The Thread Where We Debate About Healthcare in America

Wouldn't the healthcare and insurance industries be the ones riddled with fraud and medicare and medicaid and taxpayers are the victims?
It's not an exclusive idea.

And considering that medicare/aid set the rules I dont see how insurance could be behind it all.
Wouldn't the healthcare and insurance industries be the ones riddled with fraud and medicare and medicaid and taxpayers are the victims?
Sorry I should have been clearer. Medicaid and Medicare have frivolous claims sent to them all the time. It seems to come up whenever funding for the programs is on the chopping block which hasn't happened lately.
Smaller hospitals and specialty clinics are pretty financially creative.
Sorry I should have been clearer. Medicaid and Medicare have frivolous claims sent to them all the time. It seems to come up whenever funding for the programs is on the chopping block which hasn't happened lately.
Smaller hospitals and specialty clinics are pretty financially creative.

And they have to be financially creative to stay alive. Otherwise they’d simply have to stop accepting it.
That’s hilarious. You believe it’s efficient? It’s one of the largest parts of the US budget. Roughly the same size as the DOD budget.

So you believe we can afford to extend that to everyone?

Ernst and Young (EY) is one of the top management firms in the world. They recommend an expansion of medicare.
Bump @Purple Tiger

Here you are supporting government run insurance.

Price caps too.

Where exactly are you against socialized healthcare? Or is you response in the Covid thread a recent belief?

A single payer health insurance plan is not socialized medicene. We already have single payer for Medicaid and Medicare.
A single payer health insurance plan is not socialized medicene. We already have single payer for Medicaid and Medicare.

And it’s an unsustainable system that’s extremely expensive and yet still underpays healthcare workers. If all paid Medicare rates, we wouldn’t have a healthcare industry
Medicare and Medicaid are more efficient than private insurance.

Lol so it’s more efficient because as a % of cost, administrative cost are lower?

Have you ever considered the obvious here? When it comes to the elderly, administrative cost is naturally a lower % of their healthcare cost. If me and grandpa both go to the doctor, I get a check up and he gets a new hip, the admin costs will not be far apart. The main difference in our healthcare cost is not in admin fees but in actual care
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Lol so it’s more efficient because as a % of cost, administrative cost are lower?

Have you ever considered the obvious here? When it comes to the elderly, administrative cost is naturally a lower % of their healthcare cost. If me and grandpa both go to the doctor, I get a check up and he gets a the admin costs will not be far apart. The main difference in our healthcare cost is not in admin fees but in actual care

What are you trying to say? Besides, you can get excellent care through Medicare.
It was a internal white paper. My ex worked for them in healthcare management consulting.

Seems convenient. Here’s a question. Do you believe we have a better quality of care than the majority of Europe or Canada for example?
Should’ve said he gets a new hip.

If you get excellent care why does Medicare advantage even exist
It pays for things Medicare doesn't. Like prescription coverage. If you have any other coverage questions, I recommend you contact DHS.
It pays for things Medicare doesn't. Like prescription coverage. If you have any other coverage questions, I recommend you contact DHS.

Which is the point. You can give everyone healthcare at a lower cost than we pay now, sure. But not of the same quality.

The left wing fantasy that single payer means more people will be covered, we will receive a greater quality of care, and at a lower cost, is just that... a fantasy
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Which is the point. You can give everyone healthcare at a lower cost than we pay now, sure. But not of the same quality.

The left wing fantasy that single payer means more people will be covered, we will receive a greater quality of care, and at a lower cost, is just that... a fantasy
How do you know? It's never been tried here? You are engaging in fantasy by hoping it will fail.
How do you know? It's never been tried here? You are engaging in fantasy by hoping it will fail.

Because I understand how markets work. I worry you’re not familiar with the basic idea supply and demand if you really believe in that fairy tale.

We can provide greater healthcare to more people and at a lower rate through the magic of government. Despite the fact that no one else in the world has the level of care we do for a lower price
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Because I understand how markets work. I worry you’re not familiar with the basic idea supply and demand if you really believe in that fairy tale.

We can provide greater healthcare to more people and at a lower rate through the magic of government. Despite the fact that no one else in the world has the level of care we do for a lower price

I know health insurance, being in HR for the last 25 years. Supply and demand has nothing to do with the health insurance market. Health insurers charge whatever they want and you have to pay it or go uninsured.
A single payer health insurance plan is not socialized medicene. We already have single payer for Medicaid and Medicare.
So your line is actually taking over the care of patients? Anything short of that doesnt count?

Because of you are price capping them you are indirectly telling them exactly how they can run their business.
I know health insurance, being in HR for the last 25 years. Supply and demand has nothing to do with the health insurance market. Health insurers charge whatever they want and you have to pay it or go uninsured.

Health insurance is not healthcare.
So your line is actually taking over the care of patients? Anything short of that doesnt count?

Because of you are price capping them you are indirectly telling them exactly how they can run their business.

And then when they all start going out of business they’ll say we have to nationalize. It’s the only option.

Using government to force businesses to fail as an excuse for greater control and regulation of those businesses is the oldest trick the left wing has
So your line is actually taking over the care of patients? Anything short of that doesnt count?

Because of you are price capping them you are indirectly telling them exactly how they can run their business.

We already do that with Medicare and Medicaid.

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