump's base of support does not approve of the government shutdown and they are blaming him for it.
Yep, obesity is a horrible problem. The root of many of our health issues.
And yet people choose to ignore it. Perfect example here are that all the company meetings that involve food generally involve some kind of junk food with no healthy options. It's kind of hypocritical to on one hand complain about healthcare costs but the on the other hand provide junk food to employees to continue to eat at company events. Obviously some of this comes from managers but whenever I am given the task of ordering food for a meeting I make sure to use a deli that has soup and salad options. That being said, it is extremely frustrating for those of us that are trying to live a little better.

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