I didnt know it was the doctors job to be a responsible adult for me. Reminds me of when the doctors told me I had a Vitamin D deficiency. She just gave me a prescription. I asked why dont you just tell me to go outside more. She just shrugged and told me to follow the script. Similar when she said my cholesterol was a little high. She suggested monitoring and possible medication. I asked why not change my diet? She said it would work if I followed thru. But most dont, hence the script for both.
I tossed it and spend more time outside and changed my diet. Problem fixed. I needed the doctor to tell me there was an issue. But it wasnt something that needed a doctor to fix. Now in that same situation someone doesnt follow the scripts or make changes and that counts as a failure of the doctor why?
I didnt need a doctor to tell me 350lbs is overweight. No one should. Again I shocked my PCP about being proud that I was down to 220. She was shocked that someone could see and handle the issue without waiting for the doctor to tell them and lead by the hand.
And for what it's worth I was a size 38 at 220. I dont know my weight but I am now a size 36.
All that to say just because we have personal failings, my own included, doesnt mean healthcare should shoulder the blame.
We have worse health than Europeans. That doesnt immediately translate to we have worse healthCARE.