The Thread Where We Debate About Healthcare in America

Preventative care is a big problem in this country, I agree. Guess what, preventative care doesn’t have large profit margins.
It's also hard work.

What preventive care keeps someone from eating themselves diabetic, obese, and heart problems?
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As CEO at UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC, David S. Wichmann made $18,107,356 in total compensation in 2018.

Michigan Blue Cross CEO's $19.2M pay is higher than Ford

As a business man, good for these guys - these guys are producing revenue and deserve to be rewarded for their leadership. On the other, ripping off Americans through the guise of 'better' healthcare is horsesht. Every year they increase cost and decrease coverage and we lap it up, shovel the money into their coffers because as a society we've bought the narrative that the rest of the advanced world is wrong and we'll all die if we do anything different.

We're a society of sheep who listed to their paid spokesmen in Congress and the Senate.
Affordable healthcare used to be a bipartisan issue until Obama wanted to try something. Definitely an imperfect piece of legislation that needed help from the other side. That help never came.
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It's also hard work.

What preventive care keeps someone from eating themselves diabetic, obese, and heart problems?

Off topic a bit but remember when Michelle Obama started an initiative to feeds kids healthy meals and teach them how to make healthy lifestyle and food choices? And then she was summarily crucified becasue, how dare she take away the french fries, pizza and apple juice from MY KIDS?
It's been addressed, I'm not requesting the points - I'm taking them.
And as I noted that doesnt take into account the people.

I want to see these rates for the same demographics. Do their white, 40 yo, obese, diabetics with heart issues fair worse than ours? I dont see how wanting an apples to apples comparison is asking to much before you go all Vandy on us and claim the victory without our permission.
Try reading the breakdown. They dont go over why they didnt get appointments.

And my point wasnt that America has fewer people needing appointments, it was that NIHS is failing, based on their own 62 day metric, about a quarter of a million of their own people.
Who cares why, your point is not valid and I award you no points (since that’s a thing now...?)
Affordable healthcare used to be a bipartisan issue until Obama wanted to try something. Definitely an imperfect piece of legislation that needed help from the other side. That help never came.

You don’t just “ try something “ if you are serious about it . You don’t throw a proposal out , force it down people’s throats because you have a majority and tell them they will have to pass it to find out what’s in it , then illegally force Americans that choose not to have insurance to pay a fine . That’s a joke .
And as I noted that doesnt take into account the people.

I want to see these rates for the same demographics. Do their white, 40 yo, obese, diabetics with heart issues fair worse than ours? I dont see how wanting an apples to apples comparison is asking to much before you go all Vandy on us and claim the victory without our permission.

LOL, are you going to keep drilling down until you find something that's going to make your point? They have MUCH lower rates of obesity and diabetes - partially because everyone has access to a doctor that tells them to stop eating damn cheeseburgers.
Off topic a bit but remember when Michelle Obama started an initiative to feeds kids healthy meals and teach them how to make healthy lifestyle and food choices? And then she was summarily crucified becasue, how dare she take away the french fries, pizza and apple juice from MY KIDS?
and that counts as a healthcare loss? Thanks Obama.

I will also go and claim this victory before you give it to me after you backed up my overall point of it being hard work.
and that counts as a healthcare loss? Thanks Obama.

I will also go and claim this victory before you give it to me after you backed up my overall point of it being hard work.

No, that's why i prefaced it by stating it was off topic, but you want to claim victory on your anecdotal marshmallows, be my guest.
Who cares why, your point is not valid and I award you no points (since that’s a thing now...?)
It matters because they lay the blame at the feet of healthcare without explaining how its health cares fault. An appointment couldnt be made. Must be the doctors fault, next point, America sucks again.
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You don’t just “ try something “ if you are serious about it . You don’t throw a proposal out , force it down people’s throats because you have a majority and tell them they will have to pass it to find out what’s in it , then illegally force Americans that choose not to have insurance to pay a fine . That’s a joke .
You can cry all you want, the ACA is better than anything the GOP has offered to serve the undeserved of our country .
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I’m going to need you to runs some tests and report back the data .. or have someone do it for you . 😂

I don't need to, like the Mandalorian, Donnie Exotic told us all that "it was the way".

Excuse me, I have a tee time.

I’ve got to ask .. what is quicker than going to an ER when you need care and being seen regardless if you have insurance or not ?

Nothing if you qualify it with “regardless if you have insurance or not” because basically nobody else is obligated to see you without insurance. That’s a huge problem.
Affordable healthcare used to be a bipartisan issue until Obama wanted to try something. Definitely an imperfect piece of legislation that needed help from the other side. That help never came.
Maybe because they tried to shove it down people’s throats against the advice of actual medical professionals and then instituted a penalty for not having insurance which is illegal
You can cry all you want, the ACA is better than anything the GOP has offered to serve the undeserved of our country .

As a matter of fact, the ACA would serve Americans much more effectively if the GOP didn’t do everything possible to sabotage it out of spite.
I’m not crying about anything , just stating facts .
We have laws on the book since the beginning of the book that was just trying something. The Constitution was just "trying something". Basically "trying something" has lead to advancements in science and technology, including healthcare.

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