The twilight days of Pax Americana and its coming fall

Yall pearl-clutching about how we can't be self sufficient if push came to shove look silly.

The only real threat of war is the one yall are imagining. Need to stop watching Red Dawn on Netfix.

This video says pretty much everything you need to know about America, China, and Russia. How they see their place in this world and how they are preparing to take it. Consider, these recruitment videos are not just what these militaries are telling the world about themselves, they are broadcasting how they see themselves and what they believe will be attractive to the potential recruits from the "best" and brightest of the type they want to join them.

You do not need to speak Russian or Chinese to understand the message each delivers. As a thought exercise, answer each question after watching:

How do the Chinese see themselves? What do they believe makes them strong? If you think to attack them, when you look into their eyes, do you have thought to reconsider?
How do the Russians see themselves? What do they believe makes them strong? If you think to attack them, when you look into their eyes, do you have thought to reconsider?
How do the Americans see themselves? What do they believe makes them strong? If you think to attack them, when you look into their eyes, do you have thought to reconsider?

From a discussion on the fall of Rome:
The decay of the army, according to the 5th-century Roman historian Vegetius, came from within the army itself. The army grew weak from a lack of wars and stopped wearing their protective armor. This made them vulnerable to enemy weapons and provided the temptation to flee from battle. Security may have led to the cessation of the rigorous drills. Vegetius said the leaders became incompetent and rewards were unfairly distributed. In addition, as time went on, Roman citizens, including soldiers and their families living outside of Italy, identified with Rome less and less compared to their Italian counterparts. They preferred to live as natives, even if this meant poverty, which, in turn, meant they turned to those who could help—Germans, brigands, Christians, and Vandals.

Now consider this from a recent piece in the American Conservative:
I repeat what one active-duty service member told me not long ago, paraphrased: “The Pentagon doesn’t know how to win a real war against America’s enemies, so it’s focusing on winning the culture war against conservatives in the ranks.”

Whether you believe American military leadership is purifying its ranks or not, what matters is that significant portions of the American public do believe that and will make decisions accordingly. If the American public no longer identifies as American but as "natives" of some other tribe, what will be the result?

Every great empire has fallen from within long before it falls to "invaders". Consider how much effect a cohesive culture has on a mere football team, irrespective of its talent or even coaching. What then lays in store for our own nation, when forces are hell-bent on obliterating it to such a degree that the traits of self-reliance, hard work, timeliness, and rational thinking are actually held up as symbols of oppression?

America is like a football game that has 2 minutes left, we're behind by 3 touchdown and all of our scrubs are in.
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Sorry. I'll give the Rebel version.

War is lost.



How history would be so different if the rebel cause of statehood rights was not so ugly and more pure against federalism
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The necessary size is hard to quantify. All of us "feel" it is either too big or not big enough. Personally, I look at the size of our military in comparison to other countries. It is over sized to me based on that comparison.

I also wonder what is the appropriate size, appropriate capitalization, or appropriate budget if our military adhered to its constitutional directive...defend America? Not defend our interests abroad. Not defend our allies. Not equip the enemies of our enemies. But legit defend America and Americans.
The point of our military technology is supposed to be increased lethality via a smaller more efficient force. We have a highly mobile and flexible force that we can rapidly deploy and take ground and then pummel with impunity anybody that tries to cast us out. But then the MIC comes into play and we get into the first rule of government contracting.

Why buy just one when you can buy two for the price of three 🤷‍♂️
The point of our military technology is supposed to be increased lethality via a smaller more efficient force. We have a highly mobile and flexible force that we can rapidly deploy and take ground and then pummel with impunity anybody that tries to cast us out. But then the MIC comes into play and we get into the first rule of government contracting.

Why buy just one when you can buy two fir the price of three 🤷‍♂️
It's odd, isn't it. All this tech. All this advancement and we put boots In harm's way, nation build and stick around way too long.
Politicians suck at war.
It's odd, isn't it. All this tech. All this advancement and we put boots In harm's way, nation build and stick around way too long.
Politicians suck at war.
Robots cannot occupy territory. Not yet anyway. Hearts and minds will always take boots on the ground for as long as you and I will be around at least.
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The point of our military technology is supposed to be increased lethality via a smaller more efficient force. We have a highly mobile and flexible force that we can rapidly deploy and take ground and then pummel with impunity anybody that tries to cast us out. But then the MIC comes into play and we get into the first rule of government contracting.

Why buy just one when you can buy two for the price of three 🤷‍♂️

The thing that gets me about the MIC is, it is not just military equipment, which the rads focus on. Gov procurement, health, whatever stinks bigly. Inefficient is inefficient and the left just likes to portray only military procurement.
Just look at the rollout of Obamacare software. Really anything. They suck.
Dictatorship by far, no dictator is going to willingly give up power. I think we're heading towards a one party authoritarian rule, hopefully for our decedents sake we balkanize before that happens.
If we could just let each state be what it wants to be we could avoid that. Let California be California. Let Tennessee be Tennessee. Let Florida, Texas and New York be what they want to be instead of trying to force the desires of one group of people upon another group of people thousands of miles away.

If your not happy with your state politics then try to change them or move to another state if it bothers you enough instead of trying to grow the federal govt involvement with a law that half the country doesn’t want.
Robots cannot occupy territory. Not yet anyway. Hearts and minds will always take boots on the ground for as long as you and I will be around at least.
I would like to see us develop tech and the hold off production as long as possible until needed. Since boots are always required.
The thing that gets me about the MIC is, it is not just military equipment, which the rads focus on. Gov procurement, health, whatever stinks bigly. Inefficient is inefficient and the left just likes to portray only military procurement.
Just look at the rollout of Obamacare software. Really anything. They suck.
As used to be our motto on one particularly ill conceived program “you can buy a better sensor but you can’t pay more!”

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