The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

What will be interesting is how he will do once he finally gets some coaching and structure. Let's not forget he was at UT during arguably the worst 3 years in our programs history and played for the worst head coach we've ever had.
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i think 2nd round...there are too many teams that need a qb to not give him a shot and i dont even know what qb i would put above him in this draft class...who knows though...scouts fall in love with the combine
It will all depend on the Gruden Camp, the NFL combine, the UT school day, and his interview process. If he can dissect defenses on a chalk board, he will be drafted 3rd or 4th round. If he goes to a team with a proven qb and sits, he may have a nice career. If he has to play right away, he will be a wash.
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What will be interesting is how he will do once he finally gets some coaching and structure. Let's not forget he was at UT during arguably the worst 3 years in our programs history and played for the worst head coach we've ever had.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Dooley coached qb's? Ran the offense? Called plays?
2nd day pick, I am assuming he impresses at the combine enough to get a couple teams interested.
I'm guessing 4th round to Jacksonville. He'll ride the pine for a couple years, then be released. Nobody is gonna hold his hand in the big leagues, piss poor QB IQ will cost him millions.
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Top three rounds. No way he is lower or undrafted. I don't think some of you have ever followed the draft or watched the NFL.
Around the 3rd like the kid out of Arky a few years back. They remind me a lot of each other.

Has the talent to move into the 1st or 2nd though, and I wouldn't be shocked. NFL scouts love a big arm.

Agree. May draft better than UT fans think because of the big arm and weak QB class...surprised if he goes in the 1st because he may still be a bit of a project.
just imagine the train wreck he'll be unsupervised with millions of doll-hairs.

for some reason i'm just not expecting much from him.
Depends on his Wonderlic score. You look at the young QB's that came out last year that play acceptionally well all scored well on this test.

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