The Supreme Court of the United States Thread

You addressed racist not the fact he's a crook. He had no leg to stand on here
Of course he doesn't. I agree. How we choose to judge others is a personal choice. Regardless, it doesn't mean his comment is false because he's tainted. Others more worthy have made similar comments. The SC is a joke now
Of course he doesn't. I agree. How we choose to judge others is a personal choice. Regardless, it doesn't mean his comment is false because he's tainted. Others more worthy have made similar comments. The SC is a joke now
No he's judged by the law. What he said about the SC is simply the opinion of a crook.
Of course he doesn't. I agree. How we choose to judge others is a personal choice. Regardless, it doesn't mean his comment is false because he's tainted. Others more worthy have made similar comments. The SC is a joke now
So you’re defending the words of a known insider trading cheat, because you’re upset about a Court decision?
Except that the President can now send Delta after you for what you post on VN.
Hell yeah. (Ain't she a sexy beast? LOL)
That he may be a racist doesn't mean his comment isn't true. I'm not necessarily saying it's true, but the racist label is a mutually exclusive issue in regards to his comments on other unrelated issues
What does the word 'racist' even mean anymore? The left calls anyone that doesn't subscribe to their agenda a racist, or Hitler, or liar, or homophobe (that one always makes me chuckle a little), or my favorite "slur"... MAGA. I'm sure there is a talking points list somewhere that the MSM grabs onto when told. Now I'm sure there are a lot more but those are the ones that pop to mind first.

IMO this is a decision that falls withing the BLMs congressional mandate. They aren't making up new rules or regulations, that being said it appears that the BLM is ignoring the law passed in in the 80s and a court should rule against them for that but I don't believe Chevron would play a part.
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Someone was posting yesterday or Monday that the Supreme Court ruling will affect admissibility of evidence in the form of testimony from government officials and I criticized that as an incorrect read and irrational.

My apologies. Not going to go find it but you were correct and I was wrong. That holding is alarming and seems to be designed to undermine specifically the Trump cases. I don't know who else is going to know about a President's intent than other officials. Again, this seems designed to help Trump, specifically.
it helps all of them. Dementia Joe could get away with anything, or someone using his powers, as he has already been ruled mentally incompetent, he probably isn't even liable for the "intent" of any of his actions. official or not.
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IMO this is a decision that falls withing the BLMs congressional mandate. They aren't making up new rules or regulations, that being said it appears that the BLM is ignoring the law passed in in the 80s and a court should rule against them for that but I don't believe Chevron would play a part.
I hope you are wrong for it should be Congress passing these rules/laws and not unelected far left radical climate zealots. Hopefully state AGs or private citizens can file lawsuits to stop this.

Congress should UNDO this one as they have undone other blms

I did find this:

"Many other rulemakings authored by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Interior Department could also be at risk. This includes the Bureau of Land Management’s public lands rule, which is meant to add conservation to the approved list of lease activities under its so-called “multiple use framework” for public lands — effectively putting it on the same footing as fossil fuel production or mining.

The BLM rule is one many legal experts view as vulnerable, depending on how the court rules on Chevron, Tina Van Bockern, a partner at the law firm Holland and Hart, told the Washington Examiner.

“If Chevron deference is gone, how is a court going to look at the challenges to BLM’s claim that it can now lease public lands for what many view as non-use?” Van Bockern said.

“If a court is looking at the Federal Land Policy and Management Act anew, without any deference to BLM’s interpretation of what FLPMA says, then I think it’s going to be hard for BLM to defend its reading in making lands off-limits or authorizing non-use,” she added.

And I found this:

"The North Slope Borough filed suit to challenge the final rule for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska that was made by the Biden Administration.

The borough said the Bureau of Land Management, by making the NPR-A off limits to oil and gas development, did not meaningfully consult with the tribes in the area or the borough.

“The rule would significantly and irrevocably harm the North Slope’s right to self-determination and ability to provide essential services for residents. This suit is filed alongside the complaints of the Voice of the Arctic Inupiat and the State of Alaska, demonstrating the unity of North Slope communities and Alaskans in opposing the BLM’s unjust and unilateral action to harm the livelihoods of the residents of the North Slope,” the borough explained in a press statement."

In light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Loper, which removed what is known as the Chevron Deference, the North Slope Borough is taking proactive steps to incorporate this precedent into its regulatory framework.

“By aligning our policies with this landmark decision, we aim to ensure that our administrative actions and interpretations of ambiguous statutes are carried out with a heightened level of judicial scrutiny. This approach underscores our commitment to transparency, legal integrity, and the protection of our community’s rights and resources. Furthermore, the Borough remains steadfast in its adherence to NEPA and the Regulatory Flexibility Act, ensuring that environmental and economic impacts are thoroughly assessed and that small entities are considered in the rule-making process,” the borough said.

The lawsuit follows one filed by the State of Alaska, which makes a similar case, saying the feds had not consulted with affected parties, and that the agency had exceeded its congressional authorization.
IMO this is a decision that falls withing the BLMs congressional mandate. They aren't making up new rules or regulations, that being said it appears that the BLM is ignoring the law passed in in the 80s and a court should rule against them for that but I don't believe Chevron would play a part.
How durable are these administrative decrees?

Can the next administration just come in and open it right back up again?

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s bodyguard shoots would-be carjacker outside her home​

A deputy US Marshal shot a suspected carjacker who pulled a gun on two marshals guarding Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s home in Washington, DC, officials said.

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Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s bodyguard shoots would-be carjacker outside her home​

A deputy US Marshal shot a suspected carjacker who pulled a gun on two marshals guarding Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s home in Washington, DC, officials said.

Standard DC events.

Also, reminder that the political elites get to have armed protection but you get the privilege of being killed for your property by some low-IQ knuckledragger.

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