The Swamp and The Wives

AGREE! Went in 1991 & 1993 before we were even rivals & was treated AWFUL! Worst fans in college football!! Some drunk followed us all the way back to our car "singing" Rocky Top. He knew the words to our fight song...I didn't even know they had one at the time...says something! I probably won't ever go back there again. Went to UGA last year & couldn't believe how nice they were to us. I expected to get slapped, peed on & spit at, but they were nice...and we almost upset them!

UT became our rival as the clock ticked to zero in 1990 after that 45-3 beat down. That was my last semester at UF, and I heard similar horror stories from students and our band who were at Neyland that night.

I contend that there's never been a cockier group of UT fans in Gainesville than in 1991. More trash talk than usual from rival fans, 45-3 chant before the game outside the stadium and just an air of arrogance from a fan base we didn't see all that often. Up until that point the worst group of visiting fans I'd seen were Miami fans in 1986.
That's too much work.

Wait, how hot is she?

Not bad for a gal well into her 40s.

Agree about the thick skin. If you want to avoid a confrontation, it's not that difficult.

Likewise, if you're looking for trouble on the road as a rival SEC fan, it's not hard to find either.

Agreed. I've been to 10/14 SEC campuses and never really came across a situation I didn't feel comfortable in. If someone yelling "Tiger/Gator Bait" at you while you walk by bothers you that much then you probably need to stay home. Otherwise just playing along and ignoring the drunks leads to a good trip.

For example I had 2 drunk Gator fans walking behind my wife and I in 2009 on our way back to the car, and one kept telling the other how he hoped some TN would talk smack so he could fight him. It was really easy to ignore that, but for those that can't bite their tongue there are certainly fights to be made.
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It's weird. I've been to UT/Georgia games in Athens a few times and never met anything other than totally nice Georgia fans at the stadium. Honestly, from my perspective, it seemed like the nicest away crowd of them all.

On the other hand, I have a couple of friends who used to be in the Georgia Tech band and have heard nothing but horror stories about Georgia fans trying to attack them, spitting on them, etc. It seems like maybe Georgia fans have changed alot since I was there last (which was in the late 90s).

On the other hand, I won't be going back to the Swamp anytime soon. I went to one UT game there and I've never seen such classless fans (or well, it's at least a tie with the bama fans, who cheered Tony Robinson's injury). I saw UF fans throwing stuff at the UT visitor's section (no security ever even tried to stop them, so it was just a constant barrage). I saw UF fans trying to urinate on UT fans as they left the stadium. I saw UF fans vandalizing the cars of UT fans in parking lots after the game.

Now, UF fans' attitudes may have changed since we haven't been a legitimate rival in years, but personally, I wouldn't set foot in their stadium again or spend a dime in Gainesville, if I could help it.

Traditionally, GT is GA #1 rival, athough you could make a case for AUB, FL and in the last 20 years TN & USCe. I would expect the most nastiness with their biggest rival, especially an in-state one.

Besides GT is an engineering school, so GA is probably jealous that their libtard arts degree program won't hold water to the engineers.
From reading the posters that, from years of reading and posting here, I know are respectable... I'm feeling good about the trip.

My wife will be going, and I will have a friend with us if we run into a rogue fan.
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From reading the posters that, from years of reading and posting here, I know are respectable... I'm feeling good about the trip.

My wife will be going, and I will have a friend with us if we run into a rogue fan.

You'll be fine, and you will run into a rogue fan, but that comes with traveling in the SEC...just ignore them and they become much less annoying.
Not bad at all, congrats. How does she feel about you conversing with us of the orange disposition?

As if she has a choice.

She made the trip with me in 2008 and 2010, and she loves the atmosphere in Neyland.

We usually tailgate with a group of 25-30 UF and UT fans behind the Copper Cellar...been doing that since 1996.

As a fan, I've learned our rivalry is as heated or as friendly as you want it to be.
You'll be fine, and you will run into a rogue fan, but that comes with traveling in the SEC...just ignore them and they become much less annoying.


And I'll add that in my experience, which admittedly isn't that much the last 5 years or so, the real problem is when you get a team late in the year that is like undefeated or has one loss and is in the picture for either a SECCG shot or BCS, and you go and beat them and its ugly -- like a bad call or something that changes the outcome.

That's when it seems to me the real douchebags come out, as though not getting into the SECCG is a personal afront to them and is worth an arrest for battery.

