The Swamp and The Wives

I've been to the swamp 10 times to see Tennessee play Florida and my wife has been with me at least 7 times. We've never had an altercation of any kind with Florida fans. I did have to chase some Tennessee fans to their seat one year because they were trying to put 6 people in 4 seats. We've stepped over into the donor parking and tailgated with Florida fans, strangers. No issues. We've never had anything thrown on us at Florida or anywhere else for that matter. I've been multiple times to every venue in the conference except for Mizzou and A&M. Will get those in the coming years..

Generally, fans that have confrontation on the road typical start the issues. JMO

this x1000.

i haven't traveled as often as you have, but i've been to several sec venues and fsu.

maybe a random fan comes up to you and says "we whipped your ***" and keeps walking, but other than that.....nothing.

most people talk to the people they came with before or after the game and don't even interact with strangers. i've seen more fights between fans of the same team after a loss than i have between fans of two different teams.

about georgia fans, i was at the florida-georgia game in athens where several gator fans left the stands to take pieces of the hedges back as souvenirs and i don't remember any problems. less problems there than in jacksonville.

by and large, most people are good people.
I have to admit, UGA fans aren't my favorite either, but during my only road trip to Athens in 1995, I didn't run into anything out of the ordinary.

I've seen the absolute best and worst in UF and UGA's fan base in the 25+ years I've been to the Cocktail Party in Jacksonville.

LSU fans are easily the most confrontational. They will get in your face and scream Tiger Bait...unsolicited. But if your skin is thick enough that same crazy Cajun will invite you over to their tailgate and treat you to some of the best grub you've ever eaten outside a football stadium.

Other than the aftermath of our 1998 overtime game, I've never had any major issues in my 9 trips to Knoxville.
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Come to think of it, many incidents I have seen revolved around someone making a pass at another dude's girlfriend. Or it just involved the girlfriend somehow
I went in 2001 and had a great experience. The fans were courteous and we really had a great time. I've heard horror stories as well, but that certainly wasn't what I saw.
Georgia was the worst I ever witnessed. They were throwing full beer cans at my car.
You probably showed your @$$ and deserved it. Thousands and thousands of rival fans come to Sanford and say that the fans and experience were both cool. It's usually the drunken retards who say otherwise. Grow up.

Don't act like every Georgia fan comes from the loins of Saint Richt. I went to the game in Sanford last year. I saw six people (all Georgia fans btw) three of which were children, get spit on by other Georgia fans. The kids nor their parents were drunken retards and were not showing their ass. You on the other hand , are showing yours.
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I have been at the sewer, er, swamp many times with my wife and daughter, and we've never had any serious issues. Yeah, some foul language and people saying generally unkind things about the Vols, but nobody's ever gotten in our face about anything. Perhaps it's because I am so ugly that they don't want to look in my direction, but we've never had any issues. In fact, when Travis Stephens went crazy in 2001 and we beat Florida 34-32, my wife and I, along with our daughter, who had her sixth birthday on the day of the game, were in the midst of the UF law school students and we escaped just fine. Man, that was a great game!
I have been at the sewer, er, swamp many times with my wife and daughter, and we've never had any serious issues. Yeah, some foul language and people saying generally unkind things about the Vols, but nobody's ever gotten in our face about anything. Perhaps it's because I am so ugly that they don't want to look in my direction, but we've never had any issues. In fact, when Travis Stephens went crazy in 2001 and we beat Florida 34-32, my wife and I, along with our daughter, who had her sixth birthday on the day of the game, were in the midst of the UF law school students and we escaped just fine. Man, that was a great game!

In my opinion there were two factors at play during that 2001 game.

First, UF just flat out got beat, and we got the benefit of a couple calls...a Grossman fumble called an incomplete pass comes to mind...that kept the score close. I remember our fans being gracious after the game moreso than other tough home losses (like the Auburn and FSU losses in Gainesville under Spurrier).

Secondly, given the events of 9/11 earleir that season, I think most CFB fans with half a brain came to realize there were more important things than winning a football game, regardless of the stakes.
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My dad took myself and my two brothers to the swamp twice.

First in 2001, what a game!!!

Then again in 2003, another great win!!!

My father, a great dad and great American, passed away a couple years later of cancer.

I won't be back to Swamp.

My dad took myself and my two brothers to the swamp twice.

First in 2001, what a game!!!

Then again in 2003, another great win!!!

My father, a great dad and great American, passed away a couple years later of cancer.

I won't be back to Swamp.


Our 2003 game was a noon kickoff, and it was Africa hot that day.

James Banks set the wheels in motion to get rid of Zook...good times. :good!:
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It's weird. I've been to UT/Georgia games in Athens a few times and never met anything other than totally nice Georgia fans at the stadium. Honestly, from my perspective, it seemed like the nicest away crowd of them all.

