The Thread Where We Debate About Healthcare in America

Costs have to go up for home mail delivery whether there is ever any restructuring or not. Arguable if the current daily service can or should continue but i don’t think everyone is going to get a PO Box or be able to abide with only once a week mail delivery.
How many people actually use the postal service? I bought some "forever" stamps years ago and they have gone unused for the most part just like my checks from 20 years ago. The post office needs to just start delivering on-line packages or just shut down to once or twice a week.
Where does the money come from?
People who CHOOSE to pay their company. And it used to be for people for CHOSE to have health insurance, and they also previously got to CHOOSE what level of coverage they needed. Good thing the government fixed all those choices under ACA. So that now we the people HAVE to pay one selfish CEO or another instead of deciding for ourselves what was best. It will be even better when we HAVE to pay double taxes on it once the government "fixes" it again.

As a not sick person I can tell you they are making a better rate of profit from me than they are a sick person.

Pro advice, if you have to fine someone to do something it's not ok.
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Here is the deal...

In my opinion everyone would like for everyone to have access to health care a reasonable price but most of us conservatives have zero faith in the government to do it and simply view it as a power grab and way to tax working people more.

We all hate and distrust health care companies but we hate and distrust government more.
You would first have to define affordable and access. Then you would have to explain how you can justify forbidding someone from profiting off of their labor.

I personally think health care companies and private hospitals should be allowed to keep 1.5 of the operating budget as net profit but anything over that must be given back equally to the insured's as a credit.

Basically if the company has an OB of 1 billion and nets 4 billion it can't just keep 4 billion. It can keep 1.5 billion of the net but the rest must come as credits to insureds on their premiums.

This allows the business to grow and keep a surplus but also protect the insured from over paying.
Here is the deal...

In my opinion everyone would like for everyone to have access to health care a reasonable price but most of us conservatives have zero faith in the government to do it and simply view it as a power grab and way to tax working people more.

We all hate and distrust health care companies but we hate and distrust government more.

You trust our government to run Medicaid and Medicare. They are run efficiently and providers are capped at 3% profit.
How many people actually use the postal service? I bought some "forever" stamps years ago and they have gone unused for the most part just like my checks from 20 years ago. The post office needs to just start delivering on-line packages or just shut down to once or twice a week.
Can’t really answer your question but I can tell you most of my customers still pay our invoices by mail.
I may have told this story before so sorry if I rehash.

I have a friend in tn owns a medical device company.

He created a 90 cent cheap piece of plastic that keeps a valve open. He went to sell it for like 12 bucks a piece.

The medical company said we want to buy it but you must charge us at least 400 (it was sone stupid number like that but csbt remember exact number) because they can only charge thr insurance company like 70 percent over what they pay for it.

So if they but it for 12 the most the insurance company would pay is 20.40 but if they pay like 400 they can charge 680.

So he sold his 90 cent piece of plastic for 400.

That sums up the issue in a nutshell.
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People who CHOOSE to pay their company. And it used to be for people for CHOSE to have health insurance, and they also previously got to CHOOSE what level of coverage they needed. Good thing the government fixed all those choices under ACA. So that now we the people HAVE to pay one selfish CEO or another instead of deciding for ourselves what was best. It will be even better when we HAVE to pay double taxes on it once the government "fixes" it again.

As a not sick person I can tell you they are making a better rate of profit from me than they are a sick person.

Pro advice, if you have to fine someone to do something it's not ok.

Exactly, ACA isn’t even a half-measure, it’s a 1/4 measure.
Lol. Nope. You are wanting to argue "fair" not affordable. And actually you are just wanting to argue when you pay for the same thing. In your taxes, or after taxes.

You enjoy paying double for the same thing? For a philosophy that roots in capitalism some of you are really bad at it.

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