Oh, and also wherever you go in the SEC avoid the weightlifter guys in the muscle shirts. Always trying to prove something.
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And I'll add that in my experience, which admittedly isn't that much the last 5 years or so, the real problem is when you get a team late in the year that is like undefeated or has one loss and is in the picture for either a SECCG shot or BCS, and you go and beat them and its ugly -- like a bad call or something that changes the outcome.

That's when it seems to me the real douchebags come out, as though not getting into the SECCG is a personal afront to them and is worth an arrest for battery.

Oh, and also wherever you go in the SEC avoid the weightlifter guys in the muscle shirts. Always trying to prove something.

Kentucky fans were particularly obnoxious in 2007 when we came to town. GameDay was in town and they beat #1 LSU the week prior.

They had no idea how to act...been to Commonwealth several times before and the atmosphere was like watching a tennis match.
Kentucky fans were particularly obnoxious in 2007 when we came to town. GameDay was in town and they beat #1 LSU the week prior.

They had no idea how to act...been to Commonwealth several times before and the atmosphere was like watching a tennis match.

Trust me, when they beat us for the first time in 26 years, you would have thought they had gotten the Bear back.

It was more embarrassing for them then for us. Records are meant to be broken, but to prove they were better, they would have had to beat us again.
you can't go wrong going to a tennessee vs florida game. (at either school's home field) the atmosphere will be fantastic.

A perfect example was the 2009 game in g'ville. One of the ut coaches reached up, grabbed a sign from one of the fans whilst running out of the tunnel. How great is that.. Sec rivalry. Nothing like it. :good!:

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I've been to Ole Miss several times- Great tailgating, Beautiful women, a lot of UT fans, we always won= Good Day
Been to Memphis several times- lots of UT fans, we always won (missed the upset game)=Good Day
Been to Vandy a few times- a lot of UT fans, we always won= Good Day
Went to Georgia in 1998- nice campus, nice stadium, enough UT fans to be around, had enjoyable experience with their fans (many were even complimentary after the game, we won= Good Day
Went to Miss St Twice- first game we won 40-0, good Bar B Q, fans were nice= Good Day
Second trip, Peyton's freshman year, we lose, literally have rocks, rolls of toilet paper, and even toilet seats thrown at us heading to our car= Haven't Been Back!!!
My friend and I are going to go to the Swamp for the game this year. Our wives want to come as well.

I've heard stories about the Swamp, and want to hear you guys advice on taking the wives into enemy territory. Fine? Ill advised? Experience?

My wife and I went 2 years ago. It was our first trip to the swamp. I was either just lucky or the stories are over hyped. Even though we lost had a great time. Tail gated with a ton of gator fans and where surrounded by them during the game. Had a great conversation with a few of them sitting next to us. If the rivalry ever starts to really heat up again like I hope it does than maybe they do act like the stories from the 90's. But for now, they are very chill, they have absolutely no fear of us beating them.
this x1000.

i haven't traveled as often as you have, but i've been to several sec venues and fsu.

maybe a random fan comes up to you and says "we whipped your ***" and keeps walking, but other than that.....nothing.

most people talk to the people they came with before or after the game and don't even interact with strangers. i've seen more fights between fans of the same team after a loss than i have between fans of two different teams.

about georgia fans, i was at the florida-georgia game in athens where several gator fans left the stands to take pieces of the hedges back as souvenirs and i don't remember any problems. less problems there than in jacksonville.

by and large, most people are good people.

On the bolded, agree 100%. I've seen tons of fights in 45 years between fans of same team. by a large margin
Honestly, the worst away game experience I've had was Mississippi State back in 2007. We handled them pretty easily, but some of the comments I heard from opposing fans were quite shocking to the ears. I heard the n-word multiple times when some backwoods Mississippi rednecks would refer to players as this.

For the record, I lived in Mississippi for seven years and really did love 99% of the people there. However, the 1% is as embarrassing as advertised.
My wife and I ran into one huge Dawg @hole in Athens that ruined our whole experience. Perhaps there is only one in Sanford Stadium but thanks to that drunken piece of Dawg cr@p we left before the end of the 3rd quarter and will never return.

We have friends that are Georgia Tech fans.. his mom is in her late 70's and was spit on, called a hore & b&tch by a GA fan.. that was so uncalled for,,,, this poor woman did nothing to this bottom of the bucket fan... I'm not taking up for that or any lower than dirt fan that can't handle his or her booze but there are fans like that in each and every fan base.. that in its self makes the entire fan base look like scumbags.. after our friend told us what happened to his mom, we swore we wouldn't travel to Athens and that's a promise, UGADawg4life... the nicest fan I've met at Neyland was an Auburn fan.. he offered to help my husband help me off a tall wall, because of my knee..

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