On the other hand, I have a couple of friends who used to be in the Georgia Tech band and have heard nothing but horror stories about Georgia fans trying to attack them, spitting on them, etc. It seems like maybe Georgia fans have changed alot since I was there last (which was in the late 90s).

On the other hand, I won't be going back to the Swamp anytime soon. I went to one UT game there and I've never seen such classless fans (or well, it's at least a tie with the bama fans, who cheered Tony Robinson's injury). I saw UF fans throwing stuff at the UT visitor's section (no security ever even tried to stop them, so it was just a constant barrage). I saw UF fans trying to urinate on UT fans as they left the stadium. I saw UF fans vandalizing the cars of UT fans in parking lots after the game.

Now, UF fans' attitudes may have changed since we haven't been a legitimate rival in years, but personally, I wouldn't set foot in their stadium again or spend a dime in Gainesville, if I could help it.
In my opinion there were two factors at play during that 2001 game.

First, UF just flat out got beat, and we got the benefit of a couple calls...a Grossman fumble called an incomplete pass comes to mind...that kept the score close. I remember our fans being gracious after the game moreso than other tough home losses (like the Auburn and FSU losses in Gainesville under Spurrier).

Secondly, given the events of 9/11 earleir that season, I think most CFB fans with half a brain came to realize there were more important things than winning a football game, regardless of the stakes.

I understand what you are saying about the 9/11 stuff, but it was still a packed stadium with emotional fans on both sides.

We took the bus to and from the Oaks Mall and there were the three of us along with a bunch of sad Gator fans. We were all smiles, but we aren't trash talkers to begin with so we were fine, especially with my cute 6-year-old daughter with us.

By the way, Travis Stephens' 226 yards and 2 TD might have had something to do with the Vols winning that day. STILL love that experience!
I've been to Florida, Bama, Georgia, Ole Miss, Miss St, and Vandy. Most fans I've come in contact with might give you a little playful taunting, but rarely anything more than that. You'll experience the occasional asshat that will throw out some insults, but anyone with thick skin can handle it (and if you go on the road in the SEC as a fan, you need to have thick skin). I've never felt physically threatened, nor have I ever had anything thrown at me. Like some have already said, the fans that get drunk, raise hell, etc. are the ones that have the major issues.
I've been to Florida, Bama, Georgia, Ole Miss, Miss St, and Vandy. Most fans I've come in contact with might give you a little playful taunting, but rarely anything more than that. You'll experience the occasional asshat that will throw out some insults, but anyone with thick skin can handle it (and if you go on the road in the SEC as a fan, you need to have thick skin). I've never felt physically threatened, nor have I ever had anything thrown at me. Like some have already said, the fans that get drunk, raise hell, etc. are the ones that have the major issues.

Agree about the thick skin. If you want to avoid a confrontation, it's not that difficult.

Likewise, if you're looking for trouble on the road as a rival SEC fan, it's not hard to find either.
I must say as well, having thumbed through the thread, I am shocked and saddened not to have seen the obvious ...

pics of said wives?
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I must say as well, having thumbed through the thread, I am shocked and saddened not to have seen the obvious ...

pics of said wives?

Exactly what I was thinking. All this about LW's smokin hot blonde bombshell and I looked through 7 pages for what? NOTHING

Pic or it didnt happen:)
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I absolutely HATE going to that dump...The people there are arrogant obnoxious bunch of New York transplants....We had piss bombs thrown at us in 1995..I had my van keyed there in 2001 and almost get into fights every time I go there because of the trash talking bullcrap....Even if you ignore them they will get in your face...The last few years have probably been low key because they have been kicking our butts regularly...Stay with a big crowd of UT people and you should be ok.

AGREE! Went in 1991 & 1993 before we were even rivals & was treated AWFUL! Worst fans in college football!! Some drunk followed us all the way back to our car "singing" Rocky Top. He knew the words to our fight song...I didn't even know they had one at the time...says something! I probably won't ever go back there again. Went to UGA last year & couldn't believe how nice they were to us. I expected to get slapped, peed on & spit at, but they were nice...and we almost upset them!
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You can't go wrong going to a Tennessee vs Florida game. (at either school's home field) The atmosphere will be fantastic.

A perfect example was the 2009 game in G'Ville. One of the UT coaches reached up, grabbed a sign from one of the fans whilst running out of the tunnel. How great is that.. SEC rivalry. Nothing like it. :good!:
I've been to several games in the Swamp. I haven't experienced anything too bad. I had a group of guys trying to bait me into an altercation and it was my wife I had to hold back! Just be resepctful and ya'll should be fine!

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