The Supreme Court of the United States Thread

You were doing well…and then you went off the edge. They’re a joke because the left no longer dominates it? Don’t tell me you’re in that camp. Of course you’ll say you’re not but tell me what have they done that’s such a joke?
Oooh wow! For a moment I had your affirmation!

The decision on gifts is a joke
Hell yeah. (Ain't she a sexy beast? LOL)
Nice puddle hopper.
This post needs to be pinned at the top of the forum! 😂

Or maybe like the twitter style “do you believe this because you read some nonsense on the internet” popup when certain posters go to post.
You know how "no handgun" signs are posted some places? Can we use that same technique and simply put a "no nonsense posts allowed" sign on the PF?
You know how "no handgun" signs are posted some places? Can we use that same technique and simply put a "no nonsense posts allowed" sign on the PF?
I can’t believe you just posted that. How would you and I be able to post then? Terrible idea McDad! You’re allowed one here and there. I’ll still vote for you.
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Oooh wow! For a moment I had your affirmation!

The decision on gifts is a joke
It was fleeting.

On the surface I agree with you on the gifts thing. I haven’t read a ton about it so maybe there’s more to it than appears but the timing of gift shouldn’t matter to me as what’s to stop someone from agreeing to the gift on the front end to get the favor and waiting until after the favor to deliver said gift? Again, maybe there’s more there that I haven’t read about.

Regardless, one decision doesn’t mean the entire court is a joke.
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It was fleeting.

On the surface I agree with you on the gifts thing. I haven’t read a ton about it so maybe there’s more to it than appears but the timing of gift shouldn’t matter to me as what’s to stop someone from agreeing to the gift on the front end to get the favor and waiting until after the favor to deliver said gift? Again, maybe there’s more there that I haven’t read about.

Regardless, one decision doesn’t mean the entire court is a joke.
Yes, with that decision they're a joke as far as I'm concerned. I get you like other rulings from them and don't see it that way. We agree to disagree
Yes, with that decision they're a joke as far as I'm concerned. I get you like other rulings from them and don't see it that way. We agree to disagree
I actually haven’t paid much attention to them for the most part. I’ve read a little about this decision or that decision but there’s always things that one side doesn’t like or the other. For whatever reason when things don’t go the Dem’s way they think everything needs to be changed. If Dems got their way on everything we would be in a big mess as a country, same as if the Reps got their way on everything. If there are any others you think are a joke I’m happy to listen and discuss.
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I actually haven’t paid much attention to them for the most part. I’ve read a little about this decision or that decision but there’s always things that one side doesn’t like or the other. For whatever reason when things don’t go the Dem’s way they think everything needs to be changed. If Dems got their way on everything we would be in a big mess as a country, same as if the Reps got their way on everything. If there are any others you think are a joke I’m happy to listen and discuss.
I agree with your take here. See, I think we would be best served having mostly moderates in the SC. Nothing wrong with being a little more conservative and/or a little more liberal. Having an entire court so far from center wasn't the intention. Majority is one thing. 5-4 rulings should be more frequent
Can you fly for a private company?

Can I pay you to fly me around in my government surplus F-15E?
Delta retired one of my friends a couple of years ago and he pilots private. He told me he had Madonna as a passenger in Vancouver a couple of months ago.

@Orangeburst - this is one of the brothers that owned Scrappy's.
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I agree with your take here. See, I think we would be best served having mostly moderates in the SC. Nothing wrong with being a little more conservative and/or a little more liberal. Having an entire court so far from center wasn't the intention. Majority is one thing. 5-4 rulings should be more frequent
I think I understand you thought with "moderates" on the SC. Moderate is a political term, though.

How would you feel about having zealots on the SC? Zealous for the Constitution and judging the constitutionality of the cases in front of them?
I think I understand you thought with "moderates" on the SC. Moderate is a political term, though.

How would you feel about having zealots on the SC? Zealous for the Constitution and judging the constitutionality of the cases in front of them?
I want cases judged by constitutionality. I don't want any zealots of any sort
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5-4 rulings should be more frequent
I have reservations about rulings where one Justice having a little too much coffee that morning can swing a whole SCOTUS decision. As a general observation when you have a mostly majority opinion then that lends itself to being pretty solid regardless of whatever the leanings of the court may be.
And this viewpoint right here, along with the possibility of replacing 2 justices is why the Dems won’t gamble with this election. They will find a way to keep Trump from winning. Whatever it takes, right turbo? All actions are justified to keep Trump out.
This is fact per loother.